Chapter 1544: I am a vicious female partner (81)

Chapter 1544 I am a vicious female match (81)

Chacha has plans for their future.

The variety show in the second season, I don't plan to let them pick it up.

The most important thing for them is to film and be actors.

There is no need to record too many variety shows.

This variety show has a total of six episodes in the first season. After Su Liang and Liu Han filmed and recorded the fourth episode, Cha Cha gave them a new task.

"Director Yuan wants to make a movie, Su Liang, Du Ruo, Liu Han, and Han Ye, I'm going to let you all go to the audition."

Shen He was a little confused.

"Mr. Su, Director Yuan's films have a good reputation and the box office is guaranteed. His audition is not so easy to participate in. Before in Star Entertainment, Shen Yu spent a lot of means for an audition spot."

The audition of other directors may be able to participate in the audition. Director Yuan's side... Even the audition quota is difficult to obtain, which shows how fierce the competition is.

Director Yuan is making a film, quality and details are very important, so if you want to participate in the audition, the premise is to have a representative work.

Of course, Director Yuan also used a newcomer, and that newcomer directly won the queen with that movie, which can be said to be the pinnacle of his debut.

It's either that he doesn't believe in the strength of Su Liang and Du Ruo, or... the quota is really not easy to handle.

Director Yuan is different from other directors, and Director Yuan hates investors to put people in the crew. His family background is very good. Under normal circumstances, investors do not dare to give opinions on his films casually, because there is no shortage of Director Yuan. Money, if investors make him unhappy, then I'm sorry, goodbye!

He can fill in the lack of money himself, that's how domineering.

Investors invest in order to make money, or want to praise people, but for Director Yuan, it is very simple: if you are not qualified, you will leave the crew, no matter which investor you are in...

also means that unless the owner of the money is true love, it is impossible to give up the money you have in order to support people.

And even true love is useless, and Director Yuan is not afraid of withdrawing capital.

Yuan Dao is in the circle, and his temper is also notoriously aggressive.

It is precisely because of his principles that his films and word-of-mouth box office are very guaranteed! ! !

Chacha, "...Xiao Shen, what you said can only mean that Shen Yu is incompetent."

Shen He, who suddenly became Xiao Shen, "???"

So, Mr. Su, do you have a solution?

Chacha took out a screenshot in a hurry.

That was her chat record with Director Yuan.

Director Yuan called and asked Su Liang to participate in the audition.

Shen He was even more confused, "???" blankly looked at the screenshot of the chat, wondering if this screenshot was from PS? ? ?

Shen He was silent for a long time, then asked cautiously, "That... Mr. Su, you shouldn't throw money again, right?"

However, Director Yuan is not someone who lacks investment!

Cha Cha blinked and looked at Shen He innocently, "I think you have misunderstood me, how could I just throw money at me?

Am I the kind of person who throws money at a disagreement? "

Shen He continued to be silent, with a very solemn expression on his face: You are the kind of person who throws money at a disagreement.

chacha, “…”

She tilted her head to look at Su Liang.

Su Liang didn't say anything, but his silence represented everything.

Cha Cha sighed and couldn't help holding his forehead, "I just asked the later stage staff of "Xian Yao" to cut a small video of the scenes filmed by Su Liang and the others, and then send it to Director Yuan, that's all."

She is not just throwing money!


A trace of guilt appeared on Shen He's face.

He misunderstood President Su.

But... it's all too common to throw money at it. Suddenly, when Mr. Su said he didn't throw money, he was a little unaccustomed to...

Su Liang reached out and rubbed Chacha's little head, "Our fault, we should believe you."

(end of this chapter)