Chapter 1540: I'm a vicious female partner (77)

Chapter 1540 I am a vicious female match (77)

"What the **** are you talking about?"

Chen Xuan was a little furious and didn't want to continue the conversation with someone who pokes at his sadness.

Su Liang went straight to the point, and didn't bother to talk about anything else.

He is in a bad mood like Chen Xuan now.

"I said, let's work together, you chase after Du Ruo, I chase after Su Cha, you can't understand that Su Cha has a good relationship with Du Ruo, and I also can't understand that Du Ruo pesters Su Cha every day."

Chen Xuan sneered immediately.

"Su Liang! Do you know, is Du Ruo pestering Su Cha every day? It's obviously Su Cha playing tricks and turning Du Ruo's coaxing around!"

Du Ruocai will not pester Su Cha every day!

Su Liang was silent for a few seconds.

Suddenly, his voice became a little colder.

"Since this is the case, then Mr. Chen, you should continue to be single.

Also, Su Cha didn't play tricks, next time I hear you say something like this, I can only find a way to say something bad about President Chen in front of Du Ruo. "

He shouldn't have come to Chen Xuan.

Chenxuan can make Du Ruo angry enough to block people, which means that Chenxuan doesn't have any emotional intelligence.

Su Liang hung up the phone without hesitation.

Chen Xuan, "???"

You came to me for cooperation, I just said something, and you hung up the phone?

Chen Xuan held back his anger and thought quickly.

It would be a good idea to cooperate with Su Liang, and at the moment, it is also the best way.

Chen Xuan dialed Su Liang's cell phone number with a dark face.

And found out...he was blocked.

Chen Xuan almost scolded and borrowed the assistant's mobile phone to call Su Liang.

"Su Liang, what do you mean!"

Su Liang, "It's no fun, I don't want to cooperate now, that's all."

No one can slander Su Cha.

Chen Xuan laughed out of anger.

"Just because I said something bad about Su Cha, you are going to cancel the cooperation? Don't forget, you came to find me on your own initiative!"

He didn't understand, he said something, what happened?

As for blocking him?

Su Liang's eyes were slightly cold.

"Yes, because you said something you shouldn't have said, she is the best in my heart.

The fact that I took the initiative to find you to cooperate doesn’t mean anything…”

's slender fingers pinched between his brows, he should do things like chasing people.

in a few conversations.

He can clearly confirm that Chen Xuan is not a good partner.

Chen Xuan was holding the phone, his face darkened.

The assistant beside    was trembling with fright, not understanding what happened.

"Su Liang!" He suppressed anger in his voice.

Next second.

was hung up again.

Chen Xuan immediately dialed again, and as a result, this number was also blocked.


Vaguely, Chen Xuan felt that he had missed a very important opportunity.

In addition to anger, it is more of a loss.

He likes Du Ruo very much.

However, it seems that I can't always find a key point.

Always messing up things every time, making Du Ruo very unhappy...

Even Su Liang, who took the initiative to find him to cooperate, is now no longer cooperating with him because of his words.

This feeling is like being abandoned by the whole world.

He waved his hand and motioned his assistant to leave.

The office door was closed, he sat on the sofa, lost in thought...


Chacha didn't know anything about Su Liang and Chen Xuan.

She was taking advantage of the hottest moment.

Let Shen He log in to the studio's account, and posted on Weibo to Su Liang and Du Ruo's variety shows, as well as Han Ye's shows, etc., which perfectly created a wave of popularity.

Not only that, but also posted the makeup photos of the drama "Fairy Demon".

It stands to reason that the makeup photos should be posted when the camera is turned on, but at that time, there was not much attention, and the makeup photos were kept pressed.

Now, there is a good chance.

is immortal, beautiful and sassy. Like the original MV, each has its own characteristics and is unforgettable.

(end of this chapter)