Chapter 1436: Mozun please be gentle (50)

Chapter 1436 Demon Venerable Please Be Gentle (50)

When things got to this point, it was obviously impossible to be good.

Heavenly Emperor's face was calm, but in fact his heart had long been overjoyed.

After finally seeing Tianling being crushed, he was happier than anyone else.

But this kind of happy attitude cannot be seen on the bright side, otherwise, it will be gloating.

He scolded Cha Cha with a pretense of dissatisfaction.

"You kid, don't hurry up and let your spirit beast let go of the God of War, and don't be so unreasonable in the future."

Cha Cha winked at the Heavenly Emperor.

reacted slowly for a while.

Then he tilted his head to look at her big beast.

"Big beast, let go of the **** of war, my lord has a lot, don't care about him, anyway, it's just a defeated general, no big deal, let's go!"

Seeing her unconcerned appearance, Tianling became even more angry.

The    onlookers did not even dare to let out the air, for fear that the God of War would go crazy in the next second.

Alas, this time, God of War's face was really trampled.

However, this is not to blame the little princess.

After all, who made the **** of war not take the little princess and the queen in his eyes?

It is estimated that even the Emperor of Heaven and the God of War have never really paid attention to it...

Qiqi came to Cha Cha with her head held high, motioning her to sit on its back.

Cha Cha climbed up neatly, and immediately, the big beasts followed to **** her.

All immortals, "..." This is too majestic!

Two black and white spirit beasts with powerful aura.

In the future, the little princess will be able to take these two spirit beasts to the invincible hands all over the heaven.

As for before, they were a little worried that the little princess would be revenge by the **** of war.

But now it seems that these two spirit beasts will probably always be by the little princess' side. As long as the spirit beasts are there, the little princess will not be bullied by the **** of war.

And after this incident, maybe the God of War will find a suitable reason not to appear in front of the immortals in the heavens for the time being.

Cha Cha brought the spirit beast into his palace with a majestic spirit.

The immortals quietly glanced at Tianling's situation.

At this glance, I only felt that Tian Ling was full of suppressed anger...


They still don't eat melons.

The immortals wanted to quietly disperse, but the Heavenly Emperor and Heavenly Empress were still here.

Just listen to the Heavenly Emperor, "God of War should not care about a junior. The little princess has always been self-willed, and now her spirit beast has hurt you again. There are still some elixir in the lonely place, and I will ask the fairy maid to send it to you."

Tianling stood up slowly and snorted coldly, "No need."

The hands hanging by his side were clenched into fists, and the blue veins on his forehead were exposed, obviously he was extremely angry.

In the past, the sky was above all the immortals.

Now, being pulled from the altar by a spirit beast, he will never swallow this breath.

The relationship between Tiandi and Tianling originally had a layer of window paper that was not pierced, but now, even that thin layer of window paper has been pierced.

Yes, Tianling will not give Tiandi face anymore.

He has lost all his face, how could he give face to the Emperor again?

Tian Di was boring and didn't feel angry.

Anyway, he's refreshed now.

at the same time.

As soon as Cha Cha entered the palace, she was shocked to find that her palace seemed to be swept up.

Things were thrown on the ground in a mess, and some ornaments were also messed up and out of shape.

Chacha, "???"

So just now, after she ran out of the palace, Tianling relied on her palace to be empty and unscrupulously started the sabotage mode? ? ?

"I think this is unbearable." Qiqi's eyes fell on his little toy.

The whole beast has an urge to turn around and take Tianling out and beat him.

(end of this chapter)