Chapter 1434: Mozun please be gentle (48)

Chapter 1434 Demon Lord, please be gentle (48)

Cha Cha tilted his head to look at the Queen of Heaven.

"Mother, did you see it? The pugs raised by the **** of war dare to kill me!"

Shang Xian, "??? Who are you calling a dog?"

Chacha, "I didn't tell you, it was you who took the seat by yourself." It was rare for Shang to treat himself as a dog.

The Queen sneered.

She can't move Tianling, can't she move a mere Shangxian?

The next moment.

Qiqi was the first to speak.

"Hold on, let me come."

It erected all the fluff all over its body, stretched out its little paws, and rubbed Chacha's cheeks with confidence.

"This kind of spicy chicken, I can do it!"

It jumped up.

That Shangxian's face was still full of disdain.

A beast, still want to teach him a lesson?

is just wishful thinking.

The little fool can't tell the current situation, and of course a beast can't tell the difference... It really follows the master.

Seeing the white spirit beast rushing towards him, he raised his hand to fight back. However, before he had time to fight back, his body received a huge impact.

In the blink of an eye, Shangxian was pressed and rubbed under his claws by the spirit beast.

The rest of the immortals, "..."

Although this spirit beast can't beat the Tianling God of War, its strength should not be underestimated!

There is also that black spirit beast, which seems to be more powerful than this one.

Tsk, although the little princess is stupid, but the spirit beasts around her are all superb experts, probably this is the reason why a foolish immortal has a foolish blessing.

Qiqi just lost his momentum at Tianling, and now there is an immortal who doesn't have long eyes running over, so he can't blame him for being rude.

Using both claws together, the Shangxian was formed into a ball, and then he kicked him out with one claw. As for where he kicked, I don't know...

Finish that High Immortal.

Qiqi returned to Cha Cha with her head held high.

It was clearly a spirit beast, and that pace was stupefied by it taking out a bit of Lao Tzu's most powerful aura.

Chacha hugged it and praised it again and again.

At that time.

The duel between the black spirit beast and Tianling also entered a tense stage.

Because, the naked eye can see that Tianling has fallen behind.

Who would have thought that the **** of war in the heavens could not match a spirit beast?

Tianling's forehead burst with blue veins.

Do not! Never lose!

is just a spirit beast, no matter how powerful he is, he is not worthy of defeating him.

He is the **** of war in the heavens!

He is the number one in heaven!

No one can take his place! ! !

Tianling's eyes were scarlet, and his spiritual power grew wildly.

The aura around him gradually changed.

One after another, white lights turned into sharp swords, ready to go.

Shang Xian, who was watching the battle, was also in a state of tension.

God of War is going to zoom in.

This move is full of swords!


When the God of War Tianling dealt with the former Demon Venerable, he used this trick. Of course, the former Demon Venerable was not to be outdone. In the end, although both sides suffered, in the end, Tianling prevailed and barely won the situation.

At this moment, Wan Jian Qifa appeared again.

The hearts of all the immortals are about to tug.

This black spirit beast is so powerful, forcing the God of War to use such a big move! ! !

Chacha didn’t understand this, only that the atmosphere was tense.

She was also nervous.

She looked at the father, and saw that the father was thinking.

looked at the mother again, um, the mother also looked solemn.

Chacha thought about it, the big beast is fighting for her, so she has to cheer for the big beast!


Chacha shouted, "Come on, big beast!!! If you win him, I'll take you to eat crane meat!!!"

Big Beast, "..." I'm sorry, he doesn't want to eat crane meat, he just wants to eat her.

The Emperor gave her a speechless look.

The crane raised in the heavens, why was she stared at again? ? ?


If you can really win Tianling and eat a crane, it doesn't seem to matter, but I just don't know if this spirit beast can win or not, and the origin of this spirit beast seems a bit strange.

(end of this chapter)