Chapter 1606: Demon Sorceress (12)

Chapter 1606 Demonic Demon Girl (12)

Cha Cha stared at Yue Ze for a while.

"Then I'll go in person?"

As soon as the voice fell, Yue Ze quickly turned and left.

Looking at the figure of someone leaving, Cha Cha burst out laughing.

Qiqi said helplessly, [Chacha, don't you think Yue Ze is too contrived? 】

Chacha shook his head, "It's okay, I will try my best to spoil him and make him happy."

Qiqi, […] Sorry to bother you.


Yue Ze did not notify Qing Mu to find Jiang Mu.

He went there himself.

One palm directly knocked the person unconscious, then looked up and down for a while, and after confirming that this person was not comparable to him, he turned his head and left.

This person is not qualified to be his rival in love.

He has nothing to worry about!

After everything is ready.

Qing Mu listened to Cha Cha's plan in shock.

"..." The courage to plot against Su Yue in Yuecheng's territory is really big.

Chacha asked a few words uneasy.

"Can you complete this task? Go to Su Yue, report my news, and then bring Su Yue to this inn.

There are many Jianghu people resting here in this inn. In order not to lose faith, Su Yue will definitely give you a thousand taels of gold. Well... gold is not easy to carry, so let him convert it into a silver note that can be carried with him.

Do you understand me? I will get rid of them after Su Yue sees me.

After you get the silver ticket, don't stay too long, just say a few words to Suyue and you can leave the inn, and then we will meet again. "

Qing Mu's mouth twitched, "Okay."

Since the leader has no opinion, he certainly has no opinion.

So, the matter was settled.

Qing Mu quickly went to Su Yue's mansion.

Cha Cha let Yue Ze hide in the dark for a while.

It's almost time to count.

Cha Cha wore a veil and went downstairs to order a few dishes.

There are many people coming and going in the inn every day, so Xiao Er naturally doesn't remember her.

What's more, most of the people who come to this inn are from Jianghu. They can take people's lives with their swords and guns. After a long time, whether they are juniors or shopkeepers, they all adhere to the three principles of not asking, not seeing, not talking. .

Little Er just finished serving.

Cha Cha faintly heard movement.

Take off the veil slowly and calmly, and take the vegetables calmly.

The taste is not bad, you can order a few more dishes if you have the chance.

"Shen tea!"

"The city owner is her, she is Shen Cha."

"It was she who hurt Senior Brother Yumian and robbed Junior Sister's treasure!"


Chacha followed the voice and looked over.

The middle-aged man at the front should be Su Yue, who looks kind and kind, but everyone who has been in the arena for a long time knows that the more kind-hearted people are, the easier it is to stab them.

He is the master of a city, how can he not have blood on his hands?

"It turns out that you are Shen Cha. In Xia Su Yue, I came to ask you for an explanation. You hurt my disciple, robbed my daughter's treasure, and made my daughter seriously ill. How do you think this account should be calculated?"

Cha Cha raised an eyebrow at him.

"City Lord Su really knows how to laugh. Jiang Yumian slaughtered my whole family. Don't you allow me to take revenge?"

Killing intent flashed in Su Yue's eyes.

Shen Cha must die.

Su Yue, "Don't talk nonsense!"

Cha Cha was silent.

Qing Mu, who was brought here by Su Yue, made a sound at the right time.

"City Lord Su, the reward order said that if you provide information about this woman, you can get a thousand taels of gold. It's a good idea. Now that you have seen her, should you give me this thousand taels of gold?

City Lord Su shouldn't default on his debt, right? I have come here with you, if you don't give me gold, don't waste my time. "

Cha Cha chuckled.

"City Lord Su, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person..."

fell with his voice.

Other theatergoers also talked about it.

"The city lord Su is the city lord, how could it be possible to default on the debt?"

"Yes, this is Yuecheng."

"If City Lord Su refuses to pay his bills in front of so many people, who will believe his words in the future!"

"Lord of a city, don't believe what you say!"

"Fortunately, I wasn't in a hurry to find the whereabouts of this witch, otherwise I would have wasted my time..."

"Go back and tell others so they don't waste any more time..."

Seeing that the discussion is getting louder and louder.

Su Yue quickly took out 10,000 taels of silver notes from his arms and handed them to Qing Mu, "Little brother, you have provided news about the demon girl, you deserve it, gold is not easy to carry, silver notes are more convenient to carry, this silver Tickets, not only in Yuecheng, but also in other places.” (One tael of gold is equal to ten taels of silver, so don’t be too particular about it.)

Qing Mu took the bank note and praised him a couple of times as planned.

"City Lord Su is faithful to his words. I really admire him. Unfortunately, his martial arts skills are not good, so he can't help City Lord Su arrest people."

Su Yue waved his hand, "It's okay, you have helped me a lot by providing information."

Su Yue deliberately greeted a few words.

Sure enough.

The onlookers in the inn were discussing with smiles.

"City Lord Su is such a good person! Refreshing!"

"Yes, yes, how could I be so blind that I didn't notice this witch? Otherwise, the 10,000 taels of silver would be mine!"

The silver ticket was in hand, Chacha took advantage of the gap between the words, jumped up, and left the inn.

Su Yue was shocked and hurriedly took someone to chase him.

Qing Mu quietly left the crowd.

He held the silver note and meditated silently.

Ten thousand taels of silver is too good to earn.

After a stick of incense.

The three meet at another inn.

Qing Mu handed over ten thousand taels of silver.

Cha Cha smiled and gave Qing Mu a thousand taels.

"Come on, I'll reward you, today's play is well done!"

Next, another 4,000 taels were distributed to Yue Ze.

Yue Ze squinted at the silver note.

"Didn't you say, give me half? Half of ten thousand taels should be five thousand taels."

Chacha, "Qing Mu is also very tired from acting. This is for him to run errands, and you didn't do anything. You gave Qing Mu an order, and you got four thousand taels. Are you still not satisfied?"

Yoshizawa said righteously, "I protect you."

Chacha, "...Okay, for the sake of the leader's condescension, I'll give you another thousand taels."

Qingmu, "..." Excuse me, I shouldn't be here.

Yoshizawa took the silver note in a very good mood.

"what's next?"

Cha Cha reached out and took the silver note in Yue Ze's hand, and waved at Qing Mu.

"Go and take out the 10,000 taels of silver, then transport it back to the Demon Sect, and then let the Demon Sect disciples who followed down the mountain before continue to cooperate with me in acting tomorrow."

Qing Mu, "..."

Miss Shen is ruthless!

Chacha, "If you don't have enough staff, call a few more people, but you need to pick a few smart ones."

Qing Mu, "Don't worry, Miss Shen, I will do it properly, and the sect master will trouble you to take care of it. I will be back tomorrow at noon."

Qing Mu left overnight, went to the bank to get 10,000 taels of silver, and then transported it back to the Demon Sect.

After all, the silver note was given by Su Yue. If Su Yue regretted it and gave an order to the bank, it is very likely that there will be other problems with withdrawing money in the future.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, it is better to change them into silver taels first, and it is safer to transport them back to the Demon Cult.

Thinking about it carefully, Miss Shen was really thoughtful.

All aspects have been thought of.

Follow the next plan.

It is estimated that Su Yue is going to bleed heavily.

He will wait and see!

(end of this chapter)