Chapter 1645: Game Love (5)

Chapter 1645 Game Love (5)

The security of the community was very fast, and after a few minutes, Lu Huaizhi was kicked out.

When the doorbell rang again, it was her takeaway.

However, Chacha still couldn't understand the fact that Lu Huaizhi knew her address.

I don't understand why Lu Huaizhi knew her address.

His thoughts were a little messy.

Chacha turned on the live broadcast and found the live broadcast room of Galaxy.

His live broadcast time doesn’t seem to be fixed, and he is very free.

Just like now, just in time.

If I hadn’t suddenly remembered to turn on the live broadcast, I would have missed his live broadcast again.

stared at the live broadcast for a while.

Cha Cha took a wave of gifts.

She keenly noticed that on the screen, the game character being manipulated seemed to pause for a second.

With Chacha swiping gifts in the live broadcast room.

Many fans screamed on the barrage.

After all, for fans, there is no harm in having one more kryptonite.

There are even fans who carefully give Chacha popular science on the barrage.

Chacha is very satisfied with this.

What a bunch of cute little fans.

At that time, Lu Huaizhi was holding a trumpet in the live broadcast room of Xinghe.

At this moment, I saw Xiao Cha brushing gifts for Xinghe.

The anger on his face was even greater.

First kicked him, and then asked the community security to kick him out.

He has never been so humiliated.

However, Xiao Cha still gave Xinghe gifts without any scruples? It was simply throwing his face on the ground and stomping on it hard.

He couldn't swallow this breath.

The phone rang suddenly.

Lu Huaizhi opened WeChat to read the news.

was sent by Xiao Cha's roommate Qin Manli.

When    met Xiao Cha before, Qin Manli appeared once, and he added WeChat.

Unexpectedly, it really came in handy.

Qin Manli: Have you resolved the misunderstanding with Chacha?

Lu Huaizhi immediately began to sell miserably when he saw this news.

He could vaguely feel that Qin Manli was very fond of him.


made a WeChat call directly.

Lu Huaizhi said what happened just now in a choked voice.

"I really don't know what I'm doing wrong."

"Why didn't she even give me a chance to explain?"

"Even if you really don't like me, there's no need to spend money to push me from the first place to the tenth place."

"Everyone is watching my jokes now."

"I don't even know if I can continue to broadcast in the future, I'm sorry for my fans, I'm sorry for you who helped me in this difficult situation."

Lu Huaizhi cried, which made Qin Manli feel more distressed.

"Don't worry, Chacha people are very good, but they are a little willful. It must be because there is a misunderstanding that has not been resolved. I will find a way to help you, don't worry..."

Qin Manli and Lu Huaizhi finished the phone call.

Holding the phone tightly.

had a little nervousness on his face, and a bit of inexplicable excitement.

no one knows.

She has liked Lu Huaizhi for a long time.

As soon as Lu Huaizhi was broadcasting live, she noticed him.

She usually doesn't watch live broadcasts or play games.

I noticed Lu Huaizhi because someone reposted Lu Huaizhi's related videos in the circle of friends.

At a glance, she fell.

Then he followed the message and found Lu Huaizhi's live broadcast room.

I often watch his live broadcasts alone, or watch his live broadcasts late at night.

She always thought she was very far away from him.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Cha knew him.

also successfully added to his WeChat.

No one knew how excited she was at that time.

Watching Xiao Cha brush gifts for him, she would also be jealous.

But in addition to being jealous, she is also very happy. The more gifts you buy, the better it will be for Lu Huaizhi.

But she didn't expect that Xiao Cha would fall out with Lu Huaizhi.

Xiao Cha is very rich and rich.

Even if the money for those gifts is huge for you.

But Xiao Cha doesn't care about the money for gifts.

Just want to be happy.

but now.

Xiao Cha hurt Lu Huaizhi.

This is an opportunity, an opportunity for her to get into a relationship with Lu Huaizhi.

Even though she was very dissatisfied with what Xiao Cha did.

However, she had to find a way to clear up the misunderstanding between the two of them.

Because Xiao Cha is too powerful.

If he wants to fight with Lu Huaizhi to the end, Lu Huaizhi may still be suppressed for those live broadcast events in the future.


Chacha didn't know, and didn't expect that the person who told Lu Huaizhi her address would be Qin Manli.

Chacha is still pondering how to get closer to Galaxy.

She swiped so many gifts, and Xinghe just said thank you, but other anchors came to chat with her privately, and the hints were very obvious.

She thought for a moment.

Can't go on like this.

Be proactive.

Qiqi was a little puzzled, [Isn't the host already taking the initiative? 】Are all kinds of gift-giving behaviors not counted?

Chacha did not answer Qiqi.

Open the game page.

Log in to the Big Camellia, then search for the game name of Galaxy, and apply to be added as a friend.

Um? ? ?

Galaxy blocked the friend request function?

chacha, “…”

Think about it too.

Galaxy's game name appears every day in the live broadcast room.

If you don't block the friend application, it is estimated that a bunch of people will come to add him as a game friend every day.

Chacha looked at the game page in frustration.

at this time.

The phone rang.

is an unfamiliar number.

Chacha pressed to answer, and the other party directly indicated his identity.

"Is that Miss Xiao? I'm the person in charge of the X live broadcast platform. Miss Xiao performed well in the activities held by X live broadcast and contributed to the live broadcast...

Therefore, our platform specially invites you to attend this event party. "

is over.

The other party seems to be afraid of Chacha's rejection.


"At this event party, the top ten anchors in the game area will participate, and Galaxy will also come."

I have to say that the information thrown by the other party is indeed very tempting.

Chacha gave Galaxy so much money.

Now have a chance to meet, I will definitely not miss this opportunity.

was worried about not having the chance to see the galaxy.

Immediately someone brought the opportunity.

Chacha didn't hesitate, "Okay, send me the time and place."

The other party was obviously relieved.

immediately sent an electronic invitation letter.

The time is tomorrow night.

Chacha asked about the process again.

The other party added Chacha's WeChat.

A brief introduction.

The process of    is very simple. First, the people from the live broadcast platform will give the opening remarks, then there will be a few more programs, and then the awards will be given.

Finally, Cha Cha asked again, has Xinghe participated in this kind of event before?

The other party: This is the first time to participate in the event party.

Chacha was very relieved.

It seems that it is because of her that Xinghe will attend this party.

Cha Cha went to the closet in a good mood and picked out a dress for a while.

The first time I saw Xinghe, I wanted to make a good impression on him.


The expectant little girl did not know that it was not so.


An apartment.

Zeng Lin was looking at Xinghe in shock.

"Didn't you show your face or attend any party on the live broadcast platform? Why did you suddenly want to attend this time?"

Xinghe, "Camellia will also participate, go see her."

Zeng Lin, "??? Is your cycads blooming?"

Xinghe gave him a cold look.

"Let her give up on me as soon as possible, don't give me more gifts, it's annoying."

Camellia: QAQ~

(end of this chapter)