Chapter 1613: Demon witch (19)

Chapter 1613 Demonic Demon Girl (19)

In the blink of an eye, it was time for the decisive battle at Qingyun Peak.

Yue Ze protected her in the dark according to Chacha's request.

But Qing Mu must follow her and protect her at all times.

Chacha can't beat Yueze.

had no choice but to agree, and she took Qing Mu to Qingyun Peak in an upright manner.

Liu Ying pondered that she would go there herself, so that she could see Shen Cha being killed by Su Yue with her own eyes.


Liu Ying followed closely.

didn't know that Yue Ze was following Shen Cha in secret.

On the other side, the City Lord's Mansion.

Su Yue was full of confidence, Su Chaoyu and Jiang Yumian also prepared briefly, and followed Su Yue to Qingyun Peak.

This time, we must win.


Qingyun Peak.

Speaking of which, Qingyun Peak is very lively today.

In addition to the people from the Demon Sect and the City Lord's Mansion, many people from all corners of the world also came all the way to watch the show.

Demon Sect demon girl against Su Yue in Shangyue City.

This can be regarded as one of the most sensational events in the past six months.

Not only that, but there are also many people who are not in the rivers and lakes, who are helpless and come to watch the show.

Of course, they are not simply for the theater.

Many of them are people who put their entire net worth on Su Yue because of gambling.

They are here to support Su Yue. By the way, they want to see if this demon girl will use some shady methods.

So much so that Qingyun Peak was surrounded by people.

Cha Cha frowned and asked Qing Mu to clear the field.

For something as important as a decisive battle, of course, a space must be vacated so that it can be easily performed.

These people are quite cooperative.

They all knew in their hearts that if the distance was too close, it would be bad if they were accidentally wounded, the sword had no eyes, and hurt innocent people like them.

Su Yue was long overdue.

followed by Jiang Yumian, Su Chaoyu, and some other disciples, with a great momentum.

It's just that Su Chaoyu's sick child is a little out of place.

Chacha's indifferent gaze fell on Su Chaoyu, looking up and down rudely.

Seeing that Su Chaoyu has become a sick child again, I have to say that she is quite happy in her heart.

She disliked Su Chaoyu at first sight.

Intuition told her that this person was a white lotus flower.

Oh, and it is a ruthless white lotus.

Her intuition is rarely wrong, and with Su Chaoyu's behavior, she can be sure that her intuition is fine.

Su Chaoyu just met Chacha's line of sight.

Four eyes are facing each other.

Su Chaoyu looked at Chacha without hesitation.

His eyes were filled with hatred and murderous intent.

Chacha, "..." It really doesn't hide it at all!

When we first met, Su Chaoyu pretended a little, but now, he doesn't even bother to pretend.

Cha Cha tilted his head.


smiled provocatively at Su Chaoyu.

Tsk, Yupei only has one piece, and she has already destroyed it.

Unless there is another piece of Yupei that falls from the sky, otherwise, Su Chaoyu will not live long.

Thinking of this, Cha Cha is even happier.

The smile became deeper and deeper.

Su Chaoyu gasped in anger, stretched out his hand and grabbed Su Yue's wrist.

"Father, you must win, I want her to die!" I want her to go to Yanluo Palace to reunite with the Shen family!

Su Yue patted her comfortably.

"Don't worry, I'm pretty sure, everything has been arranged, you just watch me do it to her."

"Okay." Su Chaoyu nodded.

Shen Cha must die.

As long as she thinks that Shen Cha has ruined her treasure, she can't wait to slash Shen Cha with a thousand cuts.

Su Yue took a few steps forward and stood opposite Chacha.

The knife in his hand shone with a sharp light, and the whole person seemed to be in the grip of victory.

Su Yue's first sentence made people feel sick.

Su Yue, "Demon girl, you hurt my disciple and my daughter. Today, I will fight you to the death!"

Cha Cha stared at Su Yue expressionlessly.

"City Lord Su can really reverse black and white."

"Since we are all here today, let's do a calculation of the accounts from three years ago." Cha Cha said again.

Su Yue was a little flustered.

But it was only for a moment, he was calm.

"The enchantress Hugh wants to delay the time. If you have anything to say, we'll talk about it after we've called!"

Su Yue made it clear that he wanted to kill people.

The corners of Chacha's lips rose, looking at the confident Su Yue, she suddenly felt that it was okay to fight first.

"Since it is a decisive battle of life and death, after the decisive battle, we will not be responsible for casualties. This is a rule that has remained unchanged for many years, and City Lord Su is willing to abide by it."

"Of course! This is what I want to say to your demon sect. If I accidentally hurt you, the demon sect can't trouble me in Yuecheng!" Su Yue reminded loudly.

Chacha, "Okay, anyway, there are so many people here today, so let's be a witness together."

The voice fell.

Chacha has an extra whip in his hand.

The slender whip was tightly held in her hand.

Su Yue laughed instantly when he saw the whip. He thought she had some powerful weapon in her hand!

was actually a broken whip, and a disdainful smile appeared in Su Yue's eyes.

Perhaps, even if he didn't cooperate with the people from the Demon Sect, he could easily win over the demon girl Shen Cha.

followed by a whistle.

Su Yue rushed over with a long knife.

Cha Cha frowned and shook the whip in his hand slowly.

Her figure was astonishing.

The whip wields dexterously, and each whip carries great lethality.

It wasn't until Su Yue received a whip that his skin was ripped apart on the spot, and Su Yue realized that her whip was not weak at all in lethality.

Su Yue's eyes were red, wanting revenge.

Counting the time, this witch's power should be gradually weakening.

But after fighting for so long, he didn't see any signs of weakening.

On the contrary, Shen Cha seemed to have found a technique, and he was stunned to receive a few more whips.

Painful cold sweat flowed.

Seeing that Su Yue couldn't resist.

Su Chaoyu roared, "Shen Cha, don't deceive people too much!"

She seemed to want to divert Shen Cha's attention.

Unfortunately, Chacha ignored Su Chaoyu at all.

Distracted on the battlefield?

She is not stupid.

Now the situation is very obvious, Su Yue is at a disadvantage and has no power to fight back.

He couldn't even hold the long sword in his hand.

Cha Cha is holding the whip in a valiant manner.

She looked at Su Yue steadily, "City Lord Su, it's too soon? It really disappoints me, you see, so many people are waiting for you to win!"

Su Yue's scarlet eyes were dark at the moment.

Of course he knew that a lot of people were waiting for him to win.

But this witch is so powerful, he can't find a chance to kill her at all.

But if Shen Cha doesn't die today, there will only be endless troubles and endless troubles in the future...

Su Yue gritted his teeth, suddenly he had strength, and rushed over again as if he was desperate.

Cha Cha squinted her eyes. Right now, she tapped her toes and jumped lightly. After jumping into the air, she gently landed, and her toes stomped heavily on Su Yue's head.

Immediately, she jumped up again and slapped Su Yue fiercely.

This whip was several times heavier than the previous force, and it directly spit blood out of Su Yue's mouth, thumped, and fell to the ground.

looks like he was seriously injured.

Su Chaoyu rushed over quickly.


Jiang Yumian also ran over, "How are you, Master?"

The two checked Su Yue's injury.

Extremely angry.

"Shen Cha, you demon girl, I fought with you!"

Jiang Yumian rushed to Cha Cha with his sword in hand.

(end of this chapter)