Chapter 1427: Mozun please be gentle (41)

Chapter 1427 Demon Lord, please be gentle (41)

The Emperor left without looking back.

Before    left, his eyes were full of disappointment.

The fourth princess slumped on the ground, obviously this should not be the case.

Obviously she can take this opportunity to get rid of that fool.

and then marry Tianling.

Become the wife of the God of War, when the time comes, the scenery will be infinite.

Why is it like this now?

"No..." She muttered to herself, as if losing her mind.

I do not know how long it has been.

Four princesses' eyes flashed with deep hatred.

She will not be defeated so easily. She is the fourth princess of the heavens, born with dignity, how can she easily admit defeat? She deserves the greatest honor!

She squinted and stood up sharply.

began to think carefully about what the fool did to her.

Destroying her palace and condoning spirit beasts to hurt her must not be easily turned over.

And she always felt that the black spirit beast was weird everywhere, like... it was out of tune with the heaven, and the white spirit beast. The white spirit beast has been with the little fool for many years, but the black spirit beast It was the first time he appeared in heaven.

When you go to the devil world, there is such a powerful black spirit beast by your side?

Not only that, she heard that the captured Demon Realm cultivator had been rescued long ago, but the Demon Realm still sent the little fool back to the Heaven Realm.

What does this mean?

shows that the devil has suffered a loss!

The demons are not good people, but they are willing to suffer losses?

And that Demon Venerable, clamoring to marry a little fool as a Demon Concubine.

In the blink of an eye, he sent the person back again?

In this matter, who doesn't say that Demon Venerable lost face?

this moment.

The four princesses are like hanging up.

The brain hole is wide open, and all the things are connected by mistake.

Maybe the Demon Realm has other plans.

Sending the little fool back is just part of the plan? ? ?

Take a bold guess, the black spirit beast may be sent by the demon world.

The Fourth Princess suddenly felt that she could turn over quickly.

However, these guesses, she can't tell the emperor.

She was going to tell Tianling secretly.

Now only Tianling can help her.

Although her relationship with Tianling is not that good, Tianling and Mozu are really at odds with each other! ! !

As long as Tianling can be moved.

Then this is easy to do.

After a quarter of an hour.

The fourth princess slipped out secretly, went to Tianling's palace, and quietly told her guess again.

Tianling put down the tea cup in his hand with a calm expression.

"These are just the conjectures of the Fourth Princess, and there is no evidence."

The fourth princess is not in a hurry, Tianling has always been cautious, and it is impossible for her to believe her unsubstantiated guess just because of her few words.

"I know I don't have any evidence, but I believe the God of War should have heard about it. My palace was destroyed, and I was bruised all over myself. Do you think if it's just an ordinary spirit beast, can it really be so powerful?

That black spirit beast is not the same as the spirit beasts in the fairy world. I know that I have no evidence, so I am not asking you to do anything.

I just give you a reminder, I hope you can pay more attention to my little sister.

After all, she came back from the demon world unscathed.

There was even a spirit beast beside him.

Oh no, to be precise, she was sent back by the Demon World unscathed. "

disappeared for so many days, but nothing happened.

And Mozun said that he wanted to marry her as a concubine!


If you want to say that she is innocent, who would believe it?

The gods who gossip in the heavens have been discussing it quietly for a long time, but because of the emperor and the queen, no one dares to gossip on the bright side.

Tianling was thoughtful.

This doubt, he was also very curious at the beginning.


These are just speculations, no evidence.

He frowned.

"The kindness of the fourth princess is in my heart. If there is nothing else, please go back. Let Your Majesty find out that you sneaked out. It's not good for you."

(end of this chapter)