Chapter 1495: I am a vicious female partner (32)

Chapter 1495 I am a vicious female match (32)

After Shen He gained the upper hand.

took Su Liang away with his head held high.

The one who was walking was full of momentum, and he was so angry that Shen Yu's face turned pale again.

Shen He felt that at night, he had to eat an extra bowl of rice!

The two got out of Star Entertainment and returned to the car. Before Su Liang could speak, Shen He began to tell his boss Su what had just happened as if taking credit.

Chacha, "..." Shen Yu, she remembered.

She is very vengeful!

Dare to bully Su Liang, she must make Shen Yu pay the price.

"Since the contract has been terminated successfully, let me briefly talk about your treatment. For the convenience of management, you and Ruoruo will move to a new residence, and Shen He will also live there in the future. I will take you to pick a house first! "

Su Liang, "???" Picking a house?

Du Ruo, "???"

As for Shen He, that was an excitement!

So happy!

Going to move to a new apartment.

Shen He's whole person was extremely happy.

I can't wait to fly over immediately.


After half an hour.

Several people came to the apartment that Chacha said.

Cha Cha stood at the front, waved his small hand, and pointed to the entire apartment corridor, "You can choose any house in this place! However, there is an order, Su Liang will choose first, then Ruoruo, and then Shen He!"

Su Liang, Du Ruo, Shen He and the three were silent.

This apartment...

This lot...

Are you serious?

You can't be so prodigal if you have money, right?

Shen He always knew that he could pick a house, but he didn't expect it to be in this place.

This location is very good, the price of the apartment is not cheap, many people want to buy it! But more people can't afford it.

Shen He swallowed his saliva, "Mr. Da Su, your father, do you know that you are such a prodigal?"

Cha Cha, "??? What nonsense are you talking about! The community here was developed by my father, and this apartment was also given by my father!"

fell silent again.

After a long time.

Shen He asked weakly, "Then what, does Mr. Su still lack a son? I don't want to work hard..."

Cha Cha blinked and said with a smile, "...he lacks a daughter-in-law."

Father Su has been living alone with his daughter all these years.

Whether it is her or the original owner, I hope he can find a companion.

Shen He sighed.

Unfortunately, he is male and cannot be the daughter-in-law of President Da Su.

Alas, it’s just an apartment building, it’s awesome!

calmed down, he urged Su Liang to go in and choose an apartment.

Su Liang hesitated.

"Is this appropriate?"

The treatment given by the company is too good.

He has stayed at Star Entertainment, this kind of treatment can only be enjoyed by those who are hot.

If it is more popular, you can buy a house yourself, and naturally you don’t have to live in the company’s apartment.

Chacha tilted his head to look at Su Liang, "I think it's very suitable! Also, you don't have this treatment yourself. So many apartments, probably on a first-come, first-served basis?"

She motioned Shen He to take the initiative.

Shen He understood in seconds, called Du Ruo, and took her into the apartment.

Su Liang thought about it, and then went in with him without hesitation.

Su Liang picked a middle floor, Chacha immediately aimed at the opposite side of him, um, as soon as the door opens, you can see Su Liang.

She immediately moved her things in!

Shen He originally planned to pick the opposite side of Su Liang, but... after seeing Cha Cha's small eyes, he silently changed a floor, and he took Du Ruo and chose their downstairs.

Live opposite Du Ruo.

In this way, the distance is not too far, the distance upstairs and downstairs.

So, in the next two days, a few people moved and cleaned the room.

Furniture and the like, Chacha contacted the furniture company to prepare it, and three days later, the four moved into the apartment separately.

(end of this chapter)