Chapter 1435: Mozun please be gentle (49)

Chapter 1435 Demon Lord, please be gentle (49)

sent out with Tianling's ten thousand swords.

The immortals only felt a flash in front of their eyes. The white light was intertwined with the blue light. The dazzling light made them subconsciously raise their hands to cover their eyes.

At the same time, with the power of thunder, it spreads everywhere.

Tian Di dragged Cha Cha behind him.

for a moment.

The light gradually fades.

The immortals looked towards the fighting arena.

Only in the dim light.

The black spirit beast stepped on Tianling under his feet fiercely.

The immortals, "???" They rubbed their eyes subconsciously, and pinched themselves by the way. Did they enter an illusion?

What did they see?

The spirit beast stepped on the **** of war?

The spirit beast won the **** of war in the heavens?

God of War lost?

This is so... so exciting!

The Heavenly Emperor and the Heavenly Queen stood silently on the spot, unable to say whether she was happy or what she was feeling.

There is only tea, which is very pleasant.

"The big beast wins the big beast wins!!!"

She took the white spirit beast and ran to the front with joy, raised her foot and kicked towards Tianling with a look.

"I said it, I will report it on the spot!

You think you are the **** of war, and you are invincible?

You dare to look down on me, threaten me, beat my beasts, you think you are the boss of the heaven!

The boss of the heaven is my father!

Bullying, right? Do you think only you can do it? I can do it too! ! ! "

Chacha waved his little hand.

Qiqi also stepped on Tianling's foot.

looked at him disdainfully.

Eyes are above the top, and so will it!

The immortals were silent, "..." In this scene, they panicked.

I wonder if the God of War will kill them.

This is probably the most humiliating time for the God of War since his birth.

Tianling glared at the black spirit beast.

Scarlet eyes were full of anger and murderous intent.

How dare this spirit beast step on him?

is simply unforgivable!

In this world, no one dared to insult him like this.

He definitely wants this spirit beast to vanish and disappear forever in this world! !

He struggled unwillingly and tried to get up.

But the black spirit beast's claws seemed to have the strength to push the top of Mount Tai, he couldn't struggle, he could only let it trample him under his feet...

How has he ever suffered such an insult?


A white paw patted his face.

Tianling, "???"

He raised his eyes and saw the white spirit beast looking at him arrogantly.

Oh, the defeated generals.

"Beasts! Get out!" He was angry.

Qiqi wagged his tail and smiled cheerfully, "Will the God of War perform a roll for me?"

Tianling, "!!!" At this moment, his dignity seemed to be trampled underfoot.

Even a beast dares to let him perform?

Very good, another spirit beast has been added to his death list, oh no, and... this little idiot who caused him to fall into his current appearance!

If it weren't for her tossing around, how could this black spirit beast appear?

Chacha noticed his gaze.

tilted his head.

"Don't look at me like that, don't forget, you broke into my palace by yourself at the beginning, looking for my big beast.

Now the big beast has come out, and you are not happy, you are really strange. "

Moreover, he himself provoked step by step.

In the present situation, he did it himself.

She is not a little princess who bullies Shangxian casually.

It's because he speaks rudely, and because he can fight, he doesn't take her seriously.

Well, he was originally bullying the weak, but now, when he meets someone stronger, he deserves it!

bullied him like she was unreasonable.

She turned around proudly.

His eyes fell on those high immortals.

"Have you seen it? This is the end of bullying the weak. Don't just bully the immortals just because you are powerful."

Sages, "..." shivering.

From now on, in this heaven, the little princess has black and white spirit beasts in her hands, and she can run wild with impunity.

is just a little worried that the little princess will be revenge by the **** of war...


Cha Cha: From now on, I will be the boss of the heaven! ! !

(end of this chapter)