Chapter 1643: game love (3)

Chapter 1643 Game Love (3)

Cha Cha stared at Galaxy's live broadcast room for a while.

looks a little uncertain.

After all, it's just a voice, and she still can't determine Xinghe's identity.

Cha Cha reached out and took Qiqi out of the space.

"Qiqi, give me the information about Xinghe."


Galaxy Information:

A platform game anchor.

Unknown identity, name unknown, age unknown.

Cha Cha, "...Well, I see."

This time, it was Qiqi’s turn to wonder.

The host's response was so calm, it was a little overwhelmed when he was calm.

Cha Cha exited the live broadcast room in a hurry.

Then came to the event page.

Now on the ranking list, Xinghe is the first, Lu Huaizhi is the second, and there are a series of people below Lu Huaizhi.

In this event, there are rewards for the top ten, but the rewards will vary according to the ranking.

Cha Cha stared at Lu Huaizhi's second for a while.

If she just pressed him from first to second to avenge the original owner, then what she has to do next is simply that she wants to take revenge on Lu Huaizhi.

And it is an above-board revenge.

There is still half an hour before the end of the event.

So other live broadcast rooms are still sprinting.

Cha Cha quickly recharged.

Then go down the leaderboard and enter the third-place live room.

Without saying a word, you will throw money when you enter the live broadcast room.

smashed the hosts and fans of the live broadcast room with a confused look.

Just now this big guy was still giving gifts to Galaxy.

Why did you suddenly come here now?

After spending the money, Cha Cha directly exited the live broadcast room, and the anchor also changed from third to second.

Lu Huaizhi's second became third.

Without the slightest hesitation.

Chacha entered the live broadcast room of the fourth anchor, and repeated the operation just now, knocking the fourth place to the third place, and Lu Huaizhi became the fourth place.

Then, exit the live broadcast room and continue to enter the fifth anchor live broadcast room.

The action is neat and tidy, without any hesitation.

Because of the news of swiping gifts, you can see it in the live broadcast room of the live broadcast platform.

This battle quickly caused a bunch of people to eat melons.

Even the live broadcast platform almost exploded.

And according to this situation, if we continue, I am afraid that Lu Huaizhi will fall out of the top ten.

If the krypton gold boss Camellia really used money to smash Lu Huaizhi out of the top ten, does it mean that Lu Huaizhi offended the boss?

So, the big guy is so crazy?

This night, all the hosts and fans of the live broadcast platform were eating melons.

And Lu Huaizhi finally received the news after realizing it.

At that time, Lu Huaizhi was in Wenwen Township.

Holding the beautiful girl, she happily waited for the first place in the event the next day.

In his opinion, his first place is stable.

As long as there is Xiao Cha, he will not lose to Xinghe.

So he floated away.

To celebrate, I drank some wine and made an appointment with a girl.

was falling asleep happily and was woken up by the ringing of his mobile phone.

took over the phone, and before he had time to question why the other party was calling at this time, he heard the other party's anxious voice, "Brother Lu, something has happened! Hurry up and open the live broadcast software, that Xiao Cha is crazy!"

Lu Huaizhi, "???"


"Don't be surprised, she has money, did she give me another gift?" Lu Huaizhi's thoughts were still floating.

The person who called was the assistant assigned to him by the live broadcast platform.

Tsk, I'm still young and can't hold my breath.

It is estimated that it is the last day of the event. In order to stabilize his first place, Xiao Cha has spent money on gifts?

Thinking like this, Lu Huaizhi was terrified.

He thought about it.

Wait for this event to end.

He asked Xiao Cha to meet, and in the name of thanks, invited her to dinner, watch movies, and go shopping...

Finally pursue her again.

With such a rich girlfriend, he doesn't need to be an anchor anymore in the future.


His sweet dream was shattered by the assistant.

The assistant    seemed a little speechless, "Brother Lu, take a look for yourself! To be honest, did you offend that big kryptonite?"

Lu Huaizhi, "???" What offends?

Two hours ago, he took time to chat with Gen Xiaocha for a while!

Otherwise, would he dare to be so shy?

Lu Huaizhi entered the live broadcast software full of doubts.

Then I saw the notification message that the camellia brushed a bunch of gifts.

However, these live broadcast rooms are not him...

Isn’t it given to him…? ? ?

Lu Huaizhi was full of question marks.

He clicked into the event page in surprise.

After seeing his ranking change from No. 1 to No. 7, his whole person is not good.

Even the eyes looking at the screen of the phone felt a sting.

"??? Why is this happening?" What happened?

Lu Huaizhi was about to call Xiao Cha with trembling hands.

Then he saw that on the event page, his seventh became the eighth.

Xiao Cha is obviously still rewarding...

Lu Huaizhi didn't rush to make a phone call, and subconsciously looked at the popularity contribution points below the anchors. The Camellia Pair name appeared below the popularity contribution value of each anchor, and the contribution points were all first.

That is to say.

Xiao Cha pitted him?

In the last hour of the event, you gave gifts to other streamers and pushed him down?

He stared at the event page and watched helplessly as his ranking dropped out of the top ten.


Nothing left?

The activity time also ends in this second?

Lu Huaizhi called Xiao Cha with trembling hands.

He wanted to ask Xiao Cha why he did this!

Why did it suddenly become like this!

Why hurt him!

The beautiful woman on the bed saw that his expression was wrong, and subconsciously tugged, "Huaizhi? Didn't you agree..."

Lu Huaizhi was not interested in paying attention to her at the moment, so he roared, "Get out!"

The woman was taken aback.

Before   , Lu Huaizhi was gentle and considerate. As soon as he ate her, he suddenly changed a lot.

The woman suddenly became angry.

raised his hand and slapped it, and threw it hard, "Scumbag!"

Then, the woman was afraid that Lu Huaizhi would do something to her.

Pick up the clothes and run away quickly.

Lu Huaizhi was slapped at the moment and didn't have time to pay attention to the woman.

His thoughts were all on this sudden change.

Chacha sat happily in front of the computer and looked at his results.

Well, perfect.

Lu Huaizhi got out of the top ten.

She is awesome!

The phone rang, and Cha Cha glanced at the caller ID.

Oh, Lu Huaizhi.

Cha Cha press to answer.

looks calm.

"Is something wrong with Mr. Lu?" The indifferent voice was outrageous.

Lu Huaizhi was shocked. Usually speaking to her, she was clearly not in this tone. He panicked to death, but now Xiao Cha is still willing to answer his call, no matter what happened, there is still a chance to recover.

"Chacha, why are you suddenly so unfamiliar with me? Didn't you always call me Brother Lu before?"

Chacha, "Oh, you said it too, that was before."

Lu Huaizhi continued, "Chacha, what happened tonight, I didn't know until now, is there any misunderstanding between us? Or is it that someone provoked my relationship with you?"

The little girl looked very deceitful. He wondered if someone was jealous of him and deliberately said bad things about him to Xiao Cha. If so, then all this could be explained.

Lu Huaizhi nervously waited for an answer.

(end of this chapter)