Chapter 1426: Mozun please be gentle (40)

Chapter 1426 Demon Lord, please be gentle (40)

Shura was silent for a moment.

She doesn't seem to be as foolish as she used to be.

He thought for a moment.

said solemnly, "This is a secret, I can't tell you, everyone who knows it is dead, do you still want to listen?"

Chacha shook his head immediately, "If you don't listen, don't listen, you can stay as long as you want, but you can't hurt me! You can't hurt my beasts either."

This is her territory.

If she is bullied by him again, will she lose face?

"Well, I won't bully you, and I won't bully your stupid beast." Shura pressed his temples.

Immediately, he added, "Don't worry, I won't take the initiative to cause trouble."

"…Okay, words count."

Since his attitude was so sincere, she agreed.

After all, she can't beat him, and it seems useless to disagree... 唧唧.


at the same time.

After    Heavenly Emperor left, he went directly to the Fourth Princess.

When the Fourth Princess saw the Emperor of Heaven coming back, the tears in her eyes fell again and again, and she cried so much that it was like a pear flower with rain.

"I also ask my father to call the shots. Even if I'm at fault, my sister can't smash my palace and let the spirit beasts shoot me all over!"

The Emperor sat aside with a displeased expression on his face.

"Yan'er, you didn't tell the truth to Gu."

The fourth princess turned pale.

"What do you mean by the words of the father? Or did the little sister speak ill of me to the father?"

The Emperor did not say anything.

The fourth princess said again, "Father, my daughter knows that you dote on your little sister, but there are some things, you can't judge that I am not telling the truth just by the little sister's words. Father, my daughter can swear that everything is true."

The long silence made the Fourth Princess feel a little nervous.

She was not sure if the Father believed her.

She only knew that she had to firmly believe that what she said was the truth.

A lie can only be believed by others if you believe it yourself.

I don't know how long it took.

The Emperor said again, "Yan'er, Gu will ask you one last time.

Did you push Chacha into the sea of ​​magic on purpose, or did she accidentally fall into the sea of ​​magic. "

The Fourth Princess was certain that the Heavenly Emperor had no evidence.

And that little fool has no IQ, even if the two confront each other in the end, she can completely separate the relationship.

She said firmly, "It was the little sister who accidentally fell into the sea of ​​magic!"

The Emperor looked at her coldly for a while.

"Since you have no remorse, then continue to face the wall and think about it here. When you know it's wrong, when you come out again."

The fourth princess looked at him in disbelief, "??? How can you be so partial, Father?"

It was her who was clearly hurt now, so why should she continue to face the wall and think about it?

Where did she go wrong!

It was that fool who was wrong!

Destroyed her palace, causing her to be bruised all over!

is simply a heinous crime.

Tian Di looked at his unrepentant daughter with mixed feelings.

Why does a good daughter grow crooked?

Could it be that there is a problem with his education?

He sighed heavily, "You just think you have no evidence, but Yan'er, immortals are profound, looking back on what happened in the past may be very far away for you.

But for Gu, it was just a consumption of spiritual energy.

You pushed Chacha into the sea of ​​devils, and your mind was extremely vicious. Now she destroys your palace and condones spirit beasts to hurt you. You brought it on yourself!

Gu gave you several opportunities, but unfortunately, you never took it. "

even intensified the false accusation.

The four good princesses in the heaven are so unbearable?

Heavenly Emperor's mind is mixed with five flavors.

The fourth princess stood there with a pale face.

Father Emperor actually used the retrospective method to see what happened in the past?


She opened her mouth and tried to defend herself, but suddenly realized that she had no way of defending…

(end of this chapter)