Chapter 1635: Stand-in storm (19)

Chapter 1635 Stand-in Storm (19)

Noon the next day.

Cha Cha slowly opened his eyes and sat up from the bed.

She raised her hand and patted her face, fading a bit of blush.

looked around the bedroom, but didn't see the culprit.

was slightly surprised.

What about    people?

Where did    go?

After thinking about it, the door was opened, and Gu Ye walked in with lunch. The meaning is self-evident, just eat in the bedroom, and I didn't plan to let her go downstairs.

Cha Cha's pretty face was hot, and he quickly looked away.

I dare not go to see Gu Ye.

Gu Ye came over, put down her lunch, and rubbed her hair, "I'll take you to wash." The voice was gentle and steady, Cha Cha was stunned for a moment, and before she could respond, she was picked up by Gu Ye.

"I can do it myself!"

The little girl nestled in front of his chest and murmured.

Gu Ye was in a good mood and coaxed her gently, "Well, you can, I want to hug you."

chacha, “…”

Why didn't she realize that he was so flirtatious before?

The lunch was specially prepared carefully, but at first glance, Gu Ye did not make it, and Gu Ye explained softly, "The food I made is not very delicious, and I will let you eat the food I made after I have practiced my cooking skills. .

After all, now, only when you are full can you have the strength to do things, and not being full will affect…”

"Don't talk!" Cha Cha interrupted him with a dark face.

What's the mess?

Would you like a little face?

Gu Ye smiled lowly, in a good mood.

Chacha, "..." Are you floating or I can't lift the knife?

After lunch.

Gu Ye packed up the tableware and left the bedroom with his front feet. In the next second, Cha Cha got up and walked to the door, closed the door with a slap, and locked it by the way.

Tonight, Gu Ye will sleep on the sofa!

Cha Cha turned around and took two steps, and suddenly remembered something.

"..." She patted her forehead.

is over, the brain is not enough.

It's only noon, what's the use of her locking the door?

Doesn't she have dinner at night?

Should wait until after dinner to unlock it.

Cha Cha was afraid that Gu Ye would find out that she had locked the door, so she quickly reopened it. Seeing that there was no one at the door, she was relieved, but fortunately she didn't find it.

Otherwise, Gu Ye has to take precautions until evening.

She pondered in her heart, and waited until night to take advantage of Gu Ye's inattentiveness and lock people out.

Anyway, so many bedrooms and guest rooms can sleep one night.

The small abacus in my heart is playing loudly.

However, Chacha overlooked one thing.

She was too anxious when she locked the door. As soon as Gu Ye left, she ran over. Although the voice was not loud, it was still quite clear in this quiet villa.

Gu Ye packed up the tableware and went upstairs with a calm expression.

looks no different than before.

Cha Cha is sitting on the small sofa in the bedroom, playing with his mobile phone.

Seeing Gu Ye coming, he looked up, then lowered his head and continued to play.

Until she heard the sound of Gu Ye closing the door and locking it.

Cha Cha raised his head in surprise, "Why are you locking the door?"

Gu Ye, "I locked it for you."

Chacha understood in seconds, he knew what she had just done.

She was almost acutely aware of the danger, and hurried to remedy, "I'm just trying to see if there is any problem with the lock on this door."

Gu Ye raised his eyes, "Huh? Is there something wrong with that door lock?"

Cha Cha shook his head and got up from the sofa, "The door is locked, no problem." She took a step back, and he took a step forward until he forced her to the window, and there was no way out.

Gu Ye trapped the person between him and the window.

Cha Cha blinked, met his gaze, a little aggrieved, "You bully people..."

Gu Ye, "No, I'm not telling you about the door lock?"

Chacha, "Then stay away from me."

Gu Ye, "This can't be done, we are husband and wife, we have to be together all the time."

Chacha, "???"

Gu Ye pondered for a while and put the question back on track, "To be honest, do you want to lock me out and let me sleep outside?"

Chacha shook his head with a guilty conscience, "It's nothing, why do you think so? And it's only noon, I don't need to lock you out, you have to eat at night."

"Well, what you said makes sense." Gu Ye nodded.

Chacha heaved a sigh of relief.

Next second.

Gu Ye hugged the person in his arms, "Since you don't want to lock me out, you want to lock me in the bedroom. I understand, so you stick to me so much."

"???" Cha Cha was shocked by Gu Ye's logic.

Seeing him walking towards the bed with her in his arms, he realized what was going to happen and hurriedly struggled.

"Gu Ye! It's noon now! Daytime!!!"

Gu Ye's voice was hoarse, "It's okay, there are only two of us in the villa, and no one will disturb us."

Cha Cha was so angry that he reached out and pinched him.

Is this a question of whether anyone will interrupt?


She was kicked by a donkey in her head yesterday, so she thought about arguing with him...

in space.

Qiqi, who lost the host, just feels that there is no love for life.

Even the small snacks in my hand have no taste.

It silently bows its head and draws circles, dog man! ! !


three days later.

Chacha has the opportunity to walk out of the villa.

She felt that the air around her became extremely fresh.

The next moment.

Gu Ye stuck again.

wrapped her hands around her waist, her chin resting on her shoulders.

is clingy.

Obviously Gu Ye was not like this before.

She frowned and broke his hand, but unfortunately, not only did she not break it, but he held both hands backwards.

"Let's go to Gu's house together." Gu Ye said hoarsely.

Cha Cha hummed unhappily.

Then, it seemed like he thought of something.

She asked, "Did you contribute to the matter of Xu Wei?"

Gu Ye smiled lowly, "My daughter-in-law is really smart."

If it wasn't for him, how could Gu Qingchen find Xu Wei so quickly?

Gu Ye continued, "Now Xu Wei and Gu Qingchen are at Gu's house, let's add some fire."

By the way, it stimulated Gu Qingchen.

Gu Ye took her into the car, Cha Cha glanced at the driver, it was the previous driver.

Gu Ye is hiding a lot of things from her.

He didn't say it, and she didn't bother to ask.

Anyway, what she cares about is him, and she accepts both good and bad.

in the car.

Cha Cha was held in his arms by him, helplessly letting him stick to her.

Cha Cha found a topic, "Can you tell me about Xu Wei's current situation?"

Gu Ye, "Okay."

"Gu Qingchen found not only Xu Wei, but also Xu Wei's boyfriend, but the timing was very coincidental, Xu Wei's boyfriend just cheated on Xu Wei's money, and he was caught by Gu Qingchen's people before he could run away.

What do you think Xu Wei would explain?

Put it on the man or on you? "

Cha Cha tilted her head and guessed, "I guess she is innocent, innocent and pitiful, and she has left herself clean, maybe she will say that I lied to her? She wants to fulfill me?

Or maybe that man was hired by me to send her abroad? Anyway, she was right on her own. "

"I wanted to make a bet with you, but it just so happened that we wanted to go together." Gu Ye sighed, looking a little disappointed.

He even thought about the bet.

Cha Cha gave him a fierce look.

"Be serious outside."

Gu Ye, "Oh, you mean, I can do anything at home!"

Cha Cha blinked and said innocently, "Home? You want to tell me that the villa belongs to you, not your friend? Have you been making friends out of nothing?"

(end of this chapter)