Chapter 1545: I am a vicious female partner (82)

Chapter 1545 I am a vicious female match (82)

Du Ruo stared at Su Liang's hand with an unhappy expression.

She seems to be a step too late.

can only watch the restless paw rubbing the little girl's little head.

Du Ruo took a packet of snacks and handed it to Chacha.

Then he said, "Chacha, in fact, I also believe in you, you are very measured no matter what you do."

She smiled and praised.

"Well, Xiao Shen, you want to learn from Su Liang and Du Ruo!"

Chacha reminded Shen He.

Look at how much Su Liang and Du Ruo believe in her!

Shen He nodded.

did not dare to say anything else.

In the whole studio, who doesn't know that Su Liang and Du Ruo always obey your words...

is like a little fanboy and a little fangirl.

Occasionally, Su Liang and Du Ruo can be seen jealous of each other.

is also perfect.

Of course, he dared not say these words.

Speaking of auditions, Chacha asked Su Liang and Du Ruo to go to Director Yuan's films to take a closer look.

Take a look at Yuan Dao's style, and take a brief look at it by the way.

Du Ruo left honestly.

Su Liang was sitting there in no hurry to leave.

He looked at Shen He indifferently.

Shen He understood in seconds.

Oh, okay, he's leaving!

Improper light bulbs.

Only Cha Cha and Su Liang were left in the apartment.

Su Liang said in a gentle voice, "I've learned a few new dishes recently, will you try the dishes for me later?"

Try the dishes?


She nodded, every time Su Liang learned a new dish, she would let her try it.

To be honest, Su Liang's cooking skills are really good.

With Su Liang around, she can order takeout a few times less.

"By the way, are the ingredients ready?"

Cha Cha asked again.

Su Liang replied, "I'm ready in the morning, go directly to my apartment?"

Cha Cha hugged the snack and nodded without hesitation. She stood up and followed Su Liang out of her apartment.

She and Su Liang live opposite each other, a few steps away, which is very convenient for her.

Su Liang first brought Chacha a glass of juice, and then brought some small desserts in front of her.

"Let's have something to eat first, I'll go to the kitchen."

Cha Cha, "Good!"

Round eyes sparkled.

She found that Su Liang was very good.

Give her something delicious and make her happy!

is better than the Demon Venerable who was fierce every day in the previous plane.

Su Liang just entered the kitchen.

Qiqi jumped out.

"Meow!" I want to eat too!

I have to say that Su Liang is really scheming, trying every way to catch it and Chacha's stomach! ! !

Chacha was given to Qiqi a piece of small dessert.

reached out and touched its furry head again.

It seems that Qiqi, being a little milk cat, adapts well in the human world!

In the future planes, you can continue to bring it to eat, drink and have fun.

When Su Liang came out of the kitchen.

At a glance, I saw one person and one cat happily eating small desserts.

The juice he prepared for Chacha also gave half of the juice to the kitten.

Su Liang narrowed his eyes.

The little milk cat who was about to drink the juice was shocked and panicked.

What just happened?

How do you feel that there is danger flashing by!

Su Liang turned his head back to the kitchen and prepared another cup of freshly squeezed juice, which he brought back to the living room, "Don't give this cup to Qiqi, too much juice for a kitten is bad for its health, it's different from people. "

Chacha looked at the fragrant juice in his hand, and nodded obediently.

"Well, I'll pay more attention in the future."

Little milk cats are not quite the same as people.

Qiqi, "????"

"Meow!" I'm not a cat!

"Meow, meow, meow!" I am the system, this cat is just a host, I can eat whatever I want!

Qiqi protested silently.

Cha Cha freed one hand and touched its head, "Good."

As a cat, if you don’t behave like a cat, you will be taken away for research!

(end of this chapter)