Chapter 1428: Mozun please be gentle (42)

Chapter 1428 Demon Venerable Please Be Gentle (42)

What else do the four princesses want to say?

Seeing Tianling's indifferent expression, she did not continue to speak.

Saying too much will make Tianling feel bored.

Anyway, now, her purpose has been achieved.

Tianling has always had a bad impression of the demons.

Will definitely look into this!

Four princesses left, Tian Ling thought for a moment.

Although the fourth princess had some careful thoughts, he had to say that the words of the fourth princess touched his heart.

He was a little more curious about the black spirit beast beside the little princess.

Whether    has anything to do with the demon world, you can find out!

As soon as    Tianling had this idea, he rushed towards the little princess' palace without hesitation.

for a moment.

Tianling rushed to Chacha's palace and entered without notice.

At that time.

Chacha is sitting there playing with the beasts.

looked up and saw Tianling who came uninvited, his eyes were full of displeasure.

"Even if you are the **** of war, I am also the little princess of the heavens. When you come to the palace, come to the palace, but why don't you knock on the door?"

The black and white eyes are extremely clear.

is clearly indicting Tianling's actions.


The God of War has been in a high position for thousands of years, and even the Emperor of Heaven has to give some face, so how can he really take the words of a little fool to heart?

"I heard that there was a black spirit beast beside the little princess, Tian Ling couldn't wait to see it, and he was impulsive."

His eyes fell on the white spirit beast.

This spirit beast has appeared many times in the heaven, and there is no problem. It was also given to the little princess by the emperor of heaven.

He looked at it calmly, and found no trace of the black spirit beast in the palace.

heard the black spirit beast.

Cha Cha shook his head and let out a sigh.

"You can't see my big beast, it... left me and left."

Well, Tianling cannot be told that the disappearance of the big beast has something to do with Shura.

You can't let Tianling know that Shura is staying in her palace, otherwise, Tianling will definitely fight Shura.

"Leave?" Tianling's eyes crossed with doubts, "What do you mean by leaving?"

Didn't you teach the Fourth Princess a lesson?

According to the character of the little princess, you won't let such a powerful spirit beast leave, right?

He continued to question.

Chacha was a little impatient, "Let's go."

She glanced at Tian Ling.

I think today's God of War is a bit strange.

didn't understand why he wanted to question a spirit beast.

and many more.

Shouldn't he also want to fight the big beast?

Is it because the big beast is too powerful, so he wanted to capture the big beast?

Do not!

Don't say that she really doesn't know where the big beast is now, even if she knew, she wouldn't tell him, Chacha looked at him with vigilance instantly.

at the same time.

Cha Cha stood in front of the white spirit beast.

Can't find her black spirit beast, what if she catches her beast?

Tianling's eyes darkened.

Knowing that the little princess has a bad mind, he changed his way.

"Don't be nervous, little princess, I won't hurt your spirit beast, I just heard that the black spirit beast is very powerful, so I want to see and see, that's all."

Chacha nodded, "You also know that black spirit beasts are powerful!"

"Well, it is not an ordinary spirit beast that can destroy the palace of the Fourth Princess." Tian Ling sighed with emotion.

"I also think that my big beast is unusual, and it destroyed the fourth sister's palace very powerfully. However, you are unlucky, you can't see my big beast, and I don't know where it went. In short, It just disappeared..."

Chacha explained with a serious face that her big beast did disappear after Shura appeared.

And Shura didn't tell her where the big beast was, so she was telling the truth, she really didn't know where the big beast went, she couldn't see the big beast herself, not to mention Tianling...

(end of this chapter)