Chapter 1460: Mozun please be gentle (74)

Chapter 1460 Demon Lord, please be gentle (74)

Chacha back to normal things.

Shura sent a message to the Emperor of Heaven.


When the two of them and Qiqi had eaten well and returned to the magic palace, they only felt that the atmosphere of the magic palace was very wrong.

Chacha just stepped in.

The Emperor came out from somewhere and hugged her.

Look up, down, left, right, eyes with anticipation.

"Daughter, are you really not stupid?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Emperor of Heaven was slapped, and the Queen of Heaven glared at him displeasedly, "When has my daughter been so stupid? Can you speak!"

Don't talk nonsense if you can't speak.

Her daughter is smart and well-behaved.

Tianhou said and snatched the man back from the hands of the Emperor of Heaven.

"Come, dear daughter, let the mother take a good look."

God knows how excited she was when she received the news!

Cha Cha was obediently letting the Heavenly Emperor and Heavenly Empress look at it.

Knowing that they were emotional, he patiently turned around and around in front of them.

"After my father and mother, I am really different now." She said softly.

Immediately afterwards, he continued, "Thanks to Shura, he helped me open up the spiritual energy of autism."

When    mentioned Shura, the Heavenly Emperor gave Shura a lazy look.

"Well, that's what he should do."

all kidnapped his good daughter and helped to open the spiritual energy of autism, isn't it right?

He snorted again, and said, he hasn't settled with Shura yet about the abduction of his good daughter from the heaven to the demon world!

Shura took a step forward, "It is indeed what I should do. Since the Emperor and Empress are here today, then I will say everything I have to say!"

Originally, he planned to find a time to ask Chacha first.

But right now, it happens to be here.

It is also appropriate to ask about this in front of the Heavenly Emperor and the Queen.

Tiandi frowned.

seemed to suddenly realize what he was going to say.

Just wanted to stop it, Shura has already said it.

Asura looked at Chacha, and his words were simple and straightforward, "The queen's seat has been vacant, do you want it?"

Heavenly Emperor, "..."

days later, "..."

Chacha, "..." Well, how can you ask such a question?

Forget it, seeing that you are a thousand-year-old single dog, it is not easy to get rid of the single, so I will not care about you any more.

"The position of the queen, I want it."

The little girl also answered Shura bluntly.

didn't mean to be shy, he said it neatly, but his earlobes turned a little red.

Shura looked at her dumbfoundedly, with ecstasy mixed in his eyes, and unbelievable, she agreed?

She agreed?

She promised to be his queen! ! !

Sura was so excited that he reached out to hug her, and now he just wanted to hug her fiercely and rub her into his bones.

However, his hand was empty.

did not catch Chacha.

Cha Cha was pulled to the side by the queen to protect him.

The Emperor looked at him angrily, "You are taking advantage of the danger! My daughter has just woken up, and her brain is still a little hard to use. You scheming demon, you are actually asking her such a question at this time!"


Abduct his daughter in front of him!

Empress? Think beautiful.

Shui Lingling's daughter, can he marry him with a single word?

Cha Cha silently looked at the Heavenly Emperor.

"I have a good brain."

The Heavenly Emperor turned his head to meet his daughter's resentful eyes, he said helplessly, "My dear, Father Father knows you are smart, but Shura just wants to kidnap you!

I have raised you with your mother for a thousand years, and you have finally raised you, and you have become smarter. You haven't gotten along with us yet, and you will be abducted by Shura in the blink of an eye...

Is it easy for me and your mother?

My heart...It hurts so much..."

Tianhou saw him turn into an actor in seconds, so she also cooperated.

(end of this chapter)