Chapter 1614: Demonic Sorceress (20)

Chapter 1614 Demonic Demon Girl (20)

Cha Cha looked at Jiang Yumian who was automatically delivered to his door.

whipped up the whip, it was not soft at all.

Jiang Yumian hadn't approached her yet, so he couldn't find the east, west, north, south and south with the whip.

The rest of the people who were eager to try did not dare to move.

for fear of being beaten to death by this witch.

This whip is so powerful that even Su Yue was beaten to the point of vomiting blood, let alone them?

At such times, it is better to wait and see first.

Chacha looked at the person lying on the ground coldly.

"This first whip, I did it for your master and my father, Shen Xiao. He took you by his side for five years, but you were uneasy and kind and calculated everywhere."

The words fell, and it was another whip.

Jiang Yumian let out a painful howl.

Chacha, "This second whip, I beat you for your former fiancee, my sister Shen Jinyun! On the day of her marriage, she was waiting for you to marry her, but you slaughtered my entire Shen family!"

Immediately, Chacha whipped a few more whips, and the whips opened the flesh.

"This next whip is for those souls who were killed by you!

Jiang Yumian, let me tell you, the enmity of the whole family will never end. "

Jiang Yumian opened his mouth to speak, but his mouth was a mouthful of blood, as if he couldn't stop it.

At this moment, he is the fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered, and he looks at Su Yue as if asking for help, but unfortunately, at this time, Su Yue cannot protect himself.

Cha Cha returned his gaze to Su Yue.

"Jiang Yumian is the culprit in destroying my entire family, and you, who instructed him to enter my Shen family and steal my family heirlooms, have calculated it from the very beginning.

If my father does not give it, you will slaughter me all over the house. Even if you count this grudge, you will not be able to escape. "

Su Yue's situation is not very optimistic.

He is more serious than Jiang Yumian.

lay there, unable to even open his mouth.

The crowd of onlookers suddenly realized that this was not right.

What this witch said was too shocking.

Su Yue took a fancy to her family heirloom, and then asked Jiang Yumian to go undercover, and slaughtered the whole family if he couldn't get it?

What crazy beast is this?

Some people don't quite believe what the witch said.

After all, Su Yue has a good reputation in Yuecheng.

But there are also people in Jianghu who are shocked.

"Is the girl from the Shen family in Yiyun City? Three years ago, Jiang Yumian did the massacre of the Shen family?"

Cha Cha tilted his head to look at the man who was questioning, "Shen Cha, the daughter of Shen Xiao."

The truth of what happened back then should be revealed.

"Eight years ago, Jiang Yumian took the pseudonym Jiang Man, entered my Shen family, and became my father's disciple. In five years, not only did he become my father's proud disciple, but my father also married my sister to him, intending to let him Inherit the Shen family.

But in the end...for the sake of my Shen family's heirloom Yupei, he killed everyone in my Shen family on the day of the wedding, but I was not in the Shen family and escaped..."

The crowd was in an uproar.

The non-Jianghu people onlookers did not know about the Shen family.

But most people in Jianghu know a thing or two about the massacre of the Shen family.

At that time, countless Jianghu people sighed.

There are many people who are actively looking for the real murderer.

Unfortunately, no clues were left.

Never thought, actually, the truth of the matter is actually like this?

For Yupei, the heirloom of the Shen family.

Speaking of Yupei.

soon thought of Su Chaoyu from the Su family.

He used to be a sick child, but a few years ago, his body suddenly recovered. Looking at it this way, it happened just after the Shen family was destroyed.

There is also Jiang Yumian, who is amazing.

Martial arts and medical skills are excellent.

There is no news about such a powerful person before.

Su Yue also said that he was in retreat.

After thinking about it carefully, and checking the time again, I found that the timelines of Su Yuejiang, Yumian, Su Chaoyu and the three of them can all be linked to the Shen family...

If this is true.

That Su Yue is too much.

is simply a beast.

Su Chaoyu couldn't bear the gazes of these people and raised his head resentfully.

"Demon girl, don't talk nonsense, that Yupei is not the heirloom of your Shen family! It was given to me by a master, you coveted the treasure and stole my Yupei!"

Chacha, "???" Am I talking nonsense?

Obviously you will talk nonsense even more.

She glanced at Su Chaoyu with a smile.

"Ms. Su dare to swear? I dare, if I lie half a word, I will be struck by lightning, and I will not die."

Su Chaoyu was stunned for a moment.

Poisonous oath?

This thing can also prove the truth?

Funny too!

However, she didn't show it on her face, she looked at Shen Cha solemnly.

"Of course I dare to swear to God, if I tell a lie, and if Brother Yumian really kills your whole family, I will be struck by lightning!"

Chacha raised his eyebrows in satisfaction.

Then, he took a few steps back and distanced himself from Su Chaoyu.

Su Chaoyu looked at her puzzled.

continued, "Look, I dare to swear, I..."

Next second.

She hasn't finished speaking yet.

On a sunny day when the sun was just right, a lightning bolt struck directly, facing Su Chaoyu, as if to fulfill that poisonous oath.

The thunder and lightning came one after another, specifically slashing towards Su Chaoyu.

Su Chaoyu was scared to death.

panicked and got up to run away.

But no matter where she goes, the thunder and lightning will follow.

Su Chaoyu ran around like crazy.

People are afraid to avoid it.


"She told a lie, and her poisonous oath was fulfilled. This is God's eye opening!"

"She's going to die!"

Su Yue on the ground looked in horror at his daughter who was avoiding the lightning in the distance. He always felt that the lightning would hit her in the next second.

However, every time the thunder and lightning fell on her side.

didn't really hit her.

Su Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

so far so good………

Survival is the most important thing now.

Cha Cha squinted and retracted the thunderbolt.

Su Chaoyu fell to the ground with a thud, it was terrible.


It’s okay, fortunately she’s still alive.

Cha Cha tilted his head to look at Jiang Yumian.

She should slash Jiang Yumian again, she'd better scare him away.

The thought just fell.

The sky suddenly became overcast.

A purple thunderbolt struck Su Chaoyu with a mighty force, killing Su Chaoyu directly... just in response to the sentence that it is not good to die.

Cha Cha looked at this scene suspiciously, "???"


"I-I didn't do it..."

Qiqi, "I'm also very confused."


Another thunderbolt struck Jiang Yumian's side.

didn't hit him, but Jiang Yumian was embarrassed to witness the scene of Su Chaoyu's death.

chacha, “…”

"Qiqi, I seem to have opened a plug-in again. It should be Tiandao who heard my thoughts? He deliberately fulfilled me." She was surprised.

Qiqi was shocked, "???Do you know Tiandao, host?"

Chacha, "Oh, I can't say I know each other, but it's okay to walk through the back door. Alas, Tiandao finally remembered me."

Although now, she can solve it by herself.

However, with Tiandao in the background, she suddenly felt that her happiness seemed to be doubled! ! !

Su Chaoyu was hacked to death.

Jiang Yumian was stupid, walking back and forth in disorder, in front of everyone, he slipped and fell off the edge of the cliff of Qingyun Peak... It was almost impossible to die.

Su Yue couldn't accept this sudden development for a while, and his injuries were already serious, coupled with his anger, he vomited blood and died on the spot.

(end of this chapter)