Chapter 1629: Substitute Storm (13)

Chapter 1629 Stand-in Storm (13)

after awhile.

Gu Ye withdrew his hand.

said in a low voice, "The clothes are tried on here first."

After saying that, he got up and went into the bathroom.

Soon, the sound of water was heard.

Cha Cha walked out of the bedroom, "..."

She really just asked Gu Ye to try on clothes.

This is the situation now.

She felt that it had nothing to do with her.

Cha Cha pretended to be calm and went downstairs, then took a knife and cut an apple...

Qiqiwo sighed silently in the space.

"..." If you don't eat apples, what kind of apples do you peel?

Qiqi took advantage of Gu Ye to take a shower in the bathroom, when it popped out and made a meow.

"Meow!" I eat apples!

Chacha handed it.

The kitten is fluffy and looks good as a pet.

"Just stay here, don't go back for now."

Qiqi held the apple with two small paws, was nibbling happily, and nodded when he heard the sound.

Two people, one cat.

Such a big villa is still a bit deserted.

But... it's okay.

No one bothers.

Gu Ye walked out of the bathroom after taking a shower.

The phone just rang.

He walked over and picked up the phone, it was a message from Gu Qingchen.

ask him to meet.

Gu Ye's eyes flashed a bit of coldness.

didn't care about Gu Qingchen's appointment.

He went downstairs with his phone.

At this time, you can inform the assistant to prepare today's lunch.

Gu Ye found Chacha, asked a few questions, and then arranged for the assistant to prepare it according to her preferences.

He sat next to Cha Cha.

The two were very close, and Cha Cha subconsciously moved to the other side.

Gu Ye hooked his lips, but did not expose her.

instead pretended to be sad, "Gu Qingchen asked me to meet, he seems to find that I have returned to China, you say, will he want to attack me?"

Gu Qingchen, "?"

Cha Cha, who was a little embarrassed at first, immediately forgot what happened just now.

"He asked you out?" That dog must be uneasy and kind.

"In this way, you take me with you." Cha Cha looked at him confidently.


A cat meow appeared between the two of them.

"Meow." Have you forgotten your own character?

Seventy-seven reminders.

"Meow, meow?" You have been locked up by Gu Qingchen for many days, do you still want to show your strength in front of Gu Ye?

This is illogical.

Cha Cha was silent for a moment, "..."

She touched the little milk cat, reached out and held it in front of Gu Ye, "The cat I just picked up outside the door, do you like cats?"

Gu Ye stared at the little milk cat in her hand for a while.

Seeing that she liked it very much, he followed, "I like it, if there is no owner, we can keep it here."

Cha Cha, "Hmmmm!" Her Qiqi! her!

So, no one will come to claim this little milk cat.

Hearing that Gu Ye said he liked it, Cha Cha put Qi Qi in Gu Ye's arms.

Gu Ye, "!!!"

Seven Seven, "???"

Gu Ye and Qiqi, one person and one cat, looked at each other in astonishment.

Gu Ye's hands were stiff and he didn't know where to put them.

Qiqi's hair was almost standing on end, and he was vigilant at all times, for fear that Gu Ye would strangle it to death and panic.

This strange atmosphere, Chacha also noticed.

She took Qiqi back in a daze, and went straight to the hair.

"If you don't like it, don't indulge me, I can send it to the pet store." Cha Cha added in her heart, um, send it back to the space, and continue to let it eat and drink in the space.

"I don't like it, I just haven't raised it, I don't know how to get along with it." Gu Ye's expression was gentle, as if he was not displeased.

Chacha heaved a sigh of relief.

It should be that Gu Ye and Qiqi are not familiar enough.

"Then cultivate your feelings!"

Chacha said and put Qiqi back in Gu Ye's arms.

"Look, how well-behaved and cute this little milk cat is!" She touched Qiqi's little head.

Be good, cultivate good feelings, and give you delicious food.

Qiqi, "..." Well, the host has sold cats!

Pity it's dignified system, but for the sake of food, it has to bow down to please Gu Ye.

It meowed, and lay listlessly in Gu Ye's arms, like a little milk cat that lost its soul.

Gu Ye looked at the cat, and then at Cha Cha.

Sure enough, she is still cuter.

How can a creature like a little milk cat compare to her?

is more cute?

Little milk cat has no chance!

However, in order to match the interest of Chacha.

He stretched out his slightly stiff hand, touched the kitten, and then withdrew his hand, his downcast eyes filled with disgust.

This look happened to be seen by Qiqi in his arms.

Qiqi, "???" You despise me?

Why do I still despise you!

If it wasn't for the host to speak, do you think I want to nest in your arms?


Each other, they are all acting for the host.

Gu Ye didn't expect that he seemed to see the same thoughts as him in the eyes of the little milk cat.

He frowned, it seems that this cat is quite spiritual.

"Isn't she cute?" Cha Cha asked with a smile on her face.

Gu Ye blurted out, "Not as cute as you."

Qiqi, "Meow!" You are the cutest.

Cha Cha looked at one person and one cat in surprise, "..." They were so tacit understanding.

Gu Ye and the little milk cat looked at each other.

There is deep disgust in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Qiqi got up and got into Chacha's arms.

Then, the little paws touched her restlessly, and after touching her chest, Qiqi looked at Gu Ye arrogantly and gave him a provocative look.

That look seems to say: You can't touch this place!

Gu Ye, who understood its eyes, "..."

also returned with a warning look: if you dare to touch it, you will chop your paws sooner or later.

Seven Seven, "???"

Thinking about my life, I have never been threatened by anyone.

Well, you are nice and bold.

Qiqi came out of Chacha's arms, then jumped up and jumped onto Chacha's shoulders.

Cha Cha patted its head helplessly.


Qiqi stretched out his head and rubbed Chacha's side face with skillful movements.

This time.

As proud as it is.

didn't even give Gu Ye a look.

Compete for favor, can he surpass it? ? ?

Gu Ye's eyes darkened, his face darkened as he stared at the stupid cat on Cha Cha's shoulder, "..."

The person he hasn't kissed yet, he actually kissed it first?

Stupid cat you are done.

Chacha helplessly took Qiqi off his shoulders.

Seeing that Gu Ye's face was not very good-looking, he thought he was still worrying about Gu Qingchen's affairs.

"Qiqi, play by yourself for a while."

Chacha whispered, and then put Qiqi on the ground.

Qiqi let out a dissatisfied meow, but didn't linger any longer. Anyway, it has already won the favor.

Gu Ye couldn't compare to it.

on the sofa.

Cha Cha patted Gu Ye's shoulder to comfort him, "Don't worry, even if Gu Qingchen came prepared, we don't have to be afraid.

In this case, even if he does something to you, the old man will stop him.

Speaking of which, if Gu Qingchen goes too far, you can take this opportunity to take away the Gu family's property, so that you don't have to worry about what Gu Qingchen will do to you. "

Pull out the tiger's teeth directly!

Gu Ye was lost in thought.

He is not interested in the Gu family.

is to go back to China to watch the fun.

But, I met her by accident.

But she is also Xu Wei's sister, and the relationship is a little complicated. For future plans, some obstacles still need to be cleared.

(end of this chapter)