Chapter 1612: Demonic Sorceress (18)

Chapter 1612 Demonic Demon Girl (18)

Qiqi went to Liu Ying's yard in a spirited manner.

as a cat.

will naturally not attract attention.

He came to Liuying's room with ease, and it quietly jumped to a big tree. At the top, you could just see what Liuying was writing in the room.

As for what was written, it does not know.

Qiqi stretched.

took advantage of the situation to lie on the tree.

Then he saw Liu Ying tying the note to the leg of the carrier pigeon.

This pigeon is different from other pigeons.

is dedicated to the Demon Sect. No one will suspect or intercept it when flying over the Demon Sect.

Qiqi hurriedly reported to Cha Cha.

is like a remote call.

Qiqi, [She has passed the book by flying pigeons, so she should be able to stop it. 】

Cha Cha, "Good."

Cha Cha walked out of the room and faced Yue Ze.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?"

Cha Cha gave him a look, stretched out his hand and pulled him, rushing in the direction Qi Qi said.

Then, he explained it briefly.

Koshizawa figured out what she was going to do.

sighed slightly.

"Don't worry, I'll let people stop the carrier pigeons."

The voice fell.

I saw Yue Ze took out a bell from his arms and shook it a few times rhythmically.

Chacha, "???" What is this baby.

for a moment.

Chacha heard the bell ring.

But the bell obviously didn't move.

"What does this mean?" She stared at Yue Ze, waiting for him to explain, strange gadgets.

"This is what I use to communicate with the Dark Guard of the Demon Sect.

The bells are equipped with sound transmission Gu, even if they are separated by thousands of miles, the information can be transmitted to the other party just by shaking the bell.

The speed and rhythm of the    shaking have their own meanings, and the person who receives the sound of the bell shaking will also judge the message to be received.

Someone will send the carrier pigeons later, we will go back and wait. "

Yue Ze explained somewhat proudly.

Chacha understands it in seconds.

Oh, similar to a mobile phone. powerful is the phone!

Sound Transmission Gu is completely incomparable with mobile phones.

But it is amazing to be able to create something like sound transmission Gu against such a plane background.

Chacha cooperated with praise.


Yue Ze, "I think your praise is very careless."

"...I think my praise is very heartfelt! You are really amazing!"

After that, he took a sip of Cha Cha and printed it on his cheek.

Well, this way, there will be no trouble.

Small emotions were instantly appeased.

Yue Ze was in a very happy mood at this moment.

The little girl seems to have mastered the way to coax him.

Try lark.

Not long.

The Dark Guard sent the carrier pigeon and presented the note.

The content of the    note is also very simple.

seems to be no problem.

There are only a few words: well, don't read.

But the problem is that Liu Ying grew up in a magic sect and has no relatives outside...

Yue Ze re-tied the note to the carrier pigeon.

and took out a small bottle from his arms, and sprinkled a kind of medicinal powder on the wings of the carrier pigeon.

"Put the carrier pigeon back and see where its destination is." Koshizawa instructed.

The dark guard picked up the carrier pigeon and left quickly.

Chacha was a little confused.

"Can he catch the carrier pigeon?"

This... doesn't seem to work?

If it’s a short time, maybe it’s ok.

However, it is easy to get overwhelmed by the distance.

"Don't worry, there is powder on the carrier pigeon, he can catch it."

chacha, “…”

There are quite a lot of strange babies in the Demon Sect?

"What other treasures do you have there!" Cha Cha looked at him expectantly.

I always feel that there are other interesting things.

"Why don't I take you to the Treasure Pavilion." Yue Ze took her to the Treasure Pavilion without hesitation.

The Treasure Pavilion of the Demon Sect can only be entered by the leader.

This is the rule.

Chacha thought for a while.

"Will it be bad?"

What should I do if my disciples are dissatisfied?

She didn't want to destroy his image in the hearts of demon disciples because of her reasons.

"Nothing wrong, you will be the sect master's wife in the future, let alone Treasure Pavilion, even me is yours."

Yoshizawa didn't think there was any problem at all.

Chacha, "..." The teacher, the leader's wife? Might as well...

was so straightforward all of a sudden, she was a little stunned.

But it's okay and acceptable.

Treasure Pavilion.

The leader led the tea in, and soon spread of the magic religion.

When Liu Ying heard the news, her teeth itch with hatred.

If she knew earlier, she should have killed Shen Cha on the day Shen Cha appeared in the Demon Sect! It's simple and easy, and it won't be as regrettable as it is now.


Late at night.

The Dark Guard is back.

At the same time, there is Qing Mu who has returned.

Qing Mu, "There is indeed something wrong with the pastry, it's not a poison, but... it's an advanced Huagong San.

This kind of Hua Gong San will not happen on the spot, it will happen every other day, that is to say, on the day when Miss Shen and Su Yue duel... Miss Shen will have an effect on Hua Gong San in her body. "

Hua Gong San is as the name suggests.

will make it impossible for people to use their inner strength for a period of time.

The internal force will be consumed a little bit.

After the effect of the medicine has passed, the internal strength will gradually recover.

But...this time period...clearly wanted Miss Shen to die in Su Yue's hands.

Qing Mu did not expect that Liu Ying's mind was so vicious.

If it wasn't for him to check the pastry today.

Probably no one would have thought such a thing would happen.

Cha Cha looked at the dark guard with a calm expression.

"That carrier pigeon flew to the Yuecheng City Lord's Mansion?"

Dark Guard, "It is indeed the Yuecheng City Lord's Mansion, Su Yue's Mansion."

The matter has come to this point, it seems that nothing needs to be said.

Liu Ying did collude with Su Yue and wanted to kill her.

"My subordinates are going to bring Liu Ying over here!"

Qing Mu looked at the sect master's face, and said weakly.

Cha Cha hurriedly stopped him.

"No, it's all developed so far, just count on it!"

At that time, she will surprise Liu Ying and Su Yue at Qingyun Peak.

"The Hua Gong San in your body..." Yue Ze looked at her worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm immune to all poisons, it's just mere gong." Cha Cha comforted a few words.

"You have to cooperate with me! Don't run over to ask Liu Ying!" Otherwise, the play would not be possible, Cha Cha specifically warned.

Yue Ze snorted.

had killing intent in his eyes, "I won't move her now, but after the decisive battle of Qingyun Peak, I can't let her go."

Cha Cha frowned, "Thank you, Sect Master, for giving me face!"

Yue Ze, "These are what I should do."

Qing Mu backed away silently.

pulled a dark guard.

At times like this, if you don't leave, you'll have to eat tons of dog food.

Don't ask him how he knew.

is the lesson of blood and tears...

At that time.

Liu Ying and Su Yue were complacent.

felt like he was going to win big.

did not know that the plan had already been seen through.

in the city lord's mansion.

Su Chaoyu looked at his very happy father in confusion.

"Daddy is very sure about this decisive battle?"

Su Yue, "Yes, Daddy will definitely win, you are waiting for my good news at home!"

Su Chaoyu hesitated for a moment.

"I want to go to Qingyun Peak with Daddy, I want to watch Shen Cha get the retribution she deserves!"

"Okay, it's up to you, bring Yumian with you when the time comes, and let's go to Qingyun Peak together!" Su Yue said cheerfully, having a good idea of ​​the decisive battle.

(end of this chapter)