Chapter 1590: Doomsday zombies (23)

Chapter 1590 Zombies of the End Times (23)

Qian Tang and Ability User No. 1 saw her come out of the corner.

The first reaction was to want to run.

However, there was no strength under his feet, as if the whole person was frozen in place.

Before   , the shock that leaf tea brought to them is still unforgettable.

Ability User No. 1 failed to control his temper for the first time, and glared at Qian Tang angrily.

Oh shit.

What are you talking about?

Now pour it, the leaf tea really comes out.

You are actually dueling her! ! !

The power user gritted his teeth in anger, but he was helpless.

Mo Xue answered with a smile, "Didn't the Qian team say they want to show off with my sister Ye? Come on! Don't be a coward!"

Tsk, they are all a group of masters who bully the soft and fear the hard.

Qian Tang restrained his emotions and took a step back, obviously wanting to run.


A cluster of flames jumped out from Chacha's fingertips.

quickly formed a circle of fire around Qian Tang.

Qian Tang thumped and knelt down on the spot.

"I'm not here to find fault, I just, I just came here to say hello." How arrogant he was before, how cowardly he is now.

Ability User No. 1 was very disdainful of Qian Tang's behavior, and turned to duel with Cha Cha, "Let's fight again!" He didn't believe it, he would still lose to her.

He listed a bunch of reasons for his failure last time, and now he has tried his best to correct them and made himself stronger. He has also absorbed a lot of crystal cores, and he will definitely be more powerful than before! His progress is rapid!

Chacha, "Yes."

As soon as the    voice fell, Mo Xue quickly greeted the little zombie and hid aside.

so as not to be affected by the power of the boss.

When the power user raises his hand, it is a thunderbolt.

This time, the offensive was stronger than the first time we met.

The thunderbolt as thick as an arm slammed down with a click.

Even though Mo Xue hid far away, she still felt the power of this thunder and lightning, and she felt a little worried subconsciously.

The big guy should be fine, right?

should work, right?

Suddenly a little worried!

Cha Cha glanced at the sky and raised his hand slowly.

at the same time.

Rolling thunder came.

made a loud noise.

The loud bang was continuous.

The thunderbolt as thick as an arm dissipated quickly in the thunder, as if it had never appeared before.

A mere thunder and lightning, how can it be compared with the rolling thunder?

Ability User No. 1 watched this scene in shock.

Can't say a word.

Is this her true strength?

In other words...

Her strength hasn't fully manifested yet?

With such a strength against the sky, I am afraid that it will be difficult to find a second person in this apocalypse.

The wood-type ability user and the fire-type ability user are really right. Leaf tea is very powerful, so powerful that it can despise everything in the apocalypse...

It was he who misestimated her strength.

The ultimate thunder-type ability + fire-type ability, the use of dual-type abilities is so skilled, ordinary people and ability users only have the share of worship.

this moment.

He finally realized that he had provoked a powerful boss...

Cha Cha skipped the skeptical eyes of No. 1 Ability User.

She came to Qian Tang.

"Want to control zombies like me? Do you want to capture Mo Xue back to the Sunshine Base?

Team Qian is quite courageous, not only that, but it's quite whimsical, but now... how come you kneel down?

This is not in line with the identity of the Qian team. "

Her fluttering remarks scared Qian Tang into a cold sweat.

In particular, the Qiang team smashed his face to the ground, but there was nothing he could do.

Qian Tang tried to play the emotional card, "There is no identity or identity, Chacha, you know, I have never done anything wrong to you other than the one that I was sorry for at the beginning."

Mo Xue followed behind and couldn't help laughing.

"Captain Qian, are you talking about pushing my sister Ye to the zombie group, or about kissing and sleeping with Mu Chongyang? Or, are you talking about deliberately causing a car accident??? "

There are too many things to do. If she doesn't explain it carefully, she is really a little confused!

Qian Tang's face changed and changed.

He almost hated his teeth so much that he didn't understand, did he offend Mo Xue?

At times like this, don't you feel uncomfortable if you don't kill him? ? ?

Which pot is not opened to lift which pot, is it intentional?

Qian Tang glared at Mo Xue secretly.

Mo Xue, "..." You glared at me! ! ! you are done!

Mo Xue turned her head and went to Chacha to complain.

She pointed at Qian Tang angrily, "It was him just now. While you were away, he deliberately bullied me, wanted to take me away, and wanted to kill these zombies! They even knocked down the high wall of the zombie building!!!"

I can't swallow this breath!

"Well, I know." Cha Cha looked at Qian Tang, "So, how is the Qian team going to compensate? I don't care what your purpose is. Now, you have to pay for your actions, what do you think?"

Her voice was not high, but she was very firm.

Qian Tang turned pale with fright.

Fine sweat came out of his forehead.

"Pay, I pay, I'll let people build the wall again, and I'll let them build as high as you say."

Chacha thought for a moment.

Always feel that something is not right.

She glanced at the low-level ability users who came over. These people didn't have time to do it, but... they came over, and they couldn't let go of them easily.

Soon, she had a new idea.

"Well, this high wall of mine will be built by Team Qian and Mr. No. 1 Ability User! After all, this is your business, how can you let others make up for your mistakes?

As for the others, for the sake of your inaction, you will supervise their work in the future! "

Qian Tang, "..."

Ability User No. 1, "..."

Low-level ability users, "..."

He is absolutely amazing!

Qian Tang wanted to refuse, but he couldn't say a word from the pair of eyes that were half-smiling.

Ability User No. 1 wanted to resist, but before he had time to act, the whole person felt a powerful coercion attacking, "..." Actually, he should be quite suitable for such a thing as a wall.

Mo Xue happily watched Qian Tang build the wall.

She can continue to be a supervisor.

What if these people cooperate with Qian Tang to be lazy?

When Cha Cha left, he shoved a cat into Mo Xue's arms.

Although Mo Xue doesn't know how this cat came from or why the boss gave her a cat, this cat is very cute!

Mo Xue picked up a handful of kittens.

Seeing Ye Cha going away, Qian Tang breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as he was about to take a break, the little milk cat in Mo Xue's arms jumped out and swiped it with a paw, causing Qian Tang's face to be scratched.

Qian Tang's eyes filled with murderous intent.

Even a stupid cat dared to do something to him.

He raised his hand and was about to summon a thunder-type power.

Mo Xue reminded subconsciously, "This cat is Sister Ye's favorite pet!"

Although she is brave, what if Qian Tang goes crazy?

Qian Tang was silent for a moment, "..."

at this time.

I saw the little milk cat jumping proudly on Mo Xue's shoulder, then raised its paws lightly, and a thunderbolt fell from the sky, hitting Qian Tang directly.

Everyone, "???" stunned! ! !

Is a little milk cat so defiant?

terrible! ! !

Mo Xue looked at the little milk cat happily, her eyes lit up, it turns out that this cat is so powerful!

The big guy is afraid of her getting hurt, so let this cat protect her!

Ah ah ah ah ah! Another day for the big man.

Why is she not a boy?

I really envy Lu Li!

(end of this chapter)