Chapter 1553: I am a vicious female partner (90)

Chapter 1553 I am a vicious female match (90)

The second Weibo on that Weibo account was that she walked with a man.

This Weibo seems to further prove the 'fact' that Su Liang was abandoned by her.

The comments below are even more speechless.

[Hahahahaha haha ​​laughed at me, Su Liang's giants were broken. 】

【Su Liang has no chance to marry into a wealthy family. 】

[Didn't he say he entered Su's house and met his parents? Abandoned so soon, what an interesting melon! 】

【Does Su Liang's face hurt? 】

【Like Mu Ye, he is a tool person. 】

【Suddenly sympathize with Mu Ye who was pulled out for comparison. 】

【Mu Ye: I just want to reduce the heat, thank you! 】

【I'm sure there won't be any response to this hot search. 】

After figuring out the cause and effect, Cha Cha doesn’t know whether to say that netizens are imaginative, or whether to say that those black fans wish that Su Liang was abandoned…

Just these two photos, can it prove that she abandoned Su Liang?

is like teasing her.

She logged on Weibo Tua.

edited a Weibo and posted it soon.

Su Cha V, the owner of Rich Studio: Thank you very much for caring about my relationship with Su Liang. I have something to do today, so I didn't go to the audition with him. Of course, these are not important. The most important thing is that "The Fairy" is about to be released ! ! ! In order to thank you for your concern, I will use this Weibo to draw a prize!

Black powder: ? ? ?

Melon-eating passerby: ...It seems that I can continue to eat melons again. Look, this melon is big, round and long.

A few minutes later.

The black fans scolded and left the group chat.

Depend on!

They were obviously here to mock Su Liang, but they accidentally ate dog food!

During the lottery process, a group of fans came quietly.

[Wow rub, only I want to say, are Su Liang and Su Cha so sweet? 】

【You are not alone, I feel the same way. 】

【Rich and rich female boss X 18th line cool and cold niche】

【Jimei, give you the pen, you can write! 】

When Su Liang and Du Ruo and the others returned to the apartment, the online matter had been resolved.

"Director Yuan's audition, how did you perform?"

The second audition, there should be a result.

Shen He looked excited, "It's settled! The contract can be signed tomorrow! If it were the heroine of this movie, Su Liang would be the second male lead, and Liu Han and Han Ye would also be important supporting roles."

"I think we can celebrate tonight!"

Being able to act in Director Yuan's films is enough to prove his strength.

Chacha, "I really want to celebrate, "Xian Yao" also got the broadcast license. If there are no accidents, it can be released in the near future, which is a double happiness!"

"Great!" Shen He was the most excited.

Su Liang always looked light.

Next to   , Du Ruo was languid and listless, as if he couldn't bring himself up.

Chacha looked at Du Ruo suspiciously, a little surprised, "Ruoruo? What's wrong with you?"

"Ah? I-I'm fine..." Du Ruo shook her head, seeing that Cha Cha was so good to Su Liang, she seemed to have to let go.

Even though she is Chacha's poisonous Wei, Chacha really likes Su Liang.

What Chacha likes, she should also support.

She almost understood all this, but she was still a little unhappy. She was quiet for a while, and it was probably fine.

Xu is because her mood changes are too obvious, and several people are looking at her.

Du Ruo lowered his head, as if giving up on himself, "Chacha, you and Su Liang are together, I, I bless you."

Shen He, "!!!" I finally figured it out.

He was so hard.

God knows, he is about to have a heart attack.

Even his hair was cut off a lot by him.

Su Liang's indifferent eyes softened a bit, as long as Du Ruo no longer competes with him, he will not be an enemy of Du Ruo.

Chacha was very satisfied with Du Ruo's words, "Thank you for your blessing! You can understand, I'm very happy, don't make trouble anymore, we have not been easy along the way, we are all family..."

Chacha took the opportunity to pour a wave of chicken soup for Du Ruo.

Du Ruo was moved to tears.

"Chacha, you are so nice, and I don't want to give you to Su Liang, what should I do?"

chacha, “…”

Su Liang, "..."

Shen He pulled Du Ruo with a headache.

"Actually, think about it, Mr. Chen Xuanchen is not bad either. He has obviously changed a lot. You can also release him from the blacklist. Otherwise, I'll be preaching to the two of you all day long. How tired! You feel distressed. Take a look at your brother Shen's little heart, okay?"

Du Ruo, "...I'll think about it."

Chen Xuan has changed a lot recently.

Those words she didn't like to hear, he never said again, cautiously, for fear of saying the wrong thing in front of her.


Then she should release him from the blacklist first.

If she says something wrong in the future, she will blacklist Chen Xuan again.


the next day.

Cha Cha, Shen He, and Su Liang went to Director Yuan to sign the contract together.

Cha Cha pulled Su Liang and whispered, "I wasn't with you last time, so many people said that you were abandoned by me. Do I want to follow you every day in the future so that I won't be misunderstood by others?"

Su Liang shook his head and refused, looking serious, "Don't worry about what those people say, in a few days, when I join the crew, you will still be busy with the studio, and the living conditions on the crew will definitely not be good, I don't want it. You follow me to run the crew."

His little cutie has been busy working in the studio all day and is already very tired.

Follow the crew again?

Do you want to feel bad for him?

Cha Cha nodded, her eyes glowing brightly, Su Liang hurt her very much!

Several people came to the place agreed with Yuan Dao.

While waiting in the hall, I happened to see Xu You, Jiang Xue and the young man who auditioned together last time.

The two sides met.

Xu You first hooked the corner of his lips, and then stepped forward in a very good mood.

"Did Mr. Su also come here to sign the contract? What a coincidence!"

Uncle has already promised to give Jiang Xuelin and Yue the opportunity to participate in the movie. She is very happy, which shows that she is still very important in my uncle's heart.

Since she is very important in my uncle's heart, this also means that after the movie starts, she can come to the crew from time to time, and maybe she can ask her uncle to add a few more scenes to Jiang Xue and Lin Yue, which is really nice.

When the movie is released, she will hype it up again.

Jiang Xue and Lin Yue can definitely be super popular.

Xu You's abacus hit a loud one.

She glanced at Du Ruosuliang and the others, she didn't think her uncle would give them important roles.

Even, she suspected that Su Cha was here to throw money and wanted to put Du Ruo and the others into the crew.

Chacha hummed as a response, and his eyes deliberately fell on the young man behind Xu You.

"Mr. Xu, is this a complete abandonment of Mu Ye?"

Hearing this, Xu You snorted coldly, "What? Mr. Su has a crush on Mu Ye? Aren't you afraid that your boyfriend around you will be jealous?"

Su Liang and Su Cha's melon, she ate it all the way.

She used to think that Su Liang was more interesting than Mu Ye, but unfortunately, she didn't get it.

Instead, he became Su Cha's boyfriend.

Xu You became more and more upset.

Chacha waved his hand quickly, "Mr. Xu thinks too much, I just think that Mu Ye is the one who Mr. Xu spent tens of millions to hold after all, but unfortunately he didn't hold it up, he just asked casually..."

(end of this chapter)