Chapter 1630: Stand-in storm (14)

Chapter 1630 Stand-in Storm (14)

Cha Cha discussed with Gu Ye for a while.

Finally, Gu Ye agreed to take her to see Gu Qingchen.

Although the bottom of my heart is not very happy.

However, the little girl was stubborn, afraid that he would be bullied by Gu Qingchen, so she had to follow him.

He is not good at rejecting a piece of her mind.

It's just a pity that the conversation wasn't overheard by that stupid cat.

He wants the stupid cat to know that no matter how powerful the stupid cat is, she is still his, competing for favor? Go dream!

Qiqi was picking things up in Chacha's room.

suddenly sneezed.

Qiqi, "?"

Do cats sneeze too?

It gave a dissatisfied meow and continued to pick up snacks.


Gu Ye and Gu Qingchen met in the afternoon of the same day.

After lunch.

Chacha wanted to bring Qiqi together.

Thinking of the dreams Gu Qingchen had, she asked Qiqi to stay in the villa and not run around.

After all, those dreams were all the ghosts she carried with Qiqi.

If Gu Qingchen sees Qiqi, I guess he would like to kill him! The cat that was watching over him in a dream actually saw it in reality? ? ? It feels exciting to think about.

But this excitement, let's talk about it after a while!

She didn't want to see Gu Qingchen's condition getting better.

Otherwise, Gu Qingchen can't bully dead Gu Ye?

The pitiful and pitiful.

Gu Qingchen's meeting place was in the box of a certain restaurant.

The address is quite hidden, it seems that he doesn't want people to see them meeting, or more precisely, he doesn't want too many people to bump into Gu Ye.

In the box.

Gu Ye and Cha Cha arrived first.

The first thing Chacha does is to check if there are any pinhole cameras or voice recorders placed in the box in advance.

Gu Ye's heart warmed a little when he saw her being so cautious.

He reached out and grabbed her wrist.

"Don't be afraid. With me, I won't let him take you back."

Since he dared to agree with her to see Gu Qingchen with him, then he was confident that he could protect her.

Otherwise he would not agree to her coming.

Cha Cha did not withdraw his hand, and stood there obediently.

at this time.

The door of the box was pushed open.

Gu Qingchen walked in from outside.

Seeing the hands they were holding, Gu Qingchen frowned, a bit of sarcasm on his face.

He saw Gu Ye's photo that day, but he didn't react at first, but after a closer look, he realized that the person beside Gu Ye was actually Xu Cha!

He asked the bodyguard to check the situation of Xu Cha in the villa.

Unexpectedly, people don't know when they run away!

Under such a tight defense, a little girl who was helpless, escaped from his villa without a sound?

To say that there is no problem here, he can't.

Unfortunately, the camera in Xu Cha's bedroom was smashed by Xu Cha again. He couldn't see what happened inside, so he could only guess.

Now see how close the two are.

He suspected that it was Gu Ye who rescued Xu Cha.

against him on purpose!

"I'm not here at the right time?" He sneered.

Chacha looked back at him.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Gu still has self-knowledge? You also know that you came at the wrong time?"

Gu Qingchen, "..." I said nonsense, are you serious?

He did not answer this sentence.

asked rhetorically, "When did you hook up?"

Gu Ye sat down calmly, and pulled Chacha into his arms and sat down.

Although   Cha Cha was a little puzzled, he did not refuse, and sat on his lap very cooperatively.

Gu Ye said coldly, "President Gu asked me to meet just to discuss my relationship?"

"Naturally not."

Gu Qingchen retracted his gaze disdainfully.

In his opinion, a piece of tea can't make any waves.

Even the illegitimate child Gu Ye.

Even if I return home, nothing will change.

He was on his way here, the car window was open, and the wind blew, and he was a little awake.

How can the heir of the Gu family just change it?

As long as his condition improves, then Gu Ye won't have any chance!

Before that, he was the heir of the Gu family.

And he could take advantage of this time to get rid of Gu Ye.

Gu Qingchen looked at Gu Ye sarcastically.

"Make a price!"

Gu Ye, "What?"

Gu Qingchen stated his purpose very bluntly, "How much money do you need to stop returning to China."

He thought very clearly.

If Gu Ye was willing to take the money and leave, it would be better, he didn't want to make a big deal.

But if Gu Ye doesn't want to leave and wants to stay and fight with him, then he will never let Gu Ye go.

Before Gu Ye spoke, Cha Cha couldn't help laughing.

"Mr. Gu, are you ill? What does it have to do with you if Gu Ye doesn't go back to China? Are you too lenient?" Besides, is she short of money?

The last thing she lacks is money.

"Also, I don't think Mr. Gu can afford my ideal price."

Gu Qingchen was very dissatisfied with her, "What right do you have to interfere in my conversation with Gu Ye? Who do you think you are?"

Cha Cha, "I am..."

Well, it seems that the relationship has not been determined yet.

Gu Ye glanced at Gu Qingchen, then immediately lowered his head and pecked Cha Cha's face.

"Our relationship, does President Gu understand?"

Well, I finally got here.

I didn’t expect that there would be such benefits.

He held Chacha's strength a little tighter.

As if it was intentional, while Chacha didn't respond, he hooked her chin and pecked her cheek again on the other side.

Chacha, "..." is rounded up, even if it is a boyfriend or girlfriend.

She looked at Gu Qingchen confidently.

"I'm certainly qualified to ask about my boyfriend."

Gu Ye felt very happy when he heard the word boyfriend.

If Gu Qingchen wasn't here, he would definitely continue to kiss the person in his arms.

Gu Qingchen's hands were shaking with anger.

After being silent for half a minute, Gu Qingchen sneered, "Boyfriend? Xu Cha, don't forget what you did, you drove away your sister Xu Wei in order to get me.

is now my brother's girlfriend again?

Xu Cha, shouldn't you use Gu Ye as a substitute just because you can't get me?

After all, Gu Ye and I have a similar face..."

Cha Cha was instantly enraged.

stood up from Gu Ye's arms, picked up the glass of juice at hand, and poured it directly on Gu Qingchen's face.

"Are you sick? If you are sick, go and treat it!

Do you think everyone is like you and like to look for substitutes?

I can't see other people's happiness when I'm not happy? Deserving Xu Wei not wanting you! "

After finishing her words, she observed Gu Ye's face.

I was afraid that Gu Ye would take Gu Qingchen's words seriously.

After all, the two are not too familiar with each other. If Gu Ye misunderstands her, their relationship will need to be re-cultivated.

Gu Ye smiled and rubbed her head.

"Don't worry, he won't stimulate me.

Those words, I do not believe.

And you told me that you don't like Gu Qingchen, and you won't look at him blindly.

I always remember. "He believed everything she said.

Chacha hummed.

"Gu Qingchen is sowing discord, let's ignore him!"

Gu Ye, "Hmm."

Gu Qingchen, "?" I provoked loneliness?

Gu Qingchen said with a cold face.

"So, you don't want to leave Ancheng, are you trying to **** the position of the heir of the Gu family with me?

Gu Ye, you must think clearly! You are not my opponent, I negotiate with you not because I am afraid of you, but because I don't want to waste time on you. "

(end of this chapter)