Chapter 1554: I am a vicious female partner (91)

Chapter 1554 I am a vicious female match (91)

Xu You, "..." I got angry.

Mu Ye, that trash, she spent so much money, and there was no response at all.

Do you want to continue spending money on him?

I'm afraid that it will continue to be a waste. Sometimes, it is better to stop the loss in time.

She is not as stupid as Su Cha.

has been throwing money at Du Ruosuliang and several people.

Originally, Su Liang could make Su Cha return to his original business, but unfortunately, the relationship was exposed and the popularity lost a lot.

She snorted coldly, and her expression soon returned to normal.

"It's only tens of millions, I don't care, it's time to test."

Even if Xu You's flesh hurts, he won't say it at such a time.

Cha Cha smiled slightly.

"It turned out to be a test product? What about this young man behind you? Is it also a test product?"

Xu You noticed that Su Cha seemed to be aggressive.

She suddenly thought of something.

Su Cha has never been like this before.

It is estimated that it is because of Director Yuan's new movie that he deliberately attacked her one after another.

Xu You changed the subject in a good mood.

"Mr. Su, what you said today, we will discuss it when there is a chance in the future, I am very busy now, and I am in a hurry to sign a contract with Director Yuan!

Director Yuan's new movie, our family Jiang Xue and Lin Yue are going to be in it!

Su always cares about my time, so let's take good care of Su Liang. After all, he has no popularity and no masterpiece. What else can he do? "

She covered her mouth and smiled, her eyes full of pride.

looks like a villain.

Shen He snorted coldly, "Isn't it Director Yuan's new movie? Why, are the two around you want to play the male lead or the female lead?"

Xu You is only jealous of Shen He, "It is an honor to be able to participate in Director Yuan's film. My artists are down-to-earth, and naturally they dare not take one step to the sky."

Cha Cha hummed in a perfunctory way, "You really have to be down-to-earth."

Otherwise, sooner or later the car will overturn.

She glanced at Jiang Xue.

Jiang Xue... Doesn't seem to have any strength, right?

Is it possible that the rapid progress in this period of time has made Director Yuan interested?

But it doesn't matter, she still trusts Director Yuan.

Xu You was about to continue mocking when Director Yuan suddenly walked out from inside. She hurried forward and shouted enthusiastically, "Uncle!"

A smile appeared on Yuan Dao's face, "So early?"

"Yeah, after all, you have to sign a contract, this is your new movie, of course I can't be sloppy."

Xu Youxiao's spring breeze was triumphant.

I didn't forget to take the time to turn around and look at Su Cha and the others provocatively.

Chacha, "..." Oh, so it's uncle?

She looked at Director Yuan slowly.

"Director Yuan, I'll bring Su Liang and the others to sign the contract."

The little girl looks young, beautiful and cute, with a pretty face.

Director Yuan's eyes lit up, "Are you also an artist from a rich studio?" How come there are so many good seedlings in this studio?

Cha Cha shook his head, "I'm Su Cha, do you still have any impressions?"

Director Yuan was stunned for a moment.

"Su Cha? The owner of a rich studio? You are so young!"

He knew that the owner of the studio was called Su Cha, but he didn't expect the boss to be so young, and it didn't look like he had graduated yet?

has already opened a studio, really promising.

Xu You watched Su Cha chatting with her uncle, she was a little unhappy, her uncle would never waste time on strangers.

Today is the day to sign the contract, time is running out, why are you still chatting with Su Cha?

With her niece by her side, she never saw him so happy.

Xu You carefully pulled the corner of Director Yuan's shirt.

"Uncle, don't forget what day it is today."

Director Yuan sighed.

"I'm going to sign a contract today. I'm good. I'm chatting with you here. I'll ask one last question, Mr. Su, are you interested in switching to filming?"

The little girl has to have a temperament and aura, and she has to be more suitable for filming than Du Ruo!

He took a fancy to her almost immediately.

Even if this movie can’t be talked about, we can talk about the next movie!

suddenly heard Yuan Dao digging people.

Xu You was shocked.

looked at Su Cha in disbelief.

This bitch!

What method did you use? When you first met, you asked Su Cha if she wanted to switch to filming? ? ?

Xu You gritted his teeth, but he didn't dare to show it too clearly, he just kept a surprised look.

Shen He stood there dumbfounded.

Director Yuan is too proactive!

Let him have a sense of crisis!

Shen He waved his hand, "Impossible, Director Yuan, if Mr. Su of our family is kidnapped by you, what will happen to the artists in the studio?"

Director Yuan, "..." This is a problem.

He tilted his head to look at Chacha.

Cha Cha smiled embarrassedly, "...I'm going to disappoint Director Yuan. I have no idea of ​​changing careers yet. It's good to be a boss."

"Is that so..." Director Yuan felt a little disappointed.

Immediately, he added, "Whenever you want to film, remember to find me."

Chacha, "Okay, thank you Director Yuan for your love!"

The smile on Xu You's face almost stiffened.

She really didn't expect that things could develop like this.

She only felt her face, hot pain!

It was like being slapped hard by Su Cha.

This feeling is really bad.

Jiang Xue was also a little unhappy.

I worked so hard to play the role of Director Yuan. Unexpectedly, Director Yuan only saw Su Cha once and began to beg Su Cha to film.

Unfortunately, Su Cha refused! ! !

Jiang Xue, "..." So angry!

Shen He and a few people were panicked.

for fear that Mr. Su would be dug away by Yuan Dao.

Du Ruo stepped forward and whispered in Chacha's ear.

"Just be the boss, and I'll make money for you!"

Being an entertainer is tiring and hard, and if you join the group, you might even be scolded, so don’t let Cha Cha be an entertainer.

Director Yuan glanced helplessly at the few people beside Su Cha, who looked like they were facing the enemy.

"I'm a serious director. She doesn't want to, and I won't rob people. You don't have to be so nervous."

Shen He, co-authored with "???" Have you ever thought about robbing someone?

"Director Yuan, let's sign the contract first, this topic has gone too far! Mr. Xu seems to be in a hurry, so let's sign Mr. Xu first."

Chacha looked like he was thinking of others, and the angry Xu You's hand that was hanging by his side was shaking.

"Uncle, I'm not in a hurry..."

Xu You smiled with difficulty.

She almost used her life acting skills.

Otherwise, she might really rush up to attack Su Cha.

Yuan Dao hummed, glanced at the two behind Xu You, and asked the staff to show them the contract.

Xu You looked at Cha Cha proudly.

She really didn't believe that Su Cha could sign a contract with her uncle!

Jiang Xue happily took over the contract, the resentment just now was swept away, no matter how Yuan Director praised Su Cha, what he got in his hand was his own!

Those compliments are too empty to make any sense.

The smile on Jiang Xue's face stopped abruptly the moment he saw the contents of the contract.

Lin Yue next to him is the same.

Jiang Xue looked up at Lin Yue in shock, and Lin Yue was also looking at her in shock.

At this moment, the bizarre tacit understanding between the two of them reached the extreme. They held the contract and looked at Xu You together, their faces embarrassed and tangled.

Xu You saw them look like this, he snatched the contract in confusion, and was about to curse, what did he do if he didn't sign the contract as soon as possible?

In the next second, his face was full of incredible.

(end of this chapter)