Chapter 1593: Apocalypse Zombies (26)

Chapter 1593 Zombies of the Last World (26)

Qian Tang never thought that Du Zhong would give up on him directly.

But now, Tsukasa really gave up on him.

In this case, he chose to throw him to Ye Cha without hesitation.

Qian Tang's mentality, which was already broken, was broken in an instant.

Tatsuka shook his head and sighed.

"If you offend Miss Ye, you will always pay the price. By sacrificing you alone, you can keep the entire base safe and sound. I believe you will die properly."

Qian Tang, "???"

Leaf tea has not killed him yet,

Du Zhong wanted him to die?

Hatred burst out in his eyes, and he worked so hard to please Du Zhong, yet he actually got such a result?

He is not reconciled!

Even if you die, you have to pull a back.

Cha Cha thought for a while and took a few steps back at the right time. She likes watching dogs bite dogs.

At this time, Qian Tang is likely to fight back and kill Du Zhong.

Qian Tang is not a good person, this Du Zhong is deep enough in his mind, he can give Qian Tang to her casually, and he is very thick-skinned, as if he has never been involved in this matter.

At this moment, Qian Tang frantically used his lightning ability to fight Du Zhong.

One after another thunder slashed towards Du Zhong.

Tozuka was already prepared. Although he looked a little old, he was still very flexible.

Cha Cha took a look at the fighting situation, and always felt that at such a time, she was not suitable for watching a play here.

She said, "This place is small and cannot be used. It is more appropriate to go to the open space outside to start."

In a trance, a voice came to Qian Tang's ears.

Qian Tang glanced at the crumbling window, which was true.

In this room, he couldn't use it at all, he was tied, and he had to be careful that the house collapsed and hit him.

Tuzuka took advantage of this opportunity and ran away quickly.

Qian Tang hurriedly chased after him.

The two came to the open space outside.

Chacha walked out slowly, although there were still no one here, but there were quite a few people hiding in the dark and quietly watching.

She didn't bother to care so much.

found a safer place, took out a chair from the space, sat down, took out a small package of snacks from his pocket, took out his mobile phone while eating, and watched the show live for Lu Li.

"Look, they are fighting, why don't you call everyone from your side over and watch the play together?"

Lu Li has long wanted to find Chacha.

Hearing her words, he nodded without hesitation.

led those abilities to the Sunshine Base.

Ability User No. 1 was stunned.

Didn't the boss and Qian Tang ambush Yecha?

How can one fight with oneself?

His physical strength is good, and his pace is faster than other power users.

The speed of Luli is also very fast.

Mo Xue was the only one left behind.

Mo Xue, "..."

The mood is very complicated, very, very complicated.

Suddenly, there was a shadow in front of Mo Xue's eyes. She raised her head and saw Lu Li with a dark face.

"What's wrong?"

Lu Li reached out his hand impatiently and grabbed her collar with a disgusting expression.

"you are too slow!"

After finishing his words, he carried Mo Xue and moved forward rapidly.

Mo Xue, "Lu, Lu, Lu boss..." If you want to murder, just say it.

Soon, Lu Li came to the Sunshine Base.

As soon as he saw Cha Cha, he let go of Mo Xue in his hand.

Mo Xue, who had not yet stood firm, fell to the ground.

"???" was full of big question marks on his forehead.

When Big Brother Lu treated Sister Ye, he was obviously very gentle, why is he so rude now? ? ?

Is she unworthy?

A sad batch.

She silently got up and walked over, watching the play behind them.


The two are still fighting.

However, it was clear that Qian Tang was at a disadvantage.

In the open space, the sound of thunder and lightning, electric light and flint are everywhere, complementing each other.

People on the coffee table stand in a corner, watching the play quietly and happily.

Lu Li rubbed against her, and Cha Cha immediately gave Lu Li a seat. This chair can sit two people.

When the power user No. 1 came over.

What    saw was that Du Zhong and Qian Tang fought fiercely.

And Yecha was sitting there eating peacefully.

His chest was severely blocked, and this situation... really made me want to vomit blood.

He walked over quickly.

His eyes quickly passed over Lu Li.

I didn't expect that Lu Li was also so powerful. With one person, he was much faster than him, and his strength should not be underestimated.

Originally a leaf tea was already very bad, and now there is another Lu Li, after this... the world of the apocalypse, I am afraid it is only these two people.

He was respectful and daring to speak.

"Is this what happened?"

Chacha glanced at him lightly, "What happened? Can't you watch it? The two of them had a disagreement and fought."

Ability User No. 1 was choked.

did not dare to say a word.

Of course he knew the two were fighting, but he wanted to know why.

He sighed silently, but did not dare to ask any more.

even dared to step forward to dissuade him.

In this case, it would be better for him to follow the show.

The fight didn't last long.

Qian Tang was too weak to beat Du Zhong.

His thunder ability is not that powerful.

If you switch to leaf tea, it will probably be resolved soon.

But unfortunately, he is not leaf tea.

Du Zhong looked down at the person who fell to the ground, "Why do you think you are doing this? You know that you can't beat me, but you still have to fight with me? Apart from struggling to the death, what else is there to do?

If you honestly followed Ye Cha and left the base, maybe I would still say a few words to you, sacrificing yourself for the base, and being very dedicated.

And now, Qian Tang, you really disappointed me! "

Fight with him, don't you still lose?

As long as Qian Tang's strength is higher, it won't be like this.

Although he also felt a little pity for Qian Tang, it was only limited to that.

After all, in front of interests, you are the most important.

Sacrificing a Qian Tang, he doesn't think there is any problem.

Qian Tang looked at Du Zhong angrily.

Slowly, his eyes looked in another direction.

There, Ye Cha and Lu Li were sitting together, and under the warm sunlight, the two looked extraordinarily harmonious.

And how did he get to this point?

One wrong step, one wrong step.

Anyway, he can't escape now, and he prefers to be able to pull a pad before he dies.

Qian Tang closed his eyes resignedly, his hands hanging on the ground.

Du Zhong was overjoyed.

He turned his head and planned to have a word with Ye Cha.

It was at this time that Qian Tang on the ground suddenly opened his eyes, he jumped up, all the strength in his hands gathered at one point, and he rushed towards Du Zhong like crazy.

Tatsuka was shocked and tried to push the person away.

However, Qian Tang was very strong at the moment, he hugged Du Zhong tightly and laughed out loud.

A bad premonition rushed into his heart, and Du Zhong was shocked.

Four big characters appeared in his mind.

Then, a lightning bolt struck the two of them without warning...

The three people who watched the play and ate melons, "???" Is this gone?

Uneasy ability user No. 1, full of question marks?

Is this him? ? ?

Die together?

Even if Qian Tang is dead, what about Du Zhong?

Duzhong is dead, what should I do with the base?

(end of this chapter)