Chapter 1560: I'm a vicious female partner (97)

Chapter 1560 I am a vicious female match (97)

After   Xian Yao was broadcast, the word-of-mouth response was very good.

Su Liang, Du Ruo and others, the number of fans is rising, and everything is developing towards the best situation.

With good acting skills and prosperous beauty, who doesn't like such a little brother and sister?

After a week of airing, fans are shouting every day that they hope that the fairy can add more and play two more episodes.

Rich Studio is also a fan.

immediately arranged to add two more episodes.

This drama not only passed the previous plot, but also did not have any watering problems in the later broadcasts. If this level can be maintained, this drama will definitely be a blast!

When the number of fairy and demon broadcasts continued to rise, another river and lake, the lake, reached the point where no one cared about it.

Not long.

Director Yuan also officially announced the cast members of the new film.

In addition to Su Liang, Du Ruo, Liu Han, and Han Ye, Director Yuan called Zhuang Yan again and asked Zhuang Yan to sing the theme song of the movie.

Of course, Zhuang Yan will not miss such a good opportunity.

For a while, rich studios were in the limelight.

Many people are complimenting. The boss Su Cha has a really good eye and is very good at signing people. You know, except for Su Liang and Du Ruo, she selected the others from the crowd in Hengdian.

After    this incident was picked up, many fans ran to the studio's Weibo with various compliments.

If it wasn't for the boss's vision, their little brothers and sisters might still be playing tricks!

Especially Liu Han and Zhuang Yan, they were already very difficult, if they hadn't met Su Cha, I'm afraid they would still be living a miserable life.

Liu Han and Zhuang Yan also posted a small article on Weibo respectively, telling about the difficult journey of the past few years, in a word: Thank you Su Cha, thank you Rich Studio, and always have a grateful heart.

After this.

Chacha and the others were in Hengdian before, and the restaurant they were looking for when they were choosing a dragon set has also become one of the locations for fans to check in. Not only that, it also attracted many customers.

That restaurant also made a stir-fry.

Business is booming.

The manager also made a special call to Shen He, saying that in the future, artists with rich studios can get a 50% discount when they go to dinner. As for Su Cha and Shen He, no matter when they go, they will all get free bills.


Director Yuan's movie started three days later.

Cha Cha took time out and joined the opening ceremony.

After all, booting is very important.

She arranged everything and left Shen He on the crew, so she left with confidence.

After all, Du Ruo, Su Liang, Liu Han, and Han Ye were all in the crew, and the assistants around them were inexperienced. She was a little worried and asked Shen Hexian to stay with the crew for a few days to see the situation.

As for her...

I've been a little busy recently.

Because of the fire of Su Liang, Du Ruo Liuhan and several others, many people sent their resumes to the studio.

There are also some artists who already have a company, and they also came to her quietly and asked if the studio would like to pay liquidated damages to pry them away from the original company.

chacha, “…”

Prying corners is not suitable.

If she was really bullied in the original company, and she was more talented, she could consider paying a liquidated damage to take people away.

But, if you come to her just because you were treated unfairly, I'm sorry...

It is impossible for her to pry people away directly.

To put it bluntly, she is the owner of a wealthy studio, she is a businessman, and she does not have so much sympathy to overflow.

If she is required to pay liquidated damages to pry people away just because she was treated unfairly, I am afraid that she will be paying liquidated damages 365 days a year. She is not a philanthropist, so she cannot spend all her time on these things. superior.

After all, how can there be so much absolute fairness in the adult world?

Furthermore, even philanthropists put their minds on disaster areas, poor mountainous areas, etc...

In terms of donations, the Su family has its own charitable foundation.


Compared to the flourishing of the rich studio, Xu You's studio is a miserable one.

Jiang Xue looked at Du Ruo and the others, and even Liu Han, the ugly woman with a birthmark on her face, gained a lot of fans, and she... was gloomy.

She can only watch those people develop better and better. First, the MV became popular, and then the drama "Fairy Demon" exploded again, and now she is filming Director Yuan's movie.

This is simply an open life.

Jiang Xue wiped away her tears.

If she hadn't left the Fairy Demon crew, maybe now, she could have a sip of soup with her.

The drama   Xian Yao now even has names for the supporting characters, and the Jianghu she put so much effort into filming is no one cares.

Not only Jiang Xue regretted it, but even the other people who left the Fairy Demon crew with Jiang Xue also regretted it very much.

Damn, I believed in Jiang Xue's evil at the beginning, gave up the fairy, and chose Jianghu instead, and even signed it in Xu You's hands.

brushed by the fire.

Almost, they are the ones who are on fire now.

Several people hated Jiang Xuena, and they gritted their teeth in hatred.

While Jiang Xue regretted it, she was also afraid that these few people would settle accounts with her, either staying in the studio or slipping home. After all, there was Xu You in the studio, and these few people dared not argue with her because of this.

Everyone knows that Xu You has a grudge with Su Cha, and now the grudge is even deeper...

The only thing Jiang Xue is happy about is that Xu You didn't fall down because of this, but continued to contact people and find resources.

this day.

Xu You informed her and Lin Yue to attend a wine party together in the evening to see a director.

Jiang Xue immediately found clothes excitedly and dressed up beautifully, which means that if she is lucky, a new drama will start shooting soon.

And only take her with Lin Yue, which shows that Xu You has not given up on her.

However, Jiang Xue forgot one thing.

The people under Xu You's hands, except Jiang Xuelinyue, there is no other person who can do it, Mu Ye has been taught a lesson by her, but Jiang Xuelinyue is the only two left?

Lin Yue is smarter than Jiang Xue.

When    fast-forwarded into the box, Lin Yue's face was not very good-looking.

He weakly made an excuse, "Mr. Xu, I'm not feeling well, I..."

"Can there be any discomfort? Just bear with me, you can't fight for the opportunity I finally found?"

Xu You glared at him, his face full of threats.

As if he dared to escape, she dared to destroy his posture.

Jiang Xue saw that the atmosphere of the two was not right, and suddenly realized something, she paused, a little scared, "President Xu, we..."

"Don't talk nonsense, let me in!" Xu You scolded angrily.

Jiang Xue, "..."

"It's just a drink, don't make it look like you're on the execution ground! You have to understand that if you miss this opportunity, you won't have such a good opportunity next time."

Xu You sneered and stood there lazily, "If you really want to leave, I won't stop you, but you must think clearly, I can't spend any more money to make dramas for you, you can only rely on yourself, after all, the opportunity already given."

"Jianghu" lost so much money, she will no longer be like a fool, throwing money at the artist.

(end of this chapter)