Chapter 1628: Substitute Storm (12)

Chapter 1628 Stand-in Storm (12)

Thanks for the chacha combination.

Gu Ye felt more and more that the little girl beside him looked like a little white rabbit.

Cute, cute and easy to deceive.

For a moment, Gu Ye felt that he was too shameless.

But quickly put that thought out of his mind.

None of this matters.

The most important thing is to abduct people back.

She was the first person he saw.

He won't let go.

He would take the prey back to the nest and eat it in one bite.

soon arrived at the address Gu Ye said.

in a villa area.

The geography is okay.

Although it can’t be said to be very superior, the environment here is very good and it is a good place to retire.

Relative to the villas in the city center.

She prefers it here.

Clean and quiet, less flashy and noisy.

The villa is clean and tidy, just cleaned.

And it can be seen that no one lives here, but the daily necessities are readily available and ready.

Chacha sighed, "Your friend is so caring, thank him well."

Gu Ye, a friend from nothing, "...Okay."

If he doesn't have a friend out of nothing, is he the one she's complimenting on now?

The two lived in the villa.

Chacha didn't ask much.

Her problems seem to have been few and far between.

the next day.

The clothes and other things that Cha Cha bought for Gu Ye were all delivered to the villa.

When shopping for clothes, Gu Ye only tried one set, and didn't try the rest, so he just took them according to the size.

On this matter, to be honest, she has a little selfishness.

She hopes that Gu Ye will be the only one who appreciates when she tries on clothes. She tries on clothes in the store and wants to share her benefits with the clerk. Now, they are just the two of them in the villa, which seems to be just right.


Cha Cha hugged a bunch of clothes and called Gu Ye upstairs.

Then go straight to the cloakroom.

Gu Ye followed, not quite understanding what she wanted to do.

It doesn't look like he's going to sort his clothes either.

did not wait for him to continue guessing.

Cha Cha said, "Do you have time now! Would you like to go in and try on these clothes?"

Gu Ye glanced at the clothes piled up like a hill, and then looked at the little girl. At that time, she was looking at him eagerly, "..."

Trying on clothes, of course, will not refuse.

He got up, took a piece of clothing and went inside.

Cha Cha pursed her lips, and her eyes were full of smiles.


Soon, Gu Ye came out and looked at her calmly.

The gray suit is different from the black suit. It looks like a gentleman, simple and elegant, yet stable.


She seemed to prefer him in a black suit.

That feeling, indescribable abstinence.

Chacha picked out another black suit from the crowd, "Try this one again."

Gu Ye took the clothes and nodded.

is very cooperative.

Cha Cha looked at the figure.

suddenly remembered the watch she bought him!

Oh yes, and a tie!

Cha Cha left the cloakroom with a squeak and ran very fast.

Wait for Gu Ye to change his clothes.

Cha Cha just ran back.

She blinked and shook the tie in her hand, "Don't move, I'll tie your tie."

Gu Ye's eyes darkened, "Okay."

He doesn't mind what she does.

Cha Cha took a few steps forward, suddenly approached, and was a little flustered.

She stood on tiptoe, and her tie was not very neat.

After a few minutes, the tie was crooked.

looks a little horrible.

Cha Cha covered his face, "You should do it yourself."

Gu Ye looked at her and laughed lightly.

But, his eyes kept staring at her.

He raised his hand and tugged at his tie, and even tore off two of the meticulous buttons on his shirt.

Chacha, "..." I can hold back!

I can hold back from knocking him down.

Gu Ye spoke slowly, as if he didn't see her mood change, "Don't you still have a watch?"

Cha Cha nodded, his reaction a little slow.

She walked over and brought him a watch.

Gu Ye looked at the mirror solemnly, and suddenly frowned, "It seems that there is something missing."

"What?" Cha Cha asked subconsciously.

Gu Ye turned around, took her hand, and went straight to the bedroom.

Then he walked briskly to the head of the bed, and found a gold-rimmed glasses from the drawer, "It's missing."

Chacha, "..." Qiqi, I think I may be finished.

Gu Ye casually put on his gold-rimmed glasses, turned his head, and looked at Chacha lazily.

Then, the little girl blushed visibly.

Clearly the gold frame is glowing with a cold light.

Unfortunately, Gu Ye raised a few points on the end of his eyes, frivolous and lazy, but with some indescribable stability.

In this way, only one word flashed in Chacha's mind: Sven scum...want to fall.

, Qiqi, he hooked me up!

He, he, he used a handsome man to me.

Cha Cha's eyes flashed and flashed, but he didn't dare to meet Gu Ye's gaze directly.

Gu Ye took a step back and sat on the bed.

He suddenly said, "The tie is uncomfortable, did you have a dead knot?"

"Ah? Probably not..." Cha Cha walked over uncertainly, with that slender hand still pulling on the tie.

The tie hung messily around his neck.

Cha Cha didn't think too much about it. When she walked in front of Gu Ye, her little head was a little slow to respond. She stretched out her hand and carefully checked the condition of her tie.

But the moment she grabbed her tie.

Gu Ye bumped her knee with his knee as if he was inadvertent.

Caught off guard, Cha Cha didn't stand firm, leaned forward a bit, and then... fell into Gu Ye's arms.

Chacha, "...???" What happened?

Gu Ye raised the corners of his lips, hugging the person in his arms happily.

It's just that the words he said were not very personal.

"You don't have to be so proactive, I can't run here."

Cha Cha struggled a bit.

"!" Obviously he hit her.

How dare you say she took the initiative?

She suddenly discovered the shamelessness of Gu Ye.

"You, you..." You didn't say why for a long time.

Cha Cha had a small face.

She didn't expect that Gu Ye was using a handsome man again.


As if she knew she couldn't stand it.

One look made her blushed and heartbeat.

In addition, Gu Ye looks like this now, with a black suit and gold-rimmed glasses, a loose tie and torn buttons.

The two are so close.

Chacha felt that if she really didn't squint, then she might really have a problem.

In this case, the cheap one delivered to the door does not take up the white one.

I want to understand this layer.

She stared at Gu Ye generously.

even reached out and helped him unbutton a button.

Gu Ye, "???"

Seeing Gu Ye staring at her, she moved quickly to unbutton another button.

As a result, the button seemed to be stuck with her, facing someone's eyes, Chacha quickly lost patience, and with a hard click, the button of the shirt was torn off several times by her. particles.

Her eyes widened.

Only then did he find that there was only one button left in the shirt, and it was there alone, as if to accuse her of the behavior just now.

Cha Cha secretly screamed bad.

subconsciously looked up at Gu Ye.

I haven't seen his face yet, and my eyes are dark.

Gu Ye actually covered her eyes with one hand.

"..." He looked at the little girl who was close at hand with deep eyes.

For a moment, suppress the fire in my heart.

accidentally pitted himself in it.

(end of this chapter)