Chapter 1639: Stand-in storm (23)

Chapter 1639 Stand-in Storm (23)

for days in a row.

Gu Yeming didn't do anything on his face.

Gu Qingchen didn't move either.

Only the Xu family.

Father Xu offended Gu Qingchen.

The partner who was originally watching, couldn't wait to distance himself from the Xu family.

Coupled with the Xu family these years, the popularity is not good.

Therefore, it is impossible to give charcoal in the snow.

Shen Hongrui and Xu Wei began to run to Gu's old house every day, tirelessly wanting to apologize to Gu Qingchen.


Gu Qingchen never saw them once.

This made Xu Wei realize that she might have been overconfident before.

She panicked.

But none of this helped.

Unable to see Gu Qingchen, Xu Wei began to try to call Gu's house and try to contact him.

Unfortunately, Gu Qingchen seemed to be ruthless.

did not give Xu Wei any chance.

When Xu Wei was going to go to Gu's to try her luck and wait for Gu Qingchen, she received a message.

The man who lied to her died unexpectedly.

Xu Wei shivered all over.

said it was an accident, but for some reason, she subconsciously felt that this matter had something to do with Gu Qingchen.

But she had no proof, just a bit of guesswork.

at the same time.

This news also sounded the alarm for her.

She didn't dare to disturb Gu Qingchen again.

I even hope that Gu Qingchen will forget her as soon as possible.

She was afraid that she would also end up dying unexpectedly.

But Shen Hongrui obviously doesn't think so.

Shen Hongrui felt that Xu Wei thought too much.

And Shen Hongrui was used to being extravagant. Seeing that the Xu family was about to go bankrupt, she couldn't accept it without a villa and no money to spend.

urged Xu Wei to go to Gu Qingchen every day to apologize and ask for forgiveness.

Xu Wei was miserable.

seems to really confirm what my father said.

She wanted to escape from the Xu family.

But she has no money and nowhere to go.

Since she returned to Ancheng, Shen Hongrui was afraid that she would run away again, so she had already taken away her documents and bank cards.

She could only stay at Xu's house quietly.

Xu Wei was reluctant to go to Gu Qingchen, and Shen Hongrui went to Gu's company in a rage.

Wait for Xu Wei to receive the news again.

was the phone call from the hospital, saying that Shen Hongrui had a car accident and was lying in the hospital with a broken leg.

Xu Wei rushed to the hospital immediately.

After learning about the situation, I was frightened.

The perpetrator could not be found, and the surveillance at that place happened to be broken again.

Everything is so coincidental.

is like a meditatively planned accident.

Shen Hongrui broke her leg and became a lot more honest. Not to mention running to Gu's house, even Gu's family didn't mention it anymore.

This made Xu Wei very surprised.

Until after discharge.

Shen Hongrui told Xu Wei.

The car that hit her, she saw it.

The person sitting in the back seat is Gu Qingchen.

Gu Qingchen almost killed her, breaking a leg is a lesson to her...

Xu Wei was in a cold sweat.

The mother and daughter hugged and shivered.

I was afraid that one day, Gu Qingchen would be unhappy and would use the two of them.

As for the Xu family, after Father Xu persisted for a few days, the Xu family went bankrupt and the villa could no longer live.

One night, from heaven to hell...

Chacha has no interest in what happened to the Xu family.

Gu Qingchen moved his hand, and Gu Ye contributed to the flames.

When the two of them were dealing with the Xu family, they had a strange understanding.

However, this is of no use.

Gu Qingchen is immortal.

Still thinking about killing Gu Ye.

seems to have reached a state of madness.

Xu Wei's betrayal was a big blow to Gu Qingchen.

Believe and love people for so many years, but the result is all lies...

piles and piles of lies.

As if he were a joke.

However, Cha Cha always felt that something was not right.

Gu Qingchen didn't even let Gu Ye go, so how could he let Xu Wei go?

A lunatic like Gu Qingchen, even the original owner was imprisoned by him for so many days, it was impossible for Xu Wei to live well with Shen Hongrui and Father Xu.

When Chacha is thinking seriously.

Gu Ye rushed over from behind.

Throws the person on the sofa.

"Don't you love me anymore? You don't even look at me when I've been by your side for so long? Who are you thinking about!"

Cha Cha, "...You are making trouble for no reason."

Gu Ye put his arms around her waist with a look of grievance, "You despise me? We haven't even had the wedding yet, and you start despising me? They say that the seven-year itch, if you don't even have seventy days, you will change your mind. ?"

Cha Cha looked at the man who looked like a large dog, and only felt a pain in his skull.

How did the painting style become like this?

She sighed helplessly.

"I'm just thinking about Gu Qingchen... ah! Gu Ye!!!"

Before he finished speaking, he was picked up by Gu Ye and thrown onto the bed.

"Why do you want Gu Qingchen? Is that dog thing worth thinking about? You want me, miss me all the time..."

Gu Ye's vinegar jar flipped over.

He turned around and sent Gu Qingchen to prison.

saves her from thinking about Gu Qingchen every day.

Chacha was depressed and hurriedly smoothed his hair.

"I don't miss him, can you listen to me!"

Gu Ye propped up in front of her, "Oh, you say, I see what reason you can come up with."

Chacha, "...I think it's strange that he didn't deal with Xu Wei."

Gu Ye sneered, "Don't you still miss him then?"

Chacha, "! Can you speak well?"

Gu Ye, "No, my daughter-in-law is thinking of other men and wants me to talk properly? There is no door."

Chacha, "...Then what do you want?"

Gu Ye's eyes moved slightly, waiting for these words.

He lowered his head and whispered something in her ear.

Chacha, "???!!!" Go!

She didn't even understand, how could he be so embarrassed to say something like taking advantage?

It seems that she is the one who suffers every time after making trouble.

Cha Cha fell into deep contemplation.

However, right now I don't have the energy to meditate.

The night is as cool as water.

The moonlight outside the window is just right.

The bright moonlight penetrated into the room through the gap in the window, and the place was messy...

in space.

Qiqi ate snacks in silence.

It wants to know.

When will it be able to get out of the space.

The dog man of Gu Ye is too much, occupying the host every day, every time he wants to go out, he can encounter indescribable things.


It's about to close itself.

emmm...I don't know Chacha's small body, can I eat it?

Late at night.

Gu Ye took Chacha into the bathroom.

Cha Cha was so angry that she cursed with a black face.

It's just that the little girl is not very good at swearing.

It's just those few words over and over again.

instead made Gu Ye amused.

chacha, “…”

Looking for swear words online.

The kind that wants to greet his ancestors.

Compared to Gu Ye’s happy life here.

Gu Qingchen suffers from nightmares every day.

This time, the nightmare had nothing to do with Chacha, and Chacha didn't do anything.

Gu Qingchen saw Xu Wei being intimate with other men in his dreams for several days, and then looked at him mockingly and provocatively.

This nightmare, like a devil, haunts him every day. At the worst time, as long as he closes his eyes, he will see Xu Wei's dog pretending to be a woman.

He almost went crazy...

His mental state is also getting worse and worse.

In this case, it is even more impossible for him to let Xu Wei go.

(end of this chapter)