Chapter 1638: Stand-in storm (22)

Chapter 1638 Stand-in Storm (22)

After Xu Wei, Shen Hongrui and others were kicked out of the Gu family.

The living room is much cleaner.

Gu Qingchen glanced at the shivering man, and sneered, "I'm not interested in human life, I'll teach you a lesson and throw it out."

rhetoric deceived Xu Wei.

caused so many things to happen next.

Want him to let go of this **** easily?

I'm afraid it's unlikely.

The bodyguard beat the man badly and threw it out.

At the same time that the person felt that he could survive.

Gu Qingchen instructed his confidants to create an accident and send that person to hell.

The so-called lack of interest in human life is just an obvious lack of interest in human life.

Speaking of this accident.

Gu Qingchen thought of the last time with a bad expression.

In that accident, since it really happened, Gu Ye was not only alive and well, but also safe and sound. After his people missed an opportunity, they never found a chance to start again.

And today, maybe it’s a good opportunity.

If he can catch up, maybe he can create an accident for Gu Ye.

is a pity for Gu Ye's little wife.

Whether    can survive or not depends on fate.

Gu Qingchen just gave the order.

was smashed on the head with an ashtray.

Immediately, his head was bleeding.

Gu Qingchen raised his head in astonishment and saw the old man in front of him.

The old man's eyes were scarlet, obviously he didn't expect Gu Qingchen to do such a thing.

"Do you know what you're doing? Although I taught you that you can do whatever you want, I didn't teach you to kill your brother!"

Gu Qingchen sneered when he heard the words.

"What kind of brother is he an illegitimate child? Isn't grandfather confused? Have you forgotten everything he said at the beginning? The heir of the Gu family can only be me, and only me!

But what have you done now? Secretly invite Gu Ye back to China behind my back? Do you want him to compete with me for the heir position?

Or, grandpa, do you think my chess piece is useless? no need? Want to grow another one? "

He is not a fool.

The old man has a mental calculation, and he will not sit still.

As long as Gu Ye died.

The heir of the Gu family will only be him in this life.

Unless the old man is crazy and gives the Gu family's property to outsiders.

The old man pointed at Gu Qingchen's fingers and trembled, "You? You are not filial! How can you think like this? How can you!"

Gu Qingchen sneered again and again.

"Grandpa, you are getting old, and you don't have the ability to judge and distinguish many things. Next, let's leave it to our young people!"

Before the old man could understand what he meant by this sentence, he continued, "Send the old man back to the bedroom. If the old man is not in good health, don't leave the room casually."

The old man stared at him.

"You are going to imprison me?" Obviously this fact cannot be accepted.

"Grandpa, I'm really sad when you talk like this. I'm worried about you. If you fall over when you are old, it will be fatal."

Gu Ye looked calm and calm, pretending to be concerned.

Mr. Gu sighed deeply.

Under the supervision of several bodyguards, he walked back to the bedroom by himself.

I didn't expect it. I didn't expect it.

You have come this far?

was actually calculated by the heir he cultivated.

is really a rabbit dead dog cooking.

But it is indeed cruel enough.

If Gu Qingchen's illness can be improved, he will accept his fate.

If it doesn't get better, he is really worried about the future of the Gu family.

The Gu family cannot be defeated because of his mistakes.

Otherwise, after a hundred years, he will not be able to face the ancestors of the Gu family.

After thinking about it, the old man felt that it was the safest way for Gu Ye to live well.

The old man hurriedly contacted Gu Ye.

The moment    took out his mobile phone, the old man realized that the signal of the mobile phone was blocked.

He showed consternation, Gu Qingchen cut off his contact with the outside world?

Mr. Gu felt that his whole person was not well.

If Gu Ye had an accident and Gu Qingchen's mental state was getting worse and worse, wouldn't that be the end?

He sat alone in the bedroom, remorseful.

But I don't know what to do...

at the same time.

Not long after Gu Ye left Gu's house, he found that he was being followed.

The driver was a little surprised.

"Boss, I try to get rid of them."

Gu Ye hugged Cha Cha subconsciously, "It should be coming at me, you get out of the car, there will be no danger."

He was not afraid of danger before.

But now he is afraid.

He was afraid that Cha Cha would get hurt, and that he would implicate her.

was even more afraid that he would cause her trouble.

Cha Cha raised his hand and touched Gu Ye's hair, "Don't worry, it's alright, I was born to be favored by God, I'm very lucky, now, I'll give you a little luck, and you won't be in danger!"

She leaned over and gave Gu Ye a smack.

Unable to see Gu Ye, strands of pale golden light entered Gu Ye's body.

Cha Cha smiled happily.

That way there will be no danger.

Everything can be turned into good luck.

Gu Ye smiled helplessly, coaxing her in a negotiating tone, "Will you get off the bus first, take a taxi back to the villa and wait for me?"

Chacha shook his head, "Not good."

Gu Ye clenched her wrist tightly, unable to express her mood at the moment.

She cared about him, of course he was happy.

But the current situation is too dangerous for him to risk her.

What else did Gu Ye want to say?

I heard the driver sigh.

"Look at BOSS, there seems to be a problem with that vehicle that is following us!"

Gu Ye hurriedly looked back.

Sure enough, the car stopped, as if there was something wrong with the car.

Several people in the vehicle got out of the car fiercely, as if to check the situation of the vehicle. The next second, the car suddenly caught fire.

The    flames immediately frightened many people.

Everyone avoided the car and called the police.

Gu Ye, "???"

Lay down to win?

He looked back dully, looked down at the soft girl in his arms, "You are my lucky star!"

Cha Cha, who was praised, blinked and accepted the praise without hesitation. She is indeed his lucky star and will bring him luck in the future.

However, this time, Gu Ye was still a little scared after thinking about it.

After they returned to the villa.

Gu Ye immediately asked someone to check the specific situation.

After learning that Gu Qingchen wanted to kill him, he counterattacked without hesitation.

Gu Qingchen wanted to cause an accident to kill him, but there was still tea in the car, and he would never let Gu Qingchen go if he dared to touch his treasure.

Gu Ye's counterattack was not immediately reflected.

What he wants is one hit.

directly gave Gu Qingchen no chance to turn over again.

In the past few years, Gu Qingchen has secretly done a lot of unsightly deeds, and his methods are even less popular.

He only needs to find enough evidence to send Gu Qingchen to jail.

is that this evidence is not very easy to get.

After all, Gu Qingchen is very careful.

Gu Qingchen's people are good at creating accidents.

And this time, if it wasn't for the accident in the car, maybe it was him and Chacha who had the accident.

As long as he thinks that Chacha is in danger, his emotions seem uncontrollable, igniting endless hatred.

Gu Qingchen didn't expect Gu Ye to be so dead.

Was even escaped twice?

Such a good opportunity slipped out of my hands again.

He hates, but there is no other way.

This kind of thing can't be rushed, as soon as he is in a hurry, he will show his clues. He can't leave any clues because of his hurry.

But Gu Qingchen didn't know that Gu Ye was quietly fighting back, and he had no chance next time.

(end of this chapter)