Chapter 1627: Substitute storm (11)

Chapter 1627 Stand-in Storm (11)

Gu's old house.

Gu Qingchen froze when he saw the message from his friend.

Gu Ye has returned to China?

There is also a photo that comes with the news.

The photo is a bit blurry though.

But the person inside was Gu Ye.

this moment.

He couldn't tell what it was like in his heart.

Gu Ye returned to China at this time, he didn't dare to think deeply.

Who got the order, or who got it back, the answer seems self-evident.

He crouched on the desk with some pain.

As if someone was choking him, he couldn't breathe or even calm down.

at this time.

Mr. Gu walked in.

said with concern, "Dr. Chen has already arrived, please cooperate well."

Gu Qingchen suddenly raised his head.

looked at Mr. Gu with sharp eyes.

"Grandpa." He called out.

The old man who was about to turn around turned around and looked at him with a smile, "Don't be afraid, Dr. Chen is very good."

I don't know if this sentence is to comfort him or to comfort myself.

And Gu Qingchen didn't say the words that were held deep in his heart.

"Yeah." He lowered his head, his eyes darkened.

He has been very vigilant in the Gu family all these years.

is also very sensitive.

The Gu family's heir is not easy to be.

The old man spent a lot of time and energy on him, and finally made him the heir, and he could tolerate everything he did for Xu Wei.

However, it is probably impossible for the old man to endure a person with mental and psychological problems and continue to be the heir to the Gu family.

The old man regarded the Gu family's foundation as very important.

The reason why he is allowed to act recklessly because of Xu Wei is because Xu Wei will not affect the development of the Gu family, a woman, the old man does not think it is important.

But now, everything has changed.

He became what he is now because of Xu Wei.

The Gu family is in the same vein, except for him, there is only the illegitimate child of Gu Ye.

Gu Ye couldn't possibly know his situation.

It is not so coincidental that I will return to China at such a time.

rules out some possibilities.

There is only one possibility left.

That is, Mr. Gu asked Gu Ye to return to China...

Sure enough.

There are some things that cannot be thought about.

After thinking about it, Gu Qingchen felt that he might not be well.

The priority now.

is to control your emotions and state first.

Cooperate well with Dr. Chen.

You can't let yourself be the abandoned child of the Gu family.


Gu Ye and Cha Cha played outside for a long time, until dusk, they had a simple dinner, and then they headed back.

Gu Ye took the initiative to speak.

His voice was calm and calm.

"We don't go back to the hotel, go to other places, whether it's the Gu family or the Xu family, we can't find us."

Cha Cha, "Then... what about the things we left in the hotel?"

Gu Ye, "Let someone pack it and deliver it."

Cha Cha nodded and did not refuse.

That's fine too.

Simple and easy.

Cha Cha followed Gu Ye into the car.

Gu Ye reported the address, he turned around and saw the little girl beside him looking calm.

He joked, "Aren't you afraid I'll sell you? Just believe me?"

Cha Cha looked at Gu Ye in surprise.

"I believe in you!" She is so rich, if Gu Ye really wants money, coax her a few words, and she may give it.

And bought him so many things during the day.

He is not a white-eyed wolf.

will not turn her head and sell her.

Gu Ye's eyelashes trembled slightly.

He bowed his head, and the corners of his lips drew a radian.

The little girl believes in him like this, he is really guilty!

So, let's not let her discover the lies he said.

A lie is really like a snowball, and it gets bigger and bigger. In order to make a lie, more lies are spread...

Gu Ye suddenly yawned.

A little sleepy.

He glanced at the little girl.

Tsk, the energy is really strong, even after playing all day.

He closed his eyes.

His head slowly rested on Cha Cha's shoulder.

looks very tired and sleepy.

Chacha is a little distressed.

Hey, his body seems to be a little weak too.

She dragged him to play for a day, she didn't feel tired, he was already so tired.

Later... If she drags him to play again, she should pay attention to the time.

She looked forward in silence.

does not mean to push people away.

after awhile.

Cha Cha picked up a blanket from the side and carefully covered him with gentle movements, for fear of waking her up.

The driver in front, "..."

I don't want to eat dog food and I don't want to see this scene.

But, I really saw it by accident.

Gu Ye, who should be sleeping soundly on her shoulder.

pursed his lips silently.

He was very happy.

Take advantage of this opportunity.

Gu Ye seemed to fall asleep restlessly, and his head resting on Cha Cha's shoulder moved, and drilled into her neck.

A light fragrance lingers in the nose.

Gu Ye is in a better mood.

Cha Cha turned his head to look at Gu Ye, who was not very stable.

whispered, "Uncle driver, don't drive too fast."

The driver lowered his voice, "Okay."

The driver sighed silently.

Young girls are liars.

BOSS is not a human being.

Gu Ye leaned on Cha Cha for a while.

'Wake up yoyo'.

He was afraid that she would be uncomfortable if he leaned on her for too long.

Shoulders may tingle.

Noticed that Gu Ye was awake, Cha Cha tilted his head to meet his gaze.

Instead, Gu Ye smiled embarrassedly.

He reached out and put his hand on her shoulder.

"I'll press it for you to move your muscles and bones."

Chacha is too late to refuse.

He has already started to move.

had no choice but to let him go.

Gu Yebao's address is a bit far away, and he hasn't been there yet.

I guess it will take another half an hour.

"Do you want to sleep first?"

Chacha, "I'm fine, not too sleepy."

Next second.

Cha Cha yawned.

Chacha, "?!" Yawning doesn't mean I'm sleepy!

Gu Ye smiled in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he reached out and pulled down the partitions of the front and rear seats.


grabbed Cha Cha's little head and pressed it on his shoulder.

"Go to sleep, don't be embarrassed."

Chacha, "..." Forced sleep? Is this also possible? ? ?

She stared blankly at the partition in front of her.

"..." OK.

Then she sleeps.

Gu Ye stared sideways at her sleeping face.

The little girl fell asleep quickly.

She had a peaceful sleeping face, and when he lowered his head, he could see her smooth forehead and fair and pretty face.

He sighed silently.

Why are you so innocent and cute?

was actually defenseless against him.

So much so that he was embarrassed to start.

However, this thought was only for a moment.

He moved his body slowly, and when he saw her frowning, he didn't dare to move.

Another moment passed.

He stretched out his hand and slowly took the man from his shoulders into his arms.

He held her gently with both hands, not daring to use force.

for fear of waking her up.

When Chacha woke up, she rubbed her eyes.

Then what caught my eye was Gu Ye's enlarged face.

She soon realized that she was lying in his arms!

But before going to bed, she was leaning on his shoulder.

Cha Cha, "I...?"

Gu Ye, "You are so sleepy that you fell into my arms."

Cha Cha was silent, "..." I can't answer your words.

Although I don't think I should be that kind of person.

But you said so, then... Well, I will be obedient not to refute.

(end of this chapter)