Chapter 1625: Stand-in storm (9)

Chapter 1625 Stand-in Storm (9)

Cha Cha patted Gu Ye's shoulder distressedly.

"Don't be too sad, if you don't want to live in this hotel and be controlled by Mr. Gu, I can take you away."

Gu Ye looked at her for a while, suspicion flashing in his eyes.

seems to be saying: I am taking you in now, you are worse than me, and you still want to take me out of here?

Cha Cha met his gaze, and immediately patted her little chest confidently.

"I'm very good, but I'm just hiding my strength."

Gu Ye paused, then nodded cooperatively.

"Well, I believe you."

A low voice fell on Cha Cha's ear.

Cha Cha looked at him and said nothing.

He is pretending to cooperate with her...

perfunctory her.

The little girl lowered her head and thought.

It is true that she is very weak now, and it is normal to not believe her.

But she added.

"If you want to get out of here, I can really take you out."

Gu Ye sighed helplessly.

"I said just now that I can send you out of this hotel quietly, and of course, I can leave myself."

Chacha, "..." That's right.

He said that.

Then she misunderstood?

He should be better than Xiao Qi, Da Qi?

The two of them were barely having a good time chatting.

Cha Cha plans to stay here for two days to see the situation.

In case the old man Gu's people are not good for him, she can still help fight.

Lunch and dinner are delivered by hotel staff.

does not need tea to solve the problem of eating.


Cha Cha went into the bathroom to take a shower.

This suite has two bathrooms.

The room where Gu Ye lived had its own bathroom.

One room for two people is very convenient.

When   Chacha came out of the bathroom, he happened to see Gu Ye sitting on the sofa reading a book.

The man wears a bathrobe.

Under bright lights.

Leng Bai Qingjun's profile and jaw line are perfect, the broken hair in front of his forehead is still dripping with water, a drop of water falls, Cha Cha's eyes follow him for a while, and he can clearly see that the drop of water slides down his cheek from his collarbone...

chacha, "..."

The picture is too beautiful and a little exciting.

She quickly turned her eyes away and looked elsewhere.

Gu Ye felt her gaze and looked up at her.

With just one glance, he returned his eyes to the book in his hand, and then, a friendly reminder.

"You sleep in the room next to you, remember to lock the door at night."

Chacha tilted his head, "???You should have locked the door." In case she accidentally slipped into his room at night, ahem...that's not good.

Gu Ye raised his head, his eyes were a little stunned.

Chacha, "..." is over, I missed the point.

quickly explained, "I, I mean... I like to sleepwalk at night, so I suggest you lock the door."

Gu Ye hummed.

looked at her eyes with some scrutiny, as if thinking about the truth or falsehood of this sentence.

At the moment when Cha Cha turned and left.

Gu Ye suddenly spoke.

"Are you... trying to take advantage of me?"

Cha Cha staggered under his feet.

He really dared to think.

Cha Cha turned around and smiled at him.

She can't sleepwalk!


"Even if I want to take advantage of you, I won't pick the lock, just lock the door."

After that, he hurriedly entered the room.

Gu Ye sat there thoughtfully.


He hasn't seen a sleepwalker yet!

Gu Ye sat on the sofa for a while.

The phone rang and he pressed to answer.

"Have the Xu family returned?"

"No, I'm still waiting in the hotel lobby. They found out that Miss Xu paid the room fee for ten days at this hotel, and she seems to be planning to use it up to the end."

"Well, continue to monitor, if they don't leave tomorrow morning, I'll find something for them." Gu Ye said lightly, his dark eyes exuding a cold light.

hung up the phone, and Gu Ye walked to his room.

Thinking of what she said about sleepwalking, he closed the door and opened it as soon as he pushed it...

The next day.

Gu Ye woke up early and glanced at the hidden door. It was still the same as last night, and no one had come.

Oh, no sleepwalking?

That's a shame.

Chacha in the next room is fast asleep.

does not know what someone really thinks.


Chacha opened the door and saw Gu Ye sitting there at a glance.

chacha, “…”

heard the door open.

Gu Ye looked up at her, their eyes met, Cha Cha took a step back, and slammed the door shut.

This suite is really inconvenient.

The room she slept in was considered the second bedroom, and there was no separate bathroom in the second bedroom, which meant that she had to pass through the door of Gu Ye's room these days to wash and bathe, which was not embarrassing.

The embarrassing thing is... Gu Ye is sitting on the sofa now, and she has to pass by Gu Ye to go to the bathroom.

And she just woke up, her hair was messy, and she was seen by Gu Ye before she even took a shower... um, shame.

But if you enter the space villa to wash.

Waiting for her to come out cleanly, it will definitely arouse Gu Ye's suspicion again.

Cha Cha pinched the center of his eyebrows.


So, living together is actually not very good.


Chacha heard footsteps coming from outside, she walked over and listened to the door for a while, vaguely feeling that Gu Ye seemed to be returning to the master bedroom.

Chacha opened the door, stuck out a small head, looked around, "!"

Gu Ye is not here.

She quickly slipped into the bathroom.

Master bedroom.

Gu Ye is in a good mood.

Breakfast is still delivered by the hotel staff.

It was okay to eat at first.

Eating and eating, the tea will be tasteless.

It's all because of Shen Hongrui and Father Xu, otherwise she would have gone out to eat and drink a long time ago.

"Is it not to your taste?" Gu Ye asked aloud.

Cha Cha, "...It's okay."

Gu Ye hummed.

"What do you want to eat, I'll have someone deliver it at noon."

She had almost eaten breakfast.

Can't eat anymore.

"Don't bother." Cha Cha waved his hand, he had no status in the Gu family, and now he was sent here by Mr. Gu again. If she caused him trouble again, it would be bad.

She lived here for a day, clearly aware that he was in a bad situation.

He didn't even leave the suite.

It is estimated that there must be someone in the hotel who cares about the old man.

is like a prison in disguise.

If because of a meal, he was asked to find someone from Mr. Gu to solve it, then she would feel very sorry.

Gu Ye did not continue this topic.

He said, "The Xu family should have left."

Chacha, "Ah? How did you know."

Gu Ye met her gaze and looked away with a guilty conscience, "...The people of the Xu family should not have so much patience. Today is the second day, and they have to do their own business."

"You're right." Cha Cha nodded.

Even if Father Xu could wait, Shen Hongrui's temper would probably soon start arguing with Father Xu.

Well, suddenly guilty.

She was not afraid of Father Xu and Shen Hongrui.

She can slip out herself.

But Gu Ye misunderstood.

She was an excuse to stay here with Gu Ye.

Now that Father Xu and Shen Hongrui have left, what excuse should she find to stay with Gu Ye?

Suddenly felt that Father Xu and Shen Hongrui were walking too fast.

Should be a little more patient.

Cha Cha sat there with a disgusted look, looking even more unhappy.


Gu Ye: My daughter-in-law is really miserable.

Cha Cha: My man is so pitiful.

Actually, the two bosses pretended to be pitiful...

(end of this chapter)