Chapter 1461: Mozun please be gentle (75)

Chapter 1461 Demon Lord, please be gentle (75)

Cha Cha watched in shock at the Heavenly Emperor and Heavenly Empress who had turned into actors in a second, feeling slightly complicated.

Although she promised Shura, she did so simply.

But what the Emperor said is true.

In the past, she always worried the Heavenly Emperor and the Heavenly Empress, but now she has finally returned to normal. Before she can say a word to them, she is about to marry into the Demon Realm... This is really urgent.

She frowned.

said obediently, "Emperor father, queen mother, don't cry, don't be sad, I promised Shura to be his queen, but I didn't say to marry him immediately..."

Tiandi and Tianhou were instantly happy.

Depressed and sad emotions were swept away.

"Hey, really my good daughter."

"Can Cha Cha go back to Heaven with the Empress? Bring your beasts and beasts, and let's go catch your father's emperor's cranes."

The queen throws the bait without hesitation.

Tiandi felt heartache for a moment.

But at the moment facing his daughter, the cranes are nothing, and the big deal will be raised later.

The Emperor of Heaven and the Queen of Heaven were beaming.

Shura looks complicated.

He didn't expect that the magic queen he had obtained would fly like this.

He stared blankly at Cha Cha, at a loss.

"Are you going to leave me?"

The deep voice was full of grievances.

Chacha blinked and looked at him softly.

"Don't be sad, I didn't mean to leave you."

Well, she is so hard.

After coaxing the Heavenly Emperor and Heavenly Empress, I have to coax Shura.

"You can go back to heaven with me! I mean, our marriage can be postponed for a while, and I can also accompany my mother and father by their side, and then we can get married again.

During this time, you can go to my palace, we can still be together, and we can also take advantage of this time to cultivate and cultivate our relationship! "

The little girl is nice and soft, and she is very serious about what she says.

Shura looked at the well-behaved little girl.

Heart was hit hard.

"..." Forget it, she'll be happy.

She said so, what else could she say?

Isn't it just a few days later to get married?

He can wait.

Shura nodded dejectedly.

"I listen to you."

Chacha was very satisfied with Shura's response, he took the initiative to walk over, raised his hand and touched his head, "Reward you!"

The little girl's laughter was like sunlight, filling his surroundings.

Shura laughed stupidly.

Heavenly Emperor, "???"

days later, "???"

Who is this fool?

Is Mozun so stupid?


It seems that even Shura has become honest after his good daughter is smart...

Tiandi felt a sense of pride.

He looked at Shura and thought to himself: No matter how good you are, don’t you have to call me father-in-law when you pick it up?

Even if you are a Demon Venerable, aren't you still kidnapped by my good daughter?

Thinking like this, the Heavenly Emperor suddenly felt that something happened.

seems good too?

is better than having a daughter kidnapped!

Well, it was his daughter who kidnapped the Demon Lord!

That's right, that's it!

The Emperor was very happy.

Tianhou glanced at him, frowned, distanced himself from him in disgust, and didn't know what other messes he thought of...


The matter is settled.

The Heavenly Emperor and the Heavenly Empress shall return to the heavenly realm first.

Chacha simply packed up, returned to the heaven one step later, and left the demon world with Shura.

As for why you should pack your things.

In fact, Chacha has nothing important to pack, mainly because there are still a few cranes that have not been eaten, and they need to be brought back.

Well, a piece of meat is also meat, not to mention several cranes!

When    goes.

Chacha thought for a while and softened a bit.

"Asura, it's not easy for him to keep a crane for the soul."

(end of this chapter)