Chapter 1644: Game Love (4)

Chapter 1644 Game Love (4)

heard what Lu Huaizhi said.

Cha Cha sneered.

"There's no misunderstanding, it's just that I suddenly don't like you."

Lu Huaizhi, "??? What?"

Lu Huaizhi was stunned.

What does it mean to suddenly see him not pleasing to the eye?

Can you do such a thing without seeing him pleasing to the eye?

No, he doesn't believe it!

There must be a reason he doesn't know.

Lu Huaizhi wanted to ask again.

Chacha has hung up the phone and blocked his mobile phone number. He even took the WeChat account and game friends to delete and block them together, all in one go.

Do it all.

Chacha happily went to the bathroom to take a shower.

This apartment was bought for her by the original owner's parents. It was near the school. Besides the original owner, Qin Manli, the roommate of the original owner, lived here together.

During the senior year internship, many people moved out of the dormitory for the convenience of work. Sometimes, the work requires overtime, and the door of the dormitory will be closed as soon as the time is up.

If you come back late, please trouble the auntie to open the door.

The dormitory aunt has a bad temper. She was woken up several times in the night, and naturally scolded.

The original owner's roommates are only Qin Manli who is not from the city. In addition, the family background is not good. The salary during the internship period is only enough for daily life, and he can't afford the rent.

The staff dormitory will only be arranged after the company has become a regular employee.

So Qin Manli had to go back to the dormitory after work every night.

Once, the dormitory aunt slept soundly.

She spent the night outside the dormitory.

After the original owner found out, he asked Qin Manli to move to her apartment. Qin Manli was not responsible for the water, electricity and rent. She let her live for free for a few months, and then she could move to the company's staff dormitory when her job turned regular.

In this regard, Qin Manli is very grateful to the original owner.

is a very interesting girl, she is not troublesome and quiet.

Cha Cha came out of the bathroom and glanced at the time. It was already twelve o'clock, and Qin Manli hadn't come back yet.

She frowned.

is in the information given by Qiqi.

Qin Manli has no conflict with the original owner.

And Qin Manli will also watch Lu Huaizhi's live broadcast.

The two also discussed Lu Huaizhi's live broadcast.

But Qin Manli only mentioned it briefly, and there is not much information.

Since there is no conflict and no description, it is estimated that for the original owner, he is just an ordinary friend. For the sake of being roommates, he helped a lot.

In addition, there is probably no other intersection.

It is estimated that Qin Manli will move out of the apartment in a few months.

However, at this's very late, Cha Cha found Qin Manli's contact information from her mobile phone, and made a phone call to ask about the situation.

After all, girls alone are dangerous.

just hit it.

heard the sound of the door opening.

Chacha walked to the living room and glanced at the entrance, just as Qin Manli came back.

Qin Manli took out her mobile phone from her pocket and was stunned when she saw that Xiao Cha was calling.

She looked up at Cha Cha.

"you call me?"

Chacha, "It's okay, I saw you didn't come back so late, so I called and asked."

She lowered her head and hung up the phone.

"It's already early morning, your boss seems to be a little..." Excessive.

Arrange for interns to work overtime until the early morning...

The rest, Chacha didn't say anything.

The relationship between the original owner and Qin Manli is limited to ordinary friends, not the kind of good friends who can say anything.

"It's alright, I'm used to it, and it will be better after I turn to normal." Qin Manli smiled.

looks a little bitter.

Cha Cha didn't talk about work, "Then you wash up early and have a good rest."

Qin Manli, "Thank you, I made you worry."

"It's okay, a girl should pay attention to safety." Cha Cha yawned and turned back to the bedroom.

Do not interfere too much in the life and work of others.

Cha Cha is calm here.

Lu Huaizhi was about to collapse.

Because he found out, Xiao Cha blocked him.

He could not contact Xiao Cha.

And in his private chat, a bunch of people came to ask him what he did to offend the camellia boss...

Lu Huaizhi was so angry that he almost wanted to drop his phone.

How did he know where he offended this big guy?

Lu Huaizhi had no choice but to log in to the game with a trumpet, only to find out that even the trumpet had deleted him.

Lu Huaizhi, "..."

All this happened unexpectedly, as if in a dream.

This night.

Someone sleepless.

Someone laughed.

There are also people who have a good night’s sleep.

It can be said that N families are happy and sad.

Those anchors who are usually suppressed by Lu Huaizhi are going to laugh like crazy.

This big drama, although it ended soon.

But it's wonderful, and it's very beautiful.

Even if it is the annual meeting of the live broadcast platform, this melon of Lu Huaizhi can have a bunch of people gathered around and discuss happily.

Only Xinghe, the first place in this event, was not shocked by the humiliation, and his emotions were not ups and downs.

Even the words thank you for the camellia gift were forced to say.

Galaxy came out of the bathroom.

frowned at the quilt wrapped in the quilt on his bed.

He walked over, lifted the quilt, and looked at the person lying on his bed coldly, "Get out!"

"I don't! Unless you tell me when did you hook up with that camellia?"

Zeng Lin tried to pluck the hair from the tiger's whiskers.

Ten seconds later.

Zeng Lin looked at Xinghe, who was on the verge of anger, and silently climbed out of bed, then carefully smoothed the sheets, and ran out of the bedroom in a flash.

My God, it's scary!

Isn't he thinking of Xinghe's life-long event?

It's a brotherhood, and he has changed many girlfriends, but his cousin doesn't even have a girlfriend, and he is busy playing games on live broadcasts every day.

Bai blinded that handsome and handsome face.

Tsk tsk, give him your face, he can go out every day.

Zeng Lin had a boring discussion and went back to his room, not in a hurry to fall asleep. He took his mobile phone and asked about the camellia in the group, and soon someone gave him a simple popular science.

Unfortunately, no one knows what a camellia looks like.


Noon the next day.

Chacha did not expect that an uninvited guest came to her apartment.

She herself was very shocked!

She just ordered a takeaway.

Not long after, the doorbell rang.

Chacha pondered that the speed of this takeout was quite fast.

She walked over and opened the door.

In the end, what I saw was not the takeaway, but the face of Lu Huaizhi!

Chacha, "???"

Lu Huaizhi was very excited when he saw her.

"Chacha! I finally found you, listen to me, there must be a misunderstanding between us, and the misunderstanding can be explained clearly..."

Cha Cha looked at Lu Huaizhi who was trying to rush into his apartment and kicked him.

"Do you know what your current behavior is called? It's called trespassing!"

Lu Huaizhi clutched his kicked belly and got up with difficulty, "Chacha, shall we sit down and talk? If you have something to say, don't do anything."

Cha Cha lowered his head slightly, "Then tell me, how did you know that I live here?"

In the current time line, the original owner and Lu Huaizhi have met several times, but the original owner did not tell Lu Huaizhi his specific address at all.

Lu Huaizhi couldn't have followed it here accurately.

Lu Huaizhi's eyes flashed, but he didn't answer the question.

"Chacha." He shouted extremely aggrieved.

Cha Cha suddenly got goosebumps, reached out and closed the door.

At the same time, I contacted the security of the community to shoot people away.

(end of this chapter)