Chapter 1433: Mozun please be gentle (47)

Chapter 1433 Demon Venerable Please Be Gentle (47)

Tianhou sees her daughter like this, and she is very distressed.

but helpless.

After all, it’s still useless for them to be parents.

Daughter can't get revenge for being bullied.

Tianhou's eyes flashed a little with determination. If the beasts were really no match for Tianling, she would take action in person. Even if she knew that the result would fail, she would have to fight Tianling!

Cha Cha hangs her small head, almost crying with sadness.

Indistinctly, she seemed to hear a sigh.

Chacha raised his head suspiciously, "???" seems to be the voice of a big beast.

Next second.

A black spirit beast appeared in front of her, which was her big beast.

Cha Cha looked at it in surprise, "Big Beast Beast, you are back!!! Go and save Beast Beast, it can't beat the bad guys..."

All the immortals looked at the black spirit beast in surprise.

This spirit beast is so strange?

The Heavenly Emperor and the Heavenly Empress looked at each other, both of them looking puzzled.

You gave this spirit beast?


Where did that come from?

do not know.

The black spirit beast is obviously very different from the white spirit beast. As soon as it appeared, it was so aggressive that it was impossible to ignore. Even Tian Ling, who was fighting, followed his breath.


Black Spirit Beast!

This is the black spirit beast.

Tian Ling squinted his eyes, shook off the white spirit beast, and jumped up, his target instantly became a black spirit beast.

At the same time, the black spirit beast also sharply attacked Tianling.

In an instant, the home court was changed to another place.

Qiqi, "???" slapped me and left me to fight with the big beast? Are you so disrespectful to me?


Keep biting!

It tried to keep rushing past.

As a result, he was knocked to the ground by the black spirit beast before he could reach him.

Black Spirit Beast, "Go protect your master, don't cause trouble."

"..." Qiqi rolled on the spot, feeling that she was too embarrassed.

But there is no way, he is amazing, what he says is...

Qiqi went back to Cha Cha, with a big letter on his forehead asking for comfort.

Cha Cha reached out and touched its big head, "Beast, you are too big, a little smaller."

"Hmm." Qiqi became smaller in response, turned into the size of a small milk cat in the blink of an eye, and jumped into Chacha's arms.

Chacha checked it out, and was relieved to see that it wasn't injured.

she said, "You said, can the big beast beat the bad guy?"

Qiqi, "Don't worry, it's definitely fine."

Who is the big beast?

That is Demon Lord Shura.

Although Shura never fought Tianling.

However, it can guarantee with its animal life that the bad guy Tianling is definitely not Shura's opponent.

"That's good, I also think the big beast can win."

Chacha's voice just fell, and I don't know who made a sneer, obviously mocking the conversation between Chacha and Qiqi.

Cha Cha's complexion changed.

His gaze fell on the group of celestial beings watching.

Chacha, "Who laughed? Stand up."

Tianhou's gaze also swept over.

Xu, one of the High Immortals stood up. This High Immortal always likes to curry favor with Tian Ling.

At this moment, he disdainfully said, "Little princess, no matter how powerful a spirit beast is, it's just a spirit beast. To put it bluntly, it's just a spiritual beast. How can you compare it to a **** of war?"

Cha Cha blinked, innocent in his black and white eyes.

"You mean, the **** of war Tianling you respect is fighting with animals? Oh, that's a pity, you won't have the chance to fight Tianling in tens of thousands of years...

In other words, if you live for tens of thousands of years, you are not as good as animals, tsk, how pitiful!

My beasts are stronger than you. "

"What nonsense are you talking about!" The immortal said angrily.

Chacha obviously hit his pain point.

Even better than animals?

scolding him?

(end of this chapter)