Chapter 1592: Doomsday zombies (25)

Chapter 1592 Zombies of the Last World (25)

He was so scared.

You must know that almost all the powerful power users in the Sunshine Base were beaten down by her.

Including the No. 1 Thunder System Ability User, even said that her strength is unfathomable.

And how can he compete with her as a mere ordinary power user?

Luo Jiming felt that everything was a cloud now, and only life-saving was the most important thing.

He didn't want anything, he just wanted to save his life.

I just want to live well.

As for the stupid things he said before, sorry, he regrets it.

What the big guy says is right.

What the big guy does is right.

He never refuted.

Cha Cha's expression was light, and he didn't pay too much attention to him.

Her current goal is Qian Tang and the boss of the Sunshine Base. Since Qian Tang has been looking for trouble, for the smooth development in the future, it is better to solve it as soon as possible.

chacha, "lead the way."

Luo Jiming breathed a sigh of relief, "Please come here."

Luo Jiming brought Chacha into the base.

If it was in the past, there would definitely be a lot of people on the way.

But today, the road is empty.

The road is lonely and a little gloomy.

Luo thought for a while, but still whispered, "Miss Ye, be careful."

"Thank you for reminding me." Cha Cha nodded.

Take a peek inside the base every now and then.

After all, she is also someone who wants to build a base, so she can learn from her experience first.

Luo Jiming stopped at the door of a luxuriously decorated house, "I can only get here, the next road requires you to go alone."

He spoke carefully.

Because, this situation is clearly a banquet.

Waiting for leaf tea is probably ambush and attack.

But he couldn't say it directly.

Seeing that Ye Cha didn't say anything else, Luo Jiming hurriedly left the place.

Chacha took a look, in the last days, it is very good to have such a decoration.

The door of the house opened slowly, interrupting her thoughts.

Cha Cha walked in slowly.

As soon as I took two steps, I smelled a faint fragrance on the tip of my nose. This fragrance is not normal.

After realizing what Qian Tang was going to do.

She shook her head, a bit of mockery in her eyes.

She seemed to think highly of Qian Tang.

is a fool.

I thought I could come up with a good way to deal with her, but in the end, this is it? ? That's it? ? ? drug?

is still the most low-level drug...

She lowered her head and blinked at Lu Li on the phone screen, then put the phone in her pocket, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

Cha Cha took a few steps forward.

His body was unstable and his steps were a little staggering.

After walking through the door.

There was another scent that seemed to be absent.

Chacha, "???"

Should I continue to cooperate? Or cooperate?

For Qian Tang's sake, she pretended to cooperate?

After half a minute.

Chacha fell to the ground.

The two came out one after the other in the dark.

It is Qian Tang and the boss of the base.

Qian Tang laughed loudly and said, "Du Bo, although she is powerful, she is still a little girl who has not yet graduated from college. In order to ensure that she will be hooked, I deliberately put two kinds of drugs."

"Well, you've done a good job. After the medicine has worn off, she will wake up again. I'm afraid ordinary things won't trap her." The boss of the base, Zhong, fell into deep thought.

She has a lot of secrets and cannot be killed directly.

But for now, if there is really no solution, he doesn't mind killing her.

That way, the secrets in her will go to **** with her.

No one will know.

Qian Tang looked at the people on the ground viciously, "Du Bo, how can there be no way? She can use thunder and fire abilities, if we destroy her hands, you say, she can still Use thunder powers?

In this way, she can still spit out her secrets, what a good way, what do you think? "

Tatsuka laughed out loud.

patted Qian Tang on the shoulder with relief.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, then I'll cut off her hands first, and cut off her feet as well to prevent her from escaping."

Qian Tang's eyes lit up, "Okay!"

He bowed his head, full of malice.

Holding the prepared sword in his hand, he gradually approached the person on the ground.

"Tsk, didn't you say you wanted to take me back to the wall? Instead of taking me back, you sent yourself here, what a big surprise!"

Qian Tang bent down and squatted on the ground.

He seemed to have seen Ye Cha kneeling in front of him and begging him.

He wants Ye Cha to know that no one can bully him casually, and those who bully him must pay the price!

The sharp and cold blade landed on the white wrist.

The moment   's blade touched his wrist, there was bloodlust in Qian Tang's eyes.


at the moment when he exerted force.

The wrist under the blade suddenly pulled away.

Qian Tang made a blank.

Before he could react, he was kicked out.

Immediately afterwards, a strong flame surrounded him.

All this, but in the blink of an eye.

The situation has changed dramatically.

Qian Tang looked at the intact person in front of him in disbelief.

"Aren't you addicted???"

How can it be good?

Cha Cha glanced at Qian Tang, and his eyes fell on Du Zhong.

"Qian Tang is not a thing, and you are not a good person."

Du Zhong narrowed his eyes, looking very calm.

"Are you pretending to be in a coma?"

Chacha, "How dare you show off such an inferior trick?"

is just drugged.

Qian Tang, "..." He couldn't remember how many times it was in her hands.

He silently looked at the flames beside him.

For some reason, this time, he was eerily calm.

It seems that he doesn’t want to make unnecessary struggles any more.

Du Zhong snorted coldly.

"Since you're all right, let's talk."

Cha Cha, "Talk? I don't think we have anything to talk about."

is about to lose her hands and feet. I still want to have a good talk with her. I’m afraid I’m not dreaming?

Du Zhong, "I'm the boss of the Sunshine Base. I heard that you are going to build a base. Since both are the bosses of the base, and the base is in a similar location, it's good for us to chat and be neighbors."

Cha Cha was speechless and sarcastic, with a thick skin, "Will you abolish your neighbor's hands and feet?"

Du Zhong smiled helplessly.

"It's just a joke, why take it seriously?

Besides, how could a mere Qian Tang threaten you? "

Cha Cha tilted his head to look at him, "..." Jiang is still old and spicy.

However, she is not a soft little girl. She has passed through many planes. In this case, it is better to use it to coax some children.

She looked calm and calm as ever.

When    raised his hand, it was a thunderbolt, and the power was controlled just right, only hitting Qian Tang.

Qian Tang was struck by lightning and surrounded by fire for a while, screaming in pain.

"Du Bo, save me, I don't want to die, I really don't want to die, if I die, who will your daughter marry?"

Du Zhong didn't even look at Qian Tang.

He continued, "Qian Tang has offended you, you can take him away and do whatever you want, but this is a base after all, and there are many ordinary people. If the scene is too bloody, it will scare them, I hope Miss Ye will be considerate. , take people directly out of the base..."

Qian Tang's mentality collapsed immediately.

"Du Bo, you can't do this to me! You agreed to this plan before, you can't let me fight everything alone at this time!"

(end of this chapter)