Chapter 1559: I am a vicious female partner (96)

Chapter 1559 I am a vicious female match (96)

The reason why Su Liang lost her fans on a large scale last time was indeed because of love, but there is a very key point here.

Because Xu You Muye's incident just happened.

Xu You is the gold master of Mu Ye.

Therefore, many people think that Su Liang is also her little white face, which caused a large-scale powder removal and stepped back.

And what she has to prove is that they are pure lovers, not the relationship between the gold master and the little white face.

In this way, even if those fans who stepped back will not come back, it will not affect the new fans, and they can be reassured Fan Su Liang.

After the photo of the two of them was sent out.

The comments below    are both supportive and sarcastic.

But these are all inevitable experiences.

No one can reach the peak casually. Along the way, they always have to accept doubts and setbacks.

After the group photo was sent.

Another group of fans quietly emerged again.

【Am I the only one who thinks the CP of Su Liang and Su Cha is very sweet? 】

[Real version of female president X 180 lines of small paste coffee]

【Hold up the banner of herbal tea CP! 】

【Jimei, give me a knock! 】

[The CPs of other families are all done by fans themselves, 360 degrees without any dead ends to pick up the sugar, our CP cooking presses our heads and stuffs sugar into our mouths! Are we worthy of them if we don't kowtow? 】

CP fans are quietly rising.

After the fans of Su Liang found out, they were in a complicated mood.

What can they do?

Join, let’s have CP together, after all, these two are really sweet, and many CPs from other families are fake, but their herbal tea CPs are genuine.

When Shen He discovered the CP powder, the herbal tea CP powder already had its own CP super talk, and the scale was not small, and it looked quite harmonious.

Shen He, "???"

So, Xu You wanted to fry her and Mu Ye's CP, but failed, but now President Su and Su Liang have inadvertently got so many CP fans?

Tsk, Xu You could probably die of anger.

Shen He browsed the hot search for a while, and found that "Xian Yao" was on several hot searches. He clicked in and watched it for a while, basically complimenting the show.

And Su Liang, Du Ruo, Liu Han, Zhuang Yan and others are also gaining fans.

Especially the new fans of Su Liang.

are all boasting that the photo is very sweet.

Obviously, these fans will not lose their fans because of their romance.

Shen He is very satisfied.

Su is really more thoughtful than he imagined.

Hey, after all, he is Mr. Su's boyfriend, Mr. Su must pay more attention.

Seeing that it was about to be midnight, Shen He yawned. He should have rested earlier, otherwise he would lose his hair again.

He is a middle-aged man after all, he can't stay up all night and can't be hurt.


the next day.

The first thing Shen He did after opening his eyes was to use his mobile phone to look at hot searches.

Sure enough, on the hot search, there is still the show Xian Yao.

Secondly, there are hot searches for Su Liang and Su Cha.

He took a closer look and found that the herbal tea CP powder and the black powder were torn up.

After watching "Fairy Demon", the black fans felt that there was no black spot of Su Liang in this drama. The acting skills were good, and the appearance was okay. There was no problem with editing and screenwriting.

No way, they can only start from the romance aspect again.

They insisted that Su Liang was a little white face raised by the gold master!

Su Cha's group photo is also for the heat!

It's not because of romance at all.

In the past, Su Liang's fans would naturally be unable to beat the black fans.

But it is different now. Su Liang has a lot of drama fans, and the drama fans have turned into CP fans. I think Su Liang and Su Cha are very sweet. Without further ado, just tear it apart.

Give you a face, do you really think you can go to heaven? There are a lot of CP fans, and they don’t dare to show their faces directly by tearing them apart.

As a result, herbal tea CP powder became famous in the first battle, and at a very fast speed, it attracted a group of fans.

Shen He watched this development in confusion.

It looks like I can't sleep casually next time, especially when the show starts...

A batch of panic.

He is really satisfied with the current development.

When Cha Cha woke up, Shen He had already sent the cause and effect on the phone.

After she finished washing, she directly logged into her trumpet and changed her name to: Herbal tea is super sweet.

Then, the action quickly organized a lottery event.

and handed over the next lottery to Shen He.

Shen He, "...Can I participate in the lottery?"

Cha Cha refused expressionlessly, "I can't."

After finishing the sentence, she added, "The bonus will be distributed at the end of this month."

Shen He, "!!!" Oh yeah!

It's not worth the pain in his heart, let alone the loss of his hair.

CP fans saw that someone was holding a lottery event, and it was a large-scale lottery event, and they were immediately excited. There was a local tyrant sister!

Fans retweeted and waited for the lottery.

The condition of this lottery is just one: pay attention to herbal tea CP super talk, black fans please don’t participate...

Black Fan: ...I'm so angry.

Prizes include mobile phones, tablet computers, and 200,000 cash, I want!

But they can only watch others draw the lottery.

The black fans have found a reason for themselves:...I don't know if this event is true or not, so we must continue to stand firm and unswerving! Steady is victory!

CP fans: Just be envious! My sister won the award, she will send kindness to you and let you take a look~

Black Powder: …………


The popularity of fairy demons is still rising.

Su Liang's fans continue to rise.

When Xu You saw this, his whole body trembled with popularity.

She worked so hard and put so much thought into it, but in the end it would end up like this? ? ?

Do not!

She was not reconciled.

She could not accept the situation where she could only watch Su Cha getting better and better.

Xu You quickly contacted the previous marketing account and the Navy.

asked them to have Hei Su Tea and Su Liang.

But this time, don't know what happened.

Neither the marketing account nor the navy is willing to take her order.

She looked for one family after another, but no one was willing to take her order. Xu You realized that there was a problem in a certain link, so she had to spend money to find a paparazzi she had worked with before.

Let him help inquire about the situation.

Paparazzi: President Xu, it’s not that I won’t help you. Now, the rich studio has sent a notice directly. Anyone who pays to hack the artists under their studio should bring their own screenshots and not accept the order, and then testify. If it is clear that there is such a thing, the rich studio will give double the price as compensation.

Xu You: ? ? ?

Paparazzi: So, Mr. Xu, no one wants to get involved in your affairs. You think, if you find the navy to blackmail them, the navy will also spend manpower, material resources and time, but now, they only need to take a screenshot to prove that this is true, and they can get twice the amount without doing anything. This rich and powerful posture shows that a rich studio, with financial support, can just go to the end.

You don’t have to do anything with free money, and you can also sell a rich studio to save face. Who doesn’t want to come across such a good thing?

Xu You was stunned.

This is so... crazy?

How much money do you have to make such a toss?

Xu You felt a little breathless, and her body was a little unsteady.

Immediately, with a thud, he fell to the ground...


Good night~

The little angels should wear masks, wash their hands frequently, etc.

(end of this chapter)