Chapter 1546: I am a vicious supporting actress (83)

Chapter 1546 I am a vicious female match (83)

The intimidated Qiqi, "..."

let out a whimper, not daring to continue protesting.

It hangs its small head and eats small desserts honestly.

looks like, I don't know how much wronged I thought.

Su Liang looked at its reaction, "..."

This little milk cat is about to become sperm...

Chacha tried new dishes here in Su Liang, and it was considered dinner.

The mobile phone beeped, Shen He asked in the group what to eat tonight, and he ordered takeout.

Boss: I've eaten here at Su Liang, so there's no need to order takeout for two.

Du Ruo: ? ? ? Didn't it say that Su Liang and I would come back to watch Director Yuan's movies?

Boss: Yes, I'll find him a movie later.

Du Ruo: don't love me anymore!

Du Ruo silently typed this sentence, his face was not very good-looking.

She found it.

Su Liang is like a fox now, pestering Chacha every day, and playing tricks from time to time! ! !

Chacha glanced at the chat log and replied helplessly.

Boss: Ruoruo, I didn't love you in the first place. I am a woman and I like men.

Du Ruo:  …

Shen He:  …

Su Liang: I am male and I like Su tea.

Shen He: ? ? ?

Su Liang is letting go of herself today?

is suddenly so straightforward.

Shen He held the phone and waited to read the gossip.

at the same time.

Cha Cha stared at the phone for a while, then raised his head and looked at Su Liang in confusion, "You... what do you mean by that?"

Su Liang didn't hesitate and said everything.

is a matter of repeating it again.

"I like you."

These days, he feels that Su Cha is also very special to him, so...he wants to try to get these words out of the way.

Chacha was still holding a cup in her hand. Facing the sudden confession, she blinked, her beautiful eyes glowing brightly, "It's a coincidence, I like you too."

The voice fell.

Cha Cha lowered his head a little embarrassedly.

Qiqi, "..." I'm a single cat, I shouldn't exist, I should be under the sofa, you continue...

At this moment, it seems that the whole apartment is filled with the smell of lemon.

Shen He waited for a while but did not get a reply from Su Liang.

And Mr. Su was silent.

He looked at his phone and suddenly thought of a possibility.

Shouldn't these two people really close the door and fall in love!

Du Ruo was holding the phone and almost rushed over.

As the sound of opening the door was a bit loud, he was stopped by Shen He on the opposite side.

Shen He stopped Du Ruo and had a headache.

One by one is not worry-free.

"Do you like President Su?"

Du Ruo, "I like it! Don't you like it?"

Shen He was silent for a moment, "...I'm not talking about that kind of liking, but that kind of liking."

"??? What kind of liking is that?" Du Ruo was very puzzled, "Why did you think of saying a tongue twister?"

Shen He, "..."

"Do you like women?" Shen He finally asked this sentence almost angrily.

This time it was Du Ruo's turn to be dumbfounded.

She looked at Shen He in disbelief, "You only like women, I'm someone with an ex-boyfriend! What are you thinking about all day long???"

Du Ruo felt that Shen He might have been stimulated, otherwise why would he ask such a thing?

Her speechless explanation, "I am very pure to Chacha, she is so good to me, I treat her as a family member!!!"

Shen He also realized that what he said was not quite right.

"I... didn't mean that, I just asked casually."

It's because Du Ruo is too attached to President Su, that's why he has such abnormal thoughts.

"What about the man who promised you last time? How's your conversation going?" Shen He changed the subject tremblingly, for fear that Du Ruo would beat him out of anger.


Du Ruo looked at him faintly, "I blocked that person!"

Shen He, "..." Damn, seems to have said the wrong thing again!

(end of this chapter)