Chapter 1548: I am a vicious female partner (85) 2,000 words

Chapter 1548 I am a vicious female partner (85) Two thousand word chapter

Du Ruo looked sad and angry.

Of course she knew she could only be a bridesmaid.


Whether the groom will be Su Liang in the future, not sure!

What will happen in the future, who says?

Du Ruo calmed down.

"Brother Shen, I'm fine!"

"Really okay?" Shen He stared at Du Ruo in disbelief for a while, always feeling that Du Ruo's mood changed too quickly.

Du Ruo nodded, "It's really okay! I still have an audition! My performance must be the best!"

She clenched her small fist with confidence to cheer herself up.

"That's good that's good."

Shen He was finally relieved to see her calm down.

Liu Han kept silent and glanced at Du Ruo faintly.

Always feel weird.

Du Ruo, "!!!"

There are so many little brothers in the entertainment industry, she wants to bring Chacha to see the world more, cold, warm man, little milk dog, can't let Chacha lose a large forest for the sake of Su Liang!


Su Liang and Chacha also got off the car.

Seeing that Du Ruo was not in a mood, Cha Cha heaved a sigh of relief.

looks like nothing is wrong.

She had just told Su Liang not to be mad at Du Ruo on purpose.

The little girl is young, what should I do if I cry in anger?

Su Liang thought for a while, and felt that what Cha Cha said made sense.

In case of crying angrily, it is very likely that his girlfriend will be coaxed, so, so far, as long as Du Ruo doesn't come to provoke him, he will not irritate her.

After all, as the only main palace, it must have the momentum of the main palace.

Several people went to the audition site, on the fifth floor.

First confirmed the basic information with the staff, then received the number plate and waited quietly for the number to be called.

on the corridor.

Du Ruo and Liu Han found out that most of the people who came to audition here, except for them, were all powerful and representative.

The two of them were a little nervous.

I'm afraid their acting skills are not enough. Compared with these powerful factions, they are still very young... There is still a big gap.

"Relax, it doesn't matter whether you can succeed or not, learning experience is the most important thing."

Cha Cha whispered a few words of comfort.

turned his head to look at Su Liang again, and sure enough, his boyfriend was the best, and he wasn't nervous.

Next second.

Su Liang came over and deliberately lowered his voice, "I think I also need comfort."

Hearing the words, Cha Cha blinked, "Stretch out your hand."

"Okay." Su Liang stretched out his hand, palm up.

Soon, a lollipop lay in his palm.

Chacha, "Sugar is very sweet, so you won't be nervous if you eat one."

Su Liang nodded, very happy.

She is willing to share her favorite snacks and lollipops with him, which shows that he is very important to her.

The next moment.

The smile on Su Liang's face was a little stiff.

He watched as his girlfriend took out a few more lollipops from her pocket and distributed them to Du Ruo and Liu Han.

One per person.

Su Liang, "..." The lollipop in his hand suddenly became less sweet.

Can't you just give it to him?

Why share it with others!

Then he is the only one who is unfamiliar in her heart.

Cha Cha turned around and saw Su Liang's lost expression at a glance. She looked at the candy in his hand in a daze, isn't one candy enough to ease the tension?

She walked over, first tore off the candy wrapper from the candy in his hand, and then handed it to his lips.

Su Liang subconsciously opened his mouth.

"Sweet?" she asked.

"Well, it's very sweet." Su Liang felt that he seemed to be alive again.

Because, he is the only one who enjoys the benefits of tearing off candy wraps and feeding candy.

"Just audition if you are sweet."

Cha Cha showed a sweet smile with encouraging eyes.

Su Liang was full of confidence, "I will."

Shen He and Du Ruo silently distanced themselves from the two of them.

Look, this bowl of dog food is too much and sour.

Du Ruo snorted twice, the lollipop crackled in her mouth, and those who didn't know thought she was biting the enemy...

at this time.

Chacha keenly looked behind.

On the corner, Xu You walked slowly with someone.

Chacha, "..." How did this happen again?

"Yo, isn't this President Su? Accompany the artist to audition in person?"

Xu You had a decent smile on his face.

In fact, I can't wait to tear Su Cha.

"Did Mr. Xu also bring artists to audition?"

Chacha noticed that Jiang Xue behind Xu You had another male artist. He had never seen it in the "Jianghu" crew before, so he was probably a new favorite.

Um? Wait a minute, has Mu Ye fallen out of favor?

Has   Mu Ye become the past tense?

Jiang Xue twisted her waist and took two steps forward.

"Can't Mr. Su see such an obvious thing? Mr. Xu posted about us artists. Don't worry, he brought us here to audition in person."

Jiang Xue had a smile on his lips, and his eyes were full of pride.

We all know that Director Yuan is strict in selecting candidates, and it is difficult to even get an audition spot.

But Mr. Xu got two places casually, in fact, one place was given to her!

President Xu treats her like this, and she naturally has to help President Xu.

Just like now, there are some things that Mr. Xu is inconvenient to say, but that doesn't mean that it is inconvenient for her to say.

"Mr. Su, Director Yuan's play is not something that can be played by spending money.

Your trick won't work with Director Yuan. Don't blame me for not reminding you. If you are kicked out by Director Yuan later, it will be a shame. There are many paparazzi around here. Maybe your whole studio is going to fall..."

Jiang Xue spoke sarcastically, and after saying this, he was even more proud.

She also learned later that Su Cha spends money like running water, throwing money for artists, and it doesn't feel bad at all.

It is estimated that I want to repeat the same trick at this time.

Shen He couldn't help but let out a sneer, this guy named Jiang Xue has no brain at all, he is jumping around all day, and he doesn't know why Xu You is so mad that he wants to hold her.

Cha Cha was slow and slow, and glanced at Xu You with a faint gaze.

Look at Jiang Xue again.

Although I don't know how Xu You got the audition quota, it seems that these two people should have an audition opportunity.

She looked at Jiang Xue innocently and looked serious.

"Although I'm your former boss, but Mr. Xu is here, you think about me like this, reminding me of all kinds, do you think Mr. Xu treats you badly? So you want to jump back to me again?"

Jiang Xue's face changed and she blurted out, "You are talking nonsense!"

She was clearly mocking Su Cha.

Can't you see Su Cha?

She looked at Xu You in a panic, "Mr. Xu, don't listen to her, don't you know what I'm thinking?" But Xu You couldn't be misunderstood.

After all, now, the relationship between Xu You and Su Cha is almost incompatible, and Xu You almost regards Su Cha as an enemy.

If she is misunderstood, she is finished.

Xu You frowned and glared at Jiang Xue, "What are you panicking about! Give me some stability!"

Brainless idiot.

Su Cha's method of sowing discord, how could she believe it.

But Jiang Xue is still in a hurry.

just wanted to **** her off.

If you don't have that brain, don't provoke Su Cha.

only makes people laugh.

Jiang Xue was reprimanded and did not dare to speak out.

Dropped his head, very aggrieved and panicked.

"Mr. Xu, don't be so fierce! Getting angry too many times will easily cause wrinkles."

Du Ruo made suggestions in a particularly sincere manner.

(end of this chapter)