Chapter 1607: Demonic Sorceress (13)

Chapter 1607 Demonic Demon Girl (13)

The next day.

Su Yue was still eating breakfast when someone came to deliver Shen Cha's whereabouts.

said he saw her at a pawnshop.

Su Yue heard the words and immediately took someone to the pawnshop.

Meanwhile, bring the person who reported the whereabouts.

When he arrived at the pawnshop, he saw that Shen Cha was picking things, not in a hurry, not in a hurry, with a calm and relaxed attitude, which made Su Yue feel bad.

His chest was full of anger.

This Shen Cha clearly does not take him seriously.

Last night, let her run away, this time, nothing can make her run away from his eyes again.

Su Yue didn't say nonsense, and ordered his disciples to directly attack Shen Cha.

"The witch takes her life!"

Cha Cha looked back calmly, "Want my life? It depends on whether you have that ability!"

She is very good at light work.

But this time, Su Yue was prepared.

People directly surrounded the pawnshop.

He doesn't believe it, he can escape this time!

Su Yue rushed up with his sword in hand, but unfortunately, Chacha Qinggong was very good, so he didn't plan to fight Su Yue at all.

Looking at Su Yue who rushed up, Chacha was just a handful of flour.

Su Yue was shocked, closed his eyes, and cursed angrily.

"Demon girl! You monster girl actually poisoned!"

Chacha, "If a witch doesn't even use poison, what is it called a witch?

Leaving this sentence, Cha Cha walked away.

The rest of the Yuecheng disciples looked at each other and did not dare to chase.

Finally, he carefully went to help Su Yue.

"The city owner..."

"Trash! A bunch of trash!"

Su Yue scolded and opened his eyes, and rubbed the 'poison' on his face with his fingertips, this smell...? ? ?

is clearly a handful of flour, bah!

Su Yue was so angry that he could no longer maintain that kind-hearted look, and he had long since become vicious.

The little brother who was seeing off the whereabouts asked tremblingly.

"City Lord Su? Can I get the silver taels for the reward?"

Su Yue glanced at him and took out ten thousand taels of silver bill in displeasedness.

The person who took the silver ticket said thank you and left quickly.

looks like he was frightened by Su Yue.

In reality, however, that person was afraid that if he didn't run again, he would laugh uncontrollably.

10,000 taels of silver!

Just a few words, cooperate, and you can get 10,000 taels, which is really beautiful!

The man went to the designated place according to the instructions of Protector Qing Mu, then went to the bank to exchange silver taels, and then found someone to transport it back.

A series of operations are easy to carry out.

After all, I had the experience of last night.

When Chacha pit Su Yue, he did not hesitate at all.

Next, pastry shop, silk and satin shop, jade shop, tea stall...

have played around.

In one day, Su Yue was stunned for 50,000 taels of silver.

When   Qing Mu came back, he was stunned when he saw the results.

This money... is also too good to earn.

It has to be said that Su Yue, the big head, is very much in his heart.

At the end of the day, Chacha enjoys it.

Yue Ze hid in the dark to protect her.

Su Yue was humiliated and lost money...

On the same day, when Su Yue returned to the City Lord's Mansion, the reward order was directly revealed.

A full 50,000 taels of silver was spent, and a lot of money was spent, but none of it took any advantage from the witch.

The disciples in the mansion who followed him were already in a state of embarrassment and exhaustion.

That can she run like that?

As for Su Yue, it wasn't much better.

was utterly embarrassed.

After returning to the mansion, no one dared to touch bad luck, for fear of being scolded by Su Yue.

Su Yue sat there, quietly thinking about what happened this time.

Silver taels are small, shame and shame are big things.

He is the city lord of Yuecheng, but he was turned around by a demon girl and chased him four or five times in a row, but he couldn't catch anyone. If this matter spreads out, where would he put his face?

He will be in Yuecheng in the future, how can he still be the lord of the city?

Unfortunately, Su Yue thought about it for a long time and could not come up with a solution.

at the same time.

In a remote courtyard in Yuecheng, Qing Mu said, "Su Yue ordered someone to withdraw the reward."

Chacha waved his hand indifferently.

"It's okay, it's in my plan."

In order to celebrate the successful arrival of 50,000 taels, Chacha specially prepared a lot of good wine and good dishes.

Yue Ze was beside her and poked her little cheek.

"You said, if Su Yue knew that the money was in your hands, how would he react?"

Chacha snorted, "Maybe you'll be mad?"

She tilted her head and continued, "However, this matter is not over, continue to receive money tomorrow, let the disciples cheer up, we must cooperate well tomorrow, and if we make a profit, we will return to the Demon Sect and eat later. Meat and drink!"

Qing Mu, "..." What do you mean by the bandit all over you?

Yue Ze leaned to Cha Cha's ear.

"Am I missing your food and drink?"

If you don’t have this money, how can you eat delicious food?

She is better, she has been picking Su Yue's wool.

said he was playing with him, but in fact, he had been playing Su Yue all the time.

Su Yue, "???"

Yue Ze sighed silently.

Why didn't he look back, in fact he also had a lot of money.

Chacha thought for a while, and said, "You are very good to me, so, to thank you, I will give you half of the money that I have spent these days. Rich and happy, isn't that bad?"

She looked at Yue Ze in confusion.

Yue Ze sighed.

"No, you spent most of your time on Su Yue."

Qing Mu, "???"

Chacha, "???"

Chacha, "Su Yue has a grudge against me! Of course I have to put some thought into it, what are you thinking about all day?"


Is it possible that this vinegar jar can still be turned over to Su Yue?

If this is the case, then he is amazing.

But looking at the appearance of Koshizawa.

Chacha added another sentence.

"Five thousand taels more, and we'll go back to the Demon Sect."

Anyway, give Yue Ze a reassurance first.

A smile appeared on Yue Ze's face, "This is what you said, you can't regret it!"

Cha Cha held his forehead, "Of course I won't regret it, I'm not interested in Su Yue..."

Coaxed the angry Yue Ze.

Chacha began to plan the next step.

Now Su Yue has withdrawn the reward order.

Then, she asked Su Yue to re-hang the reward order honestly.

Late at night.

The City Lord's Mansion was silent.

Cha Cha helplessly looked back at Yue Ze who was following him.

"You must not hold me back."

Yue Ze hummed.

stared at her unhappily.

actually sneaked out while he wasn't paying attention.

This account, he hasn't settled with her yet!

Chacha, "I'll go to Su Yue's place to beat someone up, and tomorrow's reward order will naturally be hung up."

Yue Ze nodded in agreement.

"I'll give you a stick of incense time."

Cha Cha, "Good."

A stick of incense is enough.

Cha Cha passed by quickly, and there were many guards in the City Lord's Mansion.

However, no one should have thought that she would attack the city lord's mansion tonight.

And the target is very accurate - Su Yue.

At this time, Su Yue had already lay down and rested.

Cha Cha first quietly knocked down a few guards near Su Yue's courtyard.

Then he entered Su Yue's room.

Su Yue's vigilance is okay.

As soon as Cha Cha arrived in front of his bed, Su Yue woke up.

Su Yue was shocked when he saw the person coming.

Probably did not expect Shen Cha to be so arrogant.

Next second.

Chacha didn't give him a chance to react.

The movements are steady and precise, and the person is knocked unconscious, and then he beats the person.

(end of this chapter)