Chapter 1591: Apocalypse Zombies (24)

Chapter 1591 Zombies of the Last World (24)

Qiqi calmly glanced at the very excited Mo Xue, "..."

Oh, naive, do you think Chacha is asking me to protect you? She obviously disliked me as a light bulb between her and Lu Li...

It proudly looked at the stunned crowd.

A lightning bolt can scare them like this?


It defies them!

It can't even deal with it, and it still thinks about defeating the host every day!

You know nothing about the power of the host!

After experiencing the little milk cat's use of the thunder-type ability, these people became extraordinarily honest and safe.

No one dares to mess around.

Qian Tang wanted to put all his thoughts on the wall, for fear that the cat would stare at him.

But the moment when he lowered his eyes.

The fundus of his eyes was clearly flickering with a strange light.

Why even a small milk cat can use the thunder-type ability?

There is also leaf tea, how exactly does it control the zombies.

and why her abilities suddenly became so powerful are a mystery.

He could not probe.

But he vaguely felt that as long as he could figure this out, he might also have these abilities...

As for now, the most important thing is the wall.

He resigned himself to being a coolie.

Qian Tang and Ability User No. 1 built the wall for a whole day before they were put back, but that didn't mean they could sit back and relax, because Cha Cha let Mo Xue pass the word.

She will continue to build the wall tomorrow. If she can't be here at six in the morning, she will go to the Sunshine Base to arrest people!

The words have been put down.

Qian Tang pondered that the possibility of escaping overnight was not too high, so he should go back and discuss the matter with the boss of the base.

And Ye Cha dares to let them go back, which shows that she is very confident, or in other words, she is very confident in her own strength.

Qian Tang was busy all day, and was almost carried back in the end.

Ability User No. 1 had better physical strength, but not much better. When they returned to the base and talked about it carefully, the boss of the base was almost furious.

Ability User No. 1 is still awake, briefly describing the strength of Ye Cha, and the little milk cat who can only use thunder-type abilities.

The boss of the base, who was originally aggressive, suddenly wilted.

He is someone who has seen big winds and waves.

I didn't care at first, I just felt that the few power users were not in the same mind with him, and they were probably deliberately exaggerating.

But now... even Number One says so.

Could it be that the strength of that little girl is really unfathomable?

His eyes became a little more puzzled.

In this regard, he still maintains a bit of doubt in his heart.

Some people have things that must be seen with their own eyes.

"You guys have a good rest first, I'll go with you tomorrow."

Ability User No. 1 was a little worried.

"No, what if she attacks you? It's better to be safe at the base."

"It's okay, if she's really unfathomable, then I'm not safe even at the base." He wanted to see how defiant this little girl was!

One looked at the boss's expression and sighed silently.

The boss still has doubts about this matter.

That's all, let the boss see it for himself!

Only by letting the boss know how powerful the leaf tea is, can the boss be prevented from making other ideas.

the next day.

Ability User No. 1 and most of the people arrived at the place at six o'clock, he built the wall, and the rest continued to be supervisors.

As for Qian Tang, he should be looking for the boss.

And the boss can't get up at six o'clock.

The boss has a very high regard for himself.

will probably be long overdue.

Qian Tang follows the boss and will definitely be late.

He wiped off his sweat. To be on the safe side, he mentioned this to Qian Tang when he came, but unfortunately Qian Tang didn't buy it, thinking that with the support of the boss, he would be able to sit back and relax.

at the same time.

Qian Tang is discussing a new plan with the boss of the base.

"No. 1 is still too timid, Du Bo, in my opinion, it is better to take this opportunity and wait for the leaf tea to come to the door, and then we will catch the turtle in an urn.

To put it bluntly, as long as we catch her now, we will not only know how to control zombies, but also know how to quickly improve abilities in a short period of time! "

was so attractive that he believed that Dober would agree to his plan.

in a minute.

The boss of the base nodded.

"I know your thoughts about the base, but do you have a better way? After all, I also want to think about the base. If there is an accident, the security of the base will be affected, which will be very troublesome."

Qian Tang, "Don't worry, the reason I dare to say it is because I have a surefire plan!"


Six ten.

Chacha took Lu Li, and Mo Xue and the others arrived at their destination.

casually glanced, but did not find Qian Tang's figure.

Tsk, this is not taking her words to heart at all.

This is waiting for her to go to the base to arrest people?

Lu Li frowned, he knew about this.

However, this is obviously not right.

"Chacha, don't go to the Sunshine Base, they may have an ambush!"

Mo Xue jumped up when she heard it.

stretched out his hand and grabbed the No. 1 ability user, "You still dare to ambush???"

Ability User No. 1, "...No, I don't know!"

Shouldn't be like this, right?

But in case the boss is dizzy, he may also do some irrational things.

This is very confusing.

He was holding the brick, his face at a loss.

Cha Cha patted the back of Lu Li's hand.

"It's okay, I'm afraid they won't be in ambush! You watch them here, I'll go there myself."

Lu Li, "No, I'll go with you."

Who knows what that Qian Tang will do?

If I knew that Qian Tang could live so long, he should have just killed him!

"Come on, get your phone out and let's start a video so you can see me in action anytime."

Chacha reminded.

Although in these last days, mobile phones, etc. are not very usable.

However, the mobile phone she bought in the system mall can play video games normally, but only the mobile phone in the system mall can communicate with each other.

In other words, is this a special privilege of the system mall?

Lu Li thought for a while, and saw her so firm again.

had to nod in agreement.

Mo Xue was curious to the side.

Can you still use mobile phones in the last days?

How did the big guy do it!

嘤嘤, she also wants a mobile phone.

Noticing Mo Xue's fiery gaze, Lu Li immediately covered his phone and stared at her fiercely, "Mine! Don't look at it, you don't have it."

Mo Xue, "…………"

What is fierce?

Isn't    a cell phone?

No, no, what a great thing!

Mo Xue angrily continued to be a supervisor.

Cha Cha watched the dispute between Lu Li and Mo Xue through his mobile phone, feeling a little helpless.

The little zombies are very paranoid and need to be coaxed.

To be very patient to coax.

And she just happened to be happy to coax him.

He can be happy for a long time with a mobile phone.

is also a good coax!

Chacha came to the Sunshine Base, and sure enough, someone was already waiting for her to appear at the entrance of the base.

And this person happened to be Luo Jiming.

Luo Jiming stood there with a wry smile.

He was really going crazy.

I don’t want to get involved in this big guy’s affairs at all.


But now that the task is at hand, he can only bite the bullet.

"The boss of our base is waiting for you in the base."

"I'm just a messenger, Miss Ye, don't care about me..." Luo Jongming added in worry, and the whole person trembled.

(end of this chapter)