Chapter 1547: I am a vicious female partner (84) 2,000 words

Chapter 1547 I am a vicious female partner (84) Two thousand word chapter

Su Liang has had a new fun since that day—showing her love.

Du Ruo hated so much that the roots of her teeth itch, but she couldn't do anything to Su Liang, she could only watch the little cutie being abducted.

Su Liang, who had all his thoughts come true, even the corners of his brows and eyes exuded a spring breeze.

And Chen Xuan also went to find Su Liang several times later.

Su Liang pondered, without Chen Xuan, he himself managed to catch up with Little Cutie.

So, Su Liang told Chen Xuan the good news without hesitation, and told Chen Xuan not to disturb him again in the future.

When he didn't catch anyone, he didn't even want to cooperate with Chen Xuan.

Besides, now, he has already caught people.

It is even more impossible to cooperate with Chen Xuan again.

Chen Xuan, "???"

You have quietly abducted people before you cooperate with me?

This speed...

He was really envious.

Chen Xuan was overcome with pain and decided to surrender to Su Liang, asking Su Liang to teach him some tricks.

Su Liang, who had just caught up with someone, was in a good mood.

Seeing that Chen Xuan was so sincere, he gave instructions reluctantly. After all, after Chen Xuan chased Du Ruo away, he no longer had to worry about Du Ruo competing with him.

In his opinion, Chen Xuan's biggest mistake was being too self-righteous.

Du Ruo is different from those wealthy daughters.

She grew up in an orphanage since she was a child, and was used to working **** her own. She had seen too much unfairness. Every time Chen Xuan made a move, it would only push Du Ruo farther and farther.

What Chen Xuan has to do is to figure out what Du Ruo really needs, instead of blindly seeing the surface and rushing up impatiently, it will only backfire.

Just like the previous question bank contest.

What Du Ruo wants is not the champion of the question bank competition, but a place to participate in the question bank competition.

Su Liang explained it briefly, as for the rest, Chen Xuan would have to comprehend it himself.


In a blink of an eye, it was the audition time designated by Director Yuan.

Su Liang, Du Ruo, Liu Han and Han Ye went to the audition one after another, and Cha Cha and Shen He also followed.

Shen He saw Cha Cha yawned and seemed a little tired. He whispered, "Mr. Su, I can bring them to the audition this time. You can go back to rest."

"No." Cha Cha shook his head and plunged his head into Su Liang's arms, "I'm afraid Su Liang will be nervous."


The sudden arrival of dog food has strongly supported several people.

Du Ruo even pouted, like a poor little out of favor.

"With Su Liang, you don't want me anymore."

"How could that be? You are my cash cow, how could I not want you!" Cha Cha explained solemnly.

She spent so much money in the early stage, she has to earn it back anyway! So, don't do it if it's impossible.

Moneymaker Du Ruo, "..."

she asked dully, "What if I don't make money?"

Chacha, "Then you may have to sell your body to the studio, but it's definitely impossible for you not to make money. My vision can't go wrong."

Du Ruo hummed in dissatisfaction again.

For the sake of Chacha's confidence in her, I don't care about her. Anyway, she is a cash cow, and Chacha will definitely not abandon the cash cow.

As a cash cow, Du Ruo felt that he had to be conscious of making money.

Du Ruo clenched his fists and vowed:

"Don't worry, I will make a lot of money for the studio! Let you eat, drink and have fun every day in the future!"

Shen He, "..."

Liu Han + Han Ye, "..."

is quite conscious of a cash cow.

is... don't you really think there is a problem?

Su Liang looked at Du Ruo, as if looking at the meat on the cutting board.

He said, "Then I'll thank you first."

Du Ruo's face showed some doubts, "What are you thanking me for?"

Su Liang looked sincere, "Thank you for helping me raise a girlfriend."

Su Liang's words are too lethal.

So that several people in the car could not recover for a long time.

Especially Doro.

widened his eyes for a while.

After reacting.

She was trembling with anger, "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Su Liang, I'll kill you!"

Shen He responded quickly and hurriedly stopped her.

"Calm down! Su Liang is joking!"

At this moment, no one knew, he especially wanted to reach out and touch his little heart.

What's the matter!

Su Liang is also, you are the main palace, and you have to stimulate Du Ruo.

Su Liang ignored Shen He, lowered her head and patted Chacha's little head, "You said, am I right, she makes money for the studio, the studio is yours, and you are my girlfriend, after all, it doesn't matter. What's wrong, maybe we will make money to raise our children in the future..."

Du Ruo, "..."

Shen He was so frightened that he quickly asked Liu Han to help stop Du Ruo, for fear that Du Ruo would slash Su Liang with a knife in the next second.

Abusing a dog is abusing the dog, and you also stimulate the dog.

If he is hunted down one day, it must be because he killed himself.

Mouth owes.

Cha Cha looked at Su Liang and then at Du Ruo.

She really wanted to nod, but, fearing that Du Ruo would lose control, she didn't say anything, she reached out and poked him.

"Don't be irritating Ruoruo."

Su Liang, "I'm telling the truth."

Several people were speechless, "..." I knew you were telling the truth, but it sounded like they wanted to hit you.

Next second.

Du Ruo was suddenly happy.

She looked at Su Liang with a smile.

Shen He and Liu Han felt for a moment that Du Ruo might be stimulated crazy, otherwise why would they look at Su Liang with a smile? ? ?

Du Ruo said sincerely, "It is my greatest luck to be able to make money to raise Chacha, after all, Chacha entered this circle because of me, and it was also because of me that I had this studio.

Although I pulled you into the studio during this period, the original intention of Chacha was for me, and I did so many things for me by throwing money at me.

I should make money to support her in the future.

If Mr. Su doesn't mind, he can be a little white face like Mu Ye, and when I make money, I can support you together! "


Isn't    just hurting each other?

I'm not afraid!

The car smelled of gunpowder everywhere.

Even Cha Cha was taken aback, when did Du Ruo's combat power become so strong?

She stared blankly at Su Liang.

I want to see how Su Liang reacts.

Su Liang hooked her lips and said slowly, "Then thank you Miss Du."

He tilted his head and took out his nirvana.

He took a sip on Chacha's pretty little face, and his eyes were full of pride.

Du Ruo, "..."

What about the    knife?

Where is my knife?

I kill you! ! !

Seeing that Du Ruo was about to rush to tear people in the next second, the car suddenly stopped and the audition site arrived.

Shen He and Liu Han panicked and dragged Du Ruo out of the car.

for fear that she would jump up and attack Su Liang.

That ruthless look, he doubted that Du Ruo could bite down a piece of meat.

"Ruoruo, calm down, Su Liang is deliberately mad at you, quickly show your acting skills and be gentle."

Shen He coaxed her with a sigh.

What can we do in the future?

Du Ruo gritted his teeth, "Su Liang is a vixen!"

Shen He, "Ruoruo, even if there is no Su Liang, there will be other colds. President Su will always marry someone in the future, and you can only be a bridesmaid at best."

If you want to marry President Su, you don't have that condition!

Unless you are a boy in your next life!


This chapter consists of two thousand-word chapters, two chapters in one chapter.

The fee is charged according to the number of characters, five book coins for one thousand characters, ten book coins for two thousand characters, and there will be discounts for higher levels~ These are all unified.

Therefore, there will be no situation of overcharging book coins.

(end of this chapter)