Chapter 1539: I am a vicious female partner (76)

Chapter 1539 I am a vicious female match (76)

Chacha looked at the online reviews with satisfaction.

From now on, she will be Du Ruo's financial master.

And, Du Ruo's entry was also successfully associated with the word "Golden Lord".

Shen He didn't understand what she was doing. Could it be that she was the financial master of Du Ruo, would she be very happy?

He subconsciously wanted to know what Su Liang was doing now...

I wonder if Su Liang will misunderstand.

Cha Cha happily put down the phone and touched the little milk cat beside her.

Seeing that Shen He was in front of him, Qiqi meowed.

"Meow, meow, meow." Chacha, you are too smart to think of using this method to ruin Du Ruo's reputation.

"Meow." Many people now know that Du Ruo has a gold master.

"Meow." But I'm a little worried about whether this side quest is opportunistic.

The little milk cat meowed again and again, and Cha Cha lay there leisurely, very happy.

She thinks this side quest is great!

Shen He looked confused.

Turning around, he looked at the kitten with some worry.

"Mr. Su, this cat has been meowing today?"

Cha Cha waved his hand indifferently, "It's okay, it's talking to me."

Shen He, "..."

He swallowed his saliva, his expression dull, "Mr. Su, can you still understand cat language?"

Chacha was instantly happy, she sat up from the sofa and looked at Shen He with a smile.

"I'm kidding you!" She won't admit it if she understands the cat language!

What if you are caught as a fairy?

Shen He nodded, "Yes."

If Mr. Su could understand the cat language, it would be really...not normal.

"Then what's next?"

Although Shen He is professional, sometimes he feels that there is still a big gap between his ideas and that of President Su.

He asked almost subconsciously.

Chacha, "Let it develop, the heat given away for nothing, of course you have to accept it!"

Now it's cold over Xu You's side.

Xu You and Mu Ye have learned their lesson, and they will definitely not dare to be a monster again.

It is estimated that it will take a long time, and I dare not show up again.

Xu You's temperament will definitely not spend too much time on Mu Ye. The relationship between the two is now like this. In most cases, Xu You will give up Mu Ye.

After all, as far as she knew, Xu You had several little white faces beside her.

Mu Ye is only one of them.

Moreover, in this plane, Mu Ye is a male supporting character, not a male protagonist, and there is no halo.

also doesn't have the ability to make Xu You fascinated by him...

Chen Xuan almost exploded when he saw Du Ruojin's hot search.

Should the relationship between the boss and the artist be like this?


Chen Xuan wanted to bring down the rich studio for a moment, but... intuition told him that if he really started, Du Ruo might get further and further away from him.

Until there is an unfamiliar call on the phone.

He frowned, hesitated for a moment, and pressed to answer.

"Mr. Chen, do you want to cooperate?"

The other party's voice was cold, which Chen Xuan had heard.

"Su Liang?" He quickly matched his voice with the name.

After all, Su Liang often had contact with Du Ruo, and he checked almost all the artists under the rich studio.

He will pay special attention to anything that can threaten him.

Su Liang was excluded by him.

Hearing Su Liang's voice at this moment, he was a little surprised.

"What? Are you leaving the rich studio? Come to my Chenxing?"

Chen's declaration was a little more teasing, he didn't think Su Liang would abandon the rich studio.

Su Liang, "Mr. Chen thinks too much, is it always so whimsical when Mr. Chen communicates with Du Ruo?"

Chen Xuan, who was suddenly poked into a sad thing, "..." So angry!

(end of this chapter)