Chapter 1594: Apocalypse Zombies (End)

Chapter 1594 Zombies of the Last World (End)

Ability User No. 1 couldn't calm down for a long time.

The whole person is a little at a loss.

Until a faint voice came.

"If the boss is gone, I'll replace it with another one. Those who are capable will live in it."

This is the easiest solution.

Besides, she didn't think that Tu Zhong could manage this base well.

This base should have other managers besides Tsukasa.

Chacha's words reminded Ability User No. 1 that the boss of the base was originally not Du Zhong, but another person. There were some accidents in the middle, and Du Zhong became the new boss of the base.

As for what happened, he did not know.

Now that we have come this far, we might as well find out the former boss of the base, let him continue to manage, or hear what he can do.

Ability User No. 1 thanked him, and asked people to clean up the mess as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, more people were sent to build that wall.

Cha Cha nodded with satisfaction and left.

is not stupid, knowing that her wall is not finished yet.

They were the ones who destroyed it, so it should be back for her!

Cha Cha and Lu Li left the Sunshine Base hand in hand.

Mo Xue followed behind and was alone.

Single dogs are really miserable.


The boss of the Sunshine Base, Totsuka, passed away suddenly.

This caused quite a stir in the Sunshine Base.

Many people are worried about their safety and future.

The end of the world is already turbulent. If there are any other accidents, it will be even worse.

Fortunately, this worry did not last long.

Ability User No. 1 retrieved the former boss of the base.

The former boss became the boss of the base again.

And quickly solved some questions about tsuka.

In terms of action, he is obviously more suitable for managing the base than Tuzuka.

As for why he abdicated in the first place, and chose Du Zhong as the boss of the base, no one knows except for his ability user No. 1.

Ability User No. 1 was very emotional.

He didn't think about it at all.

A person who has followed for a long time is actually a person who will do anything by any means.

In the beginning, Du Zhong deliberately designed it so that he got the position of the boss of the base. The former boss has been locked up by Du Zhong in the name of recuperating...

Now Tsukasa is dead.

Everything seems to be back to where it started.

Sunshine Base has returned to its previous state, calm and happy.

And the queen base of Chacha is also established in an orderly manner.

The wall between the Sunshine Base and the Queen's Base is very high, and the bases on both sides are in a state where the well water does not violate the river water.

Even sometimes, when the Queen's Base needs manpower, the Sunshine Base will send some people. Of course, Chacha will also provide remuneration, such as fresh vegetables, rice noodles and other materials.

In the last days, materials are very rare.

From the beginning, we sent people to the Queen's base to help.

Later, it has evolved into a race to go to the Queen's base to help. Sometimes, many people fight for a place, just to go to the Queen's base to work in exchange for materials.

One month later.

The Queen's Base is finally completed.

Although there are not many people in the base, the rest are zombies, but they are still very happy and happy to be around.

Mo Xue's cooking skills are getting better and better, and the dishes she cooks are becoming more and more suitable for Chacha's appetite.

Although the zombies didn't eat before, but in the past month or so, their living habits have been gradually changed, and now they have developed a good habit of eating.

In this way, you won't bite people again.

Even Lu Li had more food than before.

At least no more frowning when eating snacks.

This makes Cha Cha very happy.

That night, he gave Lu Li a lot of snacks.

Lu Li, "..." What if there are too many snacks?

Probably can only eat slowly.

Although Chacha's system store is not short of ingredients, she can't buy it through the system store all the time, and in the apocalypse so many people want to eat, the best way is to replant wheat and vegetables.

She first exchanged some seeds from the system store, and then asked Mo Xue to plant them according to the method.

First, I picked some vegetable seeds with a relatively short growth cycle to plant. Unexpectedly, these seeds germinate and grow quickly, almost twice as fast as the vegetables before the end of the world.

In addition, the vegetables grown are not polluted, and they will not be harmful to humans if they eat them, and they can also supplement the corresponding nutrients.

After confirming this matter.

Cha Cha bought a lot of vegetable seeds.

Let Mo Xue bring the seeds to the Sunshine Base to sell, and at the same time, spread the news as much as possible.

In this way, there will be many living humans rushing to the base. Whether you enter the Sunshine Base or the Queen Base, you can live normally, and you don’t need to worry anymore...

Sunshine Base, because of humans and power users, many people who rushed over went directly to the past.

And the queen base...

A pile of zombies.

Even if it is repeatedly stated that the zombies in the base do not bite people, there are still many people who are afraid and dare not enter the base, so that there are more and more zombies in the sunshine base, but there is not one more human being.

And those who used to work in the Queen's base are heartbroken, these new friends have no idea what kind of opportunity they have lost!

If they weren't already in the Sunshine Base, they would definitely beg for Leaf Tea to let them enter the Queen's Base.

Although...they did ask for leaf tea.

But people refused.

Leaf tea means not to do such things as digging corners.

is very sad.

These corners of them can really run over on their own initiative!

Of course, over time.

Those humans who didn't dare to go to the Queen's base also realized what kind of opportunity they missed.

Unfortunately, if you miss it, you miss it.


one year later.

Sunshine Base has expanded its site.

There are too many people coming to the base.

The base is almost out of stock.

And the Queen's base has also expanded its territory.

The bases of the two sides expand outward respectively.

More and more zombies are rushing towards the Queen's base.

Those zombies who stayed in the Queen's base for a long time gradually became conscious and seemed to be a little awake.

Although not as good as a normal human being, this is exciting news.

After the zombies become conscious, they can communicate with humans in a simple way, and they can also have joy and pain like humans...

These are very simple things for humans, but they are difficult for zombies, but fortunately, there is a plug-in called Chacha.

Another year passed.

There are many zombies coming to the Queen's base, and the base also has a new nickname: Zombie Base.

Chacha, "???" Who! Who gets the name! The zombie base is not domineering at all!

Who said my base is full of zombies?

She is a normal human being!


Mo Xue silently stood aside and did not speak.

You are a person, but your boyfriend is not a person.

嘤嘤, Big Brother Lu is also a zombie.

If she hadn't accidentally seen Big Brother Lu interacting with zombies in strange and strange languages, she would have thought that Lu Li was a human being...

However, it doesn't matter.

No matter if he is human or not, Lu Li is the one that Sister Ye cares about the most, a unique existence.

(end of this chapter)