Chapter 1496: I'm a vicious female partner (33)

Chapter 1496 I am a vicious female match (33)

First day of moving into an apartment.

Chacha asked Shen He to prepare a housewarming banquet.

After all, it was considered a new home, so the four of them got together for a good omen.

The hot red soup hot pot exudes a tempting aroma.

Chacha stared at the bubbling hot pot with bright eyes.

The greedy little expression is so cute.

Su Liang silently remembered it in his heart. When he caught the first piece of meat, he put it in the bowl of Chacha.

The smile in Cha Cha's eyes deepened, "Thank you!"

Well, her little brother is so caring.

Sliced ​​meat, fragrant drooling.

Shen He and Du Ruo sighed silently, it was obviously a housewarming banquet, I don't know why, it was a little sour.


A cat meow interrupted the thoughts of several people.

Cha Cha turned around and looked at Qi Qi who climbed out of the space in astonishment.

The little milk cat tilted its head, gave a cute meow, and jumped into Chacha's arms, "Meow~" I also want to eat hot pot~

Shen He and Du Ruo have both seen this cat.

Knowing that it was raised by tea.


"When did you bring your cat here?" Shen He was a little surprised. He remembered that Mr. Su didn't bring a kitten with him when he came here.

Cha Cha was a little embarrassed, "It may have come with me." Upstairs and downstairs, the distance is not far, um, this reason should be able to pass.

Shen He nodded, obviously believing.

He got up and went to the kitchen to bring a bowl and plate, "Mr. Su, can this little cat eat hot pot?"

Qiqi, "Meow Meow Meow!" Can you do it!

The hot pot is so fragrant, it can be!

Shen He looked at it eagerly, and laughed, "greedy cat."

Chacha silently took the meat slices from the clear soup pot and gave it to it, fortunately this is a mandarin duck pot...

The four of us plus a cat are very happy to eat.

Even Su Liang ate a lot.

I am in a good mood and no pressure.

From time to time, you can still see the little milk cat being stupid.

Du Ruo, "Chacha, I think your little milk cat is so spiritual!"

The voice of    just fell.

Qiqi raised his chin proudly, "Meow." Of course!

This cat is not only spiritual, but also speaks!

I am a system of ideas!

Du Ruo likes this little milk cat more and more.

Cha Cha looked at Du Ruo, smiled, and then looked at the little milk cat.

"Qiqi, give this to Ruoruo." Cha Cha took out a clean tissue and handed it over.

The little milk cat opened her mouth and bit the tissue, her short legs galloped quickly, then jumped into Du Ruo's arms, opened her mouth, and held the tissue with her two small paws and handed it to Du Ruo.

The serious appearance of offering the treasure immediately made Du Ruo's whole heart soft and messy.

How can there be such a well-behaved and obedient little cat!

"Qiqi is so good! Come on, I will reward you with meat."

Du Ruo hugged it and was reluctant to let go.

Shen He sighed beside him.

"It really follows its owner." The same gluttony.

Chacha stared at him, "Huh? What do you mean?"

Shen He quickly waved his hands, with a strong desire to survive. "I mean to compliment you, this little milk cat is as smart, cute and cute as Mr. Su."

He dared not say anything else.

Mr. Su is now his parents.

Chacha nodded, it's about the same.

Her family Qiqi is also very smart and cute.

When the housewarming dinner is coming to an end.

Shen He took a photo. He, Du Ruo and Su Liang entered the country. As for Cha Cha, as the owner of the studio, she wanted to maintain a sense of mystery, so she only showed a small white and tender hand.

Shen He thought about it and decided to post it on Weibo.

However, the problem comes again.

"Mr. Su, our studio's Weibo has not been opened yet."

Chacha, "Then it's open now!"

She looked at Du Ruo and Su Liang again, "Where's your Weibo account? You also pay attention to Shen He, he will meet you later."

"it is good."


(end of this chapter)