Chapter 1626: Substitute storm (10)

Chapter 1626 Stand-in Storm (10)

Gu Ye couldn't figure out what she was thinking.

Seeing that she was not in a good mood, she thought she was irritable because of the Xu family.

Being forced to be like this by his own father is definitely uncomfortable. After all, she is still a little girl, and she still has some affection with the Xu family.

Gu Ye sighed slightly.

The people of the Xu family are indeed too much.


After breakfast.

Cha Cha lowered his head, like a frosted eggplant.

Gu Ye wanted to make her happy.

I plan to take her out for a spin.

"I've been bored here for so long, I'll take you out for a walk?"

Chacha muttered.

blinked, not rejecting him.

Going out and shopping can also cultivate feelings?

Although there is no rush to develop feelings, this is also a good opportunity.


She looked at Gu Ye in embarrassment.

"Will Master Gu's people let you go out?"

Gu Ye looked straight at her, "Don't worry, I have a way to get rid of them."

He clearly saw the happiness flashing in her eyes.

"Trust me?" Gu Ye asked again.

Cha Cha nodded with a cute face, "I trust you."

Even if you can't get rid of it, it doesn't matter.

And her too!

Gu Ye made a phone call.

As if someone had been arranged.

Soon someone arrived at the suite and handed Gu Ye two clothes.

Chacha, "???"

Gu Ye handed her one, "This is the clothes of the hotel staff, put it on."

Chacha, "Okay!" Gu Ye is so smart!

Praise him!

Three minutes later.

Gu Ye and Cha Cha left the hotel openly.

Then I got into a car not far away.

at the same time.

In the hotel lobby, a man looked at the distant figure and fell into contemplation.

"..." I don't understand why the BOSS changed into the staff's clothes, didn't he come out when he wanted to?

There is nothing wrong with the hotel.

Could it be that the boss is playing some small game with that little girl?

Alas, probably because he is getting older, he can't understand more and more.

went out of the hotel smoothly.

Chacha is a compliment to Gu Ye.

The driver's hand holding the steering wheel trembled, "..." I... didn't hear anything.

happened to pass by a large shopping mall.

Gu Ye took her into the mall for a while.

When passing by a men's clothing store.

Cha Cha stopped, looked at the clothes in the store, and then looked at Gu Ye.

The poor man must have no money in his hands.

The illegitimate child, miserable and pitiful, just took this opportunity to buy, buy, buy.

She reached out and grabbed Gu Ye.

"Let's go check out this store."

"Okay, but this is men's clothing." Gu Ye reminded that she should go to the women's clothing store.

"I know! Not for me, but for you!" Cha Cha took Gu Ye into the store.

Gu Ye glanced down at her, the little girl looked serious, she said to buy, then buy it.

The clerk warmly greeted me.

After seeing the two of them, he gasped.

The male Qing Jun is full of extravagance.

The woman is charming and lovely, with a delicate face, she is really a talented woman, a natural pair.

In this case, it looks like a young couple is here to buy clothes.

The clerk enthusiastically recommended several items.

Cha Cha took a closer look and picked one of the sets for Gu Ye to go to the fitting room.

Mainly because she didn't know his size.

Try one to know.

Gu Ye's expression paused, as if he had something to say.

tilted his head to meet the little girl's eager eyes, but he couldn't say the words.

He sighed and went to the fitting room resignedly.

A few minutes later, when Gu Ye came out again, Cha Cha's eyes lit up.

The suit is well-cut and has a mature and stable temperament, just like a walking clothes rack.

Cha Cha turned around and waved his little hand, "This one, this one...don't need that one."

Gu Ye, "?"

The clerk was also dumbfounded.

Next second.

heard her say, "The rest are all wrapped in his size."

Gu Ye, "???" Do you have that much money?

The clerk was stunned for a moment.

After    reacted, he smiled like a flower.

This is a big customer! ! !

This month's bonus will probably make her fly to the sky.

Even looking at Chacha's eyes became extremely warm.

Gu Ye walked over to Cha Cha, without saying anything else, he took out a card from his wallet and handed it to her.

Cha Cha, "?!"

She took a step back and took out her card and handed it to the clerk.

Swipe the card to sign in one go.

It was just that when I was leaving the address, I got stuck.

The address of the hotel is not suitable.

She just thought about it so much, she felt that she should buy it for Gu Ye, but she ignored the issue of housing.

There were still people staring at the hotel.

She should find a new place first.

Gu Ye had already calmed down at this time.

Knowing her concerns, he walked up to her and left an address and mobile phone number for the clerk.

Chacha looked at him suspiciously.

Gu Ye, "My friend's address."

Then, Gu Ye went to the fitting room and changed back to his original clothes.

He was a little puzzled.

Where did the money for Xu tea come from?

She is not favored in the Xu family, so it cannot be the money given by the Xu family.

After thinking for a while, I couldn't come up with an answer.

simply don't think about it.

Going to find a suitable time to ask.

The two walked out of the men's clothing store, Gu Ye said, "I just asked my friend, his place is always empty, we can live there."

Chacha thought for a while, "Okay."

She didn't ask anything else.

Sometimes, don't ask too thoroughly.

Thinking about it, Gu Ye has too many problems.

But there is something wrong with her, like the money in her hand.

There are some things, there is really no need to ask.

Cha Cha took Gu Ye to a nearby famous watch shop with the right goal.

Gu Ye smiled helplessly.

"Am I kissing a little rich woman?"

Chacha, "...I lack everything except money."

Passing guests, "..." I also think that there is no shortage of money, and I feel sad.

Gu Yesheng was afraid that Chacha would be the same as before, so he came up with the styles of the entire store, so he was very careful when choosing.

When Gu Ye chose.

Chacha was not idle either.

She looked at the five watches, lost in thought.

She thinks that these styles are all good-looking and have their own characteristics.

The staff introduced it kindly.

"Actually, these styles are very good-looking. No matter which one you choose, they can match your boyfriend's temperament."

Cha Cha, "?" I also think he looks like my boyfriend.

The little girl is very proud.

"All wrapped up, bought all!"

The clerk swallowed, "..." Although there are many rich people, it is quite rare to spend money like her.

Gu Ye couldn't help holding his forehead.

Fortunately, he makes a lot of money.

Being together in the future should be enough for her.

Gu Ye walked out of the store carrying a large and small bag.

looked at her sideways, "Actually, you don't need to give me so many things, I..." Rich.

Chacha had a small face, "You saved me, I thank you! I'm happy!"

Gu Ye, "..." is fine too.

Going back, he can send her some clothes and jewelry according to her size.

took a stroll around.

After spending a lot of money, Cha Cha felt happy!

Sure enough, buying, buying, buying is very happy.

Of course, among them, eating and drinking is the happiest.

Gu Ye called the driver and asked him to come and get the things back, and the two of them continued to stroll.

It is inconvenient to go shopping with a large bag.

After buying so many things, the next thing is to eat and drink.

When    mentioned eating and drinking, the little girl's eyes lit up like light.

and the other side.

A man who was also in the mall was stunned.

Then he lowered his head and sent a message to Gu Qingchen.

"Gu Ye returned to China?"

(end of this chapter)