Chapter 1615: Demon Sorceress (21)

Chapter 1615 Demonic Demon Girl (21)

The onlookers on Qingyun Peak were stunned.

I don't know what this is.

Especially those who bet on Su Yue are going crazy.

Su Yue, a beast, deserves to die.

But what about them?

What do they do?

Their net worth is all closely related to Su Yue.

If Su Yue is not dead, they can still ask for an explanation.

Now Su Yue is dead.

Su Chaoyu also died.

Jiang Yumian also died.

There is no one who can manage the city lord's mansion.

Who will pay for their losses?


I don't know who said, "Su Yue is dead, isn't there still the City Lord's Mansion? There are a lot of good things in the City Lord's Mansion!"

As soon as the words came out.

Many people thought.

This is true!

There is no one in charge of the City Lord's Mansion. They can just take advantage of this opportunity to go to the City Lord's Mansion to move some things to compensate for their losses!

Soon, these non-jianghu people ran back like crazy.

I'm afraid I'll be late and won't be able to grab something.

Cha Cha looked blankly at those who left.

They are also theatergoers.

Where does anyone know the sadness of the people in the play.

She glanced at Su Yue's corpse indifferently, and now the matter of the Shen family is over.

At that time.

Qing Mu stood in front of the disciples of the City Lord's Mansion who were following with a cold face, "Do you have any intention of taking revenge?"

Those disciples winked.

shook his head again and again.

How dare they take revenge?

This demon girl... Oh no, Miss Shen is so powerful, and she is trying to avenge the Shen family's **** revenge.

Murder is justified.

It's Su Yuejiang, Yumian and the others!

Qingmu is very satisfied with the attitude of these people.

By the way, he threatened and warned a few words, and those people hurriedly left without looking back.

The rest of the Jianghu people sighed and soon dispersed.

One after another left.

Qingyun Peak soon only had a few people left.

Yue Ze appeared at the right time.

He glanced at Liuying lightly.

Liu Ying immediately stepped forward and said respectfully, "Sect Master, this subordinate is worried about Miss Shen, come and see, Miss Shen is a strong and talented girl."

Yue Ze looked indifferent.

The dark ink eyes fell on her face, unable to distinguish her emotions, "Do you think so?"

Liu Ying, "Liu Ying dare not tell lies."

Yue Ze hummed.

didn't look at her again.

Liu Ying stood on one side, not sure what the leader meant.

at the same time.

Cha Cha looked not far away, there was a person standing there.

The    figure is very familiar.

She sighed slightly and walked towards the man.

Yue Ze's heart suddenly rose to vigilance.

Jiang Mu!

Why did this person appear again?

Yue Ze looked at Qing Mu.

Qing Mu immediately followed in Cha Cha's footsteps.

He understands.

The leader meant to let him listen carefully to what they were saying.

This kind of thing is inconvenient for the leader to walk over.

Long time no see, Jiang Mu has lost a lot of weight, and it looks like he is not doing well.

Cha Cha shouted, "Young Master Jiang."

She pondered, Jiang Mu probably saw what happened just now.

Jiang Yumian fell off the cliff.

There is no chance of surviving.

Jiang Mu's expression flashed a bit of sadness.

After a while, he seemed to have made up his mind.

He said slowly, "You... are you her?"

Chacha was a little surprised.

Did he see it?

He guessed that she was not the original owner.

Cha Cha thought for a while, and said calmly, "No, Shen Yun is dead, there is no more Shen Yun in this world."

Her words were not euphemistic.

But it depends on how Jiang Yumian understands it.

He can understand that the person whose pseudonym is Shen Yun is dead. There is only Shen Cha in this world, because Shen Yun is a fake name.

can also be understood as...Shen Yun (Shen Cha) died.

Jiang Mu lowered his head, as if he had been hit hard.

"I should have guessed..."

Cha Cha looked at him and suddenly felt a little cruel.

Between them, only one layer of window paper remained.

She is not Shen Yun, nor that Shen Cha.

Jiang Mu looked dazed for a while, then whispered, "Thank you." Thank you for avenging her.

Although he didn't know who the person in front of him was.

But he knew that she was here to avenge Shen Yun.

Cha Cha was a little stunned.

Jiang Mu is really smart.

Probably also loved the original owner miserably...

The moment Jiang Mu turned around.

Cha Cha couldn't hold back.

"I'm sorry, Shen Yun is sincere." It's just that Shen Yun didn't have time to say...

Jiang Mu's figure trembled and left unsteadily.


Chacha never heard about Jiang Mu again.

That story started out as a scam.

The ending, how can it be perfect?

From the beginning, it was doomed to be a tragedy.

Yue Ze frowned and came to Cha Cha.

The whole person is full of unhappiness.

"What is there to say for so long?"

Cha Cha looked at Yue Ze who had turned over the vinegar jar.


This man is quite cute!

She stretched out her hands towards Yue Ze, "Hold!"

Yue Ze, "..." Humph! Not modest at all.

Yue Ze took two steps forward and hugged the person into his arms.

"Thinking about taking advantage of me all day?

When exactly are you in charge? "Yue Ze said angrily.

Qing Mu, "???"

The leader's painting style has changed abruptly, so he should stay away.

He doesn't want to eat dog food.

Cha Cha whispered in his ear, "I can do it, see when you have time."

Yue Ze, "...!!!"

Does this mean that she is willing to take responsibility?

She is responsible for the rest of his life?

"What I said, there is no room for me to go back on it." Yue Ze reminded, looking at her with burning eyes.

Chacha nodded obediently, "Yeah." No regrets!

Why should she go back on it?

Her man, of course she is responsible!

Whoever doesn't let her be responsible, she will work hard with them!

Yue Ze was instantly happy.

He bent down and picked him up.

"Let's go home."

Cha Cha, "Good."

She put her hand around his neck.

"Put me down if you're tired."

Hearing this, Yue Ze hummed, "You underestimate me too."

The two chatted and laughed, and the figures gradually moved away.

Qing Mu looked back at Liu Ying, whose face was pale.

For the sake of knowing each other for many years, he reminded, "If you can't get it, don't think about it again."

Liu Ying's face turned even paler.

Qing Mu turned and left.

Liu Ying stayed in place for a long time.

She gritted her teeth and her eyes were firm again.

She is not like everyone else.

She has known the leader for many years, and she will never lose to that witch.

It must be Shen Cha, the demon girl, who bewitched the sect leader by using shameful means.

right! It must be so!

She also watched Shen Cha eat the pastries that day.

But Shen Cha was unscathed.

These people are right, Shen Cha is a witch!

She couldn't let the leader be fascinated by the witch, and she couldn't let the leader be destroyed by the witch.

She must find a way to stop it.

But about the pastry, she must be killed and can't say, Su Yue is dead, which means that no one knows what she has done.

This can be considered as never happened.

She wanted to find some other reason to lobby the elders.

Shen Cha can never be the teacher's wife!

She doesn't allow it! ! !

After Liu Ying had an idea, she immediately followed Qing Mu's footsteps and returned to the Demon Sect together.

On the way, Liu Ying tried to talk from Qing Mu.

Unfortunately, Qing Mu treated her very coldly and ignored her at all.

Liu Ying, "..." Shen Cha is really amazing! Even Qing Mu was fascinated.

(end of this chapter)