Chapter 1634: Stand-in storm (18)

Chapter 1634 Stand-in Storm (18)

Gu Ye looked too serious.

Chacha cannot refute.

His voice was not loud, but many people at the entrance of the Civil Affairs Bureau heard his words.

Most come to get a marriage certificate.

The girls glared back at their boyfriends blushing.

"Look at other people's boyfriends!"

"Oh no, look at other people's husbands!"

"I haven't asked you to hug me, so just stay there. I'm heavy? I haven't received the certificate yet, so I think I'm heavy, can I live on in the future?"


The voice behind   , Chacha couldn't hear it.

Gu Ye still carried her away.

She covered her mouth and smiled, "You seem to be drawing hatred."

Gu Ye obviously didn't understand what she meant.

Chacha patiently explained in his ear.

ah! This person will be her husband from now on.

In fact, it didn't take long, the relationship between the two developed by leaps and bounds, and there was always something unreal.

Gu Ye happily carried her to the parking lot.

Then ask her to open the car door.

He carefully put the man on the seat.

's actions are meticulous and thoughtful, and his performance is very good. When Gu Ye bent over to buckle her seat belt, Cha Cha looked at the side face of Qing Jun in front of him, leaned forward, and slapped his face.

"Thank you Mr. Gu for taking me to the car."

Gu Ye hummed, closed the car door, and took her back to the villa impatiently.

The road from the Civil Affairs Bureau to the villa is a bit long.

His mood was also a little calmer during this time.

is no longer as urgent as before.

Even, calmly asked, "What would you like to eat at night?"

Cha Cha, "...Can you cook?"

Gu Ye nodded, "It will be simpler." The craftsmanship is not very good, but he can barely eat it.

Chacha, "Then I want to eat what you made by yourself."

"Okay." Gu Ye responded.

But it always feels too bland.

After all, it is a good day to get a certificate.

The time is very rushed, at least dinner can be prepared well.

The little girl seemed to be able to sense his thoughts.

Immediately after, he heard her speak.

"You don't have to be nervous, and you don't have to feel sorry for me. Although it was a little hasty to get the certificate, a marriage proposal is as important as a wedding. Otherwise, you can get a divorce after you get the certificate!"

In the first half, Gu Ye said that there was no problem, and the last sentence... He squinted, his eyes were full of danger.

"Divorce? Don't even think about it." He warned in a deep voice.

Chacha nodded cooperatively, "Yeah! You're the best for me, I can't bear you."

If you speak good words, you will come.

Gu Ye's mood that had calmed down was gradually lifted again.

After that, Gu Ye didn't say anything, and was speechless all the way.

Cha Cha grabbed the seat belt with both hands, and fell asleep unconsciously.

Speaking of which, after running back and forth today, she was also a little tired and didn't have a good rest.

When Gu Ye returned to the villa, he saw the sleeping little girl and sighed silently. He carefully carried the person out of the car.

Even if the movements are very light, Chacha can still feel his movements.

dazedly opened his eyes, wrapped his hands around his neck subconsciously, "Are you home?"

"Well, I'm going to cook, I'll call you later." Gu Ye's voice was gentle.

Cha Cha yawned and said vaguely, "Just put me on the sofa! No need to go upstairs."

"Okay." Gu Ye put her on the sofa as she wanted, and then went into the kitchen.

Cha Cha squatted on the sofa for a while.

Sober up soon.

She got off the sofa and went straight to the kitchen.

She wanted to see what Gu Ye looked like when she was cooking.

Just one glance, and he fell into it.

The handsome and noble man was chopping vegetables in the kitchen, his slender fingers were out of tune with the kitchen knife glowing with cold light.

noticed Cha Cha's gaze.

Gu Ye looked back at her, "It might not taste as good as you thought."

Chacha replied softly, "Hmm."

It doesn't matter if it tastes good or not, it's mainly made by him, so happy!

"The smell of oil fumes is heavy, you go outside and wait first." Gu Ye reminded again, not wanting her to stay in the kitchen too much.

Chacha walked in with a smile, "You are already cooking in the kitchen, why can't I smell the fumes? How can I be so delicate."

Gu Ye was extremely helpless.

He put down the knife in his hand.

looked at her solemnly, "You will affect me here. If you want to finish dinner in peace, talk less and leave the kitchen quickly, otherwise..."

Gu Ye cast a look at Cha Cha.

Chacha, "!!!"

She blushed and quickly backed away, then left the kitchen.

Seeing the frightened little rabbit fleeing in a hurry, Gu Ye was in a better mood. He didn't scare her, but to tell the truth, he couldn't see her wandering around him.

I didn't eat it in my mouth at first, but now I got the certificate again. The weather, the place, the people, and the people are all there. If he wasn't afraid of her being hungry, how could he go into the kitchen to cook as soon as he came back?

He restrained himself for a long time before he went directly to the bedroom without holding her...

Cha Cha stood outside and pondered.

Qiqi also ran out at this time.

looked at his host with a resentful look on his face, it really did not expect that, if he was not careful, the host and the dog man even got a marriage certificate.

Chacha saw Qiqi and discussed softly, "Qiqi, you go back to the space first, and come out in a few days, okay?"

Things that are not suitable for children should not be seen by Qiqi.

Qiqi didn't say anything, and entered the space with heartache.

There is a saying to say, out of sight is pure.

It doesn't watch the host show affection with the dog man, let alone the host being eaten and wiped clean.

woo, it's so hard.

It is a system, why should it bear these?

Take advantage of Gu Ye to cook.

Cha Cha counted the time.

You can also take a fragrant bath before meals.

When Gu Ye walked to the restaurant with dinner, he happened to see the little girl coming downstairs.

I just took a shower and my hair hasn't been dried yet.

Fair skin with a hint of red

Followed by a faint fragrance, he stared at her with dark eyes, but he looked at Cha Cha a little embarrassed. Although she was bold, Gu Ye's eyes were too aggressive.

Cha Cha trotted to Gu Ye and covered his eyes, "Eat!"

Gu Ye, "..." What to eat?

He still has a **** mind to eat now.

just want to eat her!

"Don't eat, I'm going to take a bath." Gu Ye left those words in a hoarse voice, raised his feet and left.

Chacha didn't react at first.

After half a minute, his little face flushed red, and he could understand what Gu Ye meant.

When she took a bath, she felt like she had run outside all day and had no other thoughts... As if it fell into Gu Ye's eyes, that's not the case, just like she was in a hurry.

Under such complicated emotions, Cha Cha had eaten this dinner for a long time.

It wasn't until Gu Ye went downstairs in a bathrobe, sat next to her, and looked at her with a half-smile, as if to imprint her in his bones, and then Chacha put down his chopsticks.

"..." Being stared at by him like this, it would be strange if she could eat.

Cha Cha retracted his gaze cowardly and did not dare to look at Gu Ye.

His gaze seemed to melt her.

Gu Ye, "Are you full?"

Cha Cha, "Hmm."

Gu Ye, "Oh, I'm hungry."

Chacha, "...???" Go away!

You eat when you are hungry, what are you holding me for?


The night is long, and the moonlight outside the window is just right.

(end of this chapter)