Chapter 1646: Game Love (6)

Chapter 1646 Game Love (6)


Qin Manli came back earlier than usual.

When she came in, Cha Cha was in the living room hugging a pillow and chasing the drama.

Qin Manli pursed her lips.

is a little unhappy.

She works so hard, and the money she earns is only enough for daily life.

And Xiao Cha doesn’t have to do anything, but he can spend money like running water.

This world is really unfair!

If she were to be reincarnated, she might be sitting there now.

Qin Manli quickly adjusted her mind.

She bought fruit and snacks.

went to Cha Cha and sat down with a gentle attitude.

"Chacha, I bought some of your favorite fruits and snacks."

She carefully placed it on the coffee table.

Cha Cha tilted his head and looked at Qin Manli.


Qin Manli shook her head.

"Nothing, just bought something to thank you."

Let’s talk about Lu Huaizhi by the way.

Her hands hanging by her side tightened the corners of her clothes.

"Chacha, didn't you really like Lu Huaizhi before?"

Cha Cha, who was seriously chasing the drama, heard this and shifted his attention to Qin Manli.

"You also said, that was before, now is now, some things and some people will have a deadline."

Cha Cha's eyes turned cold.

She is not stupid.

Qin Manli is giving fruit again and mentioning Lu Huaizhi.

It was easy for her to think of something.

Qin Manli was choked.

The anger that had been hidden in his eyes was ignited.

"Even if you don't like Lu Huaizhi.

There is no need to deliberately suppress him!

He managed to climb to the first place, but you gave gifts to other people, and he fell out of the top ten.

For you, it may just be a question of whether you are in a good mood or not, but for Lu Huaizhi, it is a major event related to his career! "

Chacha, "???" doesn't have to be so innocent.

How did Lu Huaizhi get the first place, don't you have a clue?

She squinted at Qin Manli.

didn't answer her question, but spoke lightly.

"Do you like Lu Huaizhi?"

was poked at the center.

Qin Manli's expression changed.


I just think you are being unfair to Lu Huaizhi.

I think you should reconcile with him and apologize to him. If you hadn't suddenly turned against the tide, Lu Huaizhi would have been the first in this event. "

Chacha looked at Qin Manli's natural appearance.

almost laughed.

It seems that because of her appearance, she took action against Lu Huaizhi, which caused Qin Manli to reveal her true nature.

Well, I guess Qin Manli was dissatisfied with the original owner before.

"It is impossible to apologize.

Student Qin, as your roommate, let me remind you.

Look at people not just on the surface. "

Qin Manli subconsciously took the seat.

thinks this is Xiao Cha mocking himself.

"I'm not as rich as you, I'm poor, but I know what I'm doing, you're nothing more than better than me.

became a rich man, ignorant of the sufferings of the world.

But you can't kill other people's efforts.

You can't even disdain the efforts of others!

You don’t know how to cherish because everything is too easy to get! "

Qin Manli couldn't hold back and vented the dissatisfaction in her chest.

Chacha looked at Qin Manli indifferently, "???"

looks like an honest person, but in fact, resentment has grown wildly in her heart.

She wanted to say that Lu Huaizhi was a scumbag and a liar, but seeing Qin Manli like this, she suddenly felt that there was no need to explain.


Chacha thought of something.

frowned and asked, "Has Lu Huaizhi contacted you?"

Qin Manli, "What does my business have to do with you?"

Chacha, "Oh, I forgot to mention that Lu Huaizhi is a scumbag. If he is deceived by him in the future, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Qin Manli's chest heaved violently with anger.

"It's enough!

Lu Huaizhi is a hundred times better than you!

He will not lie, he cherishes everyone. "

Cha Cha, "...then wish you good luck?"

Since Qin Manli is so blind, what else can she say?

Feeding the unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, she doesn't need to bother.

Besides, what should be reminded has already been reminded.

Benevolence to righteousness.

Chacha got up and pointed to the fruits and snacks on the coffee table, and said lightly.

"I can't bear these things of yours, take them away."

Qin Manli's eyes were red.

reached out and carried the things away, and went directly back to the bedroom.

The door was slammed shut by her.

as if to show her anger.

Cha Cha touched his nose, "..."

Something seems wrong.

Oh, this is her apartment, not Qin Manli's.

Cha Cha walked over, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Soon, Qin Manli came over and opened the bedroom door.

looked at Cha Cha with bad eyes.

"doing what?"

Chacha, "Oh, I just want to remind you that the apartment is mine. Don't slam the door at every turn. If you break the door, trouble."

Qin Manli, "...You, you are too deceiving! I'll move out from you now!"

Deceiving too much?


She didn't even do anything to Qin Manli.

How can    be called too much deceiving?



Chacha still said one more sentence, "You don't need to move out now, it's very late, let's move tomorrow."

Qin Manli stared at her with wide eyes, "..."

Actually let yourself move out?

Qin Manli stood there.

I regret it at the moment.

The words were said only in a moment.

Now that I think about it, I regret it.

She moves out, where does she live?

No place to live.

On the company's side, she hasn't turned into a regular, she's still in the x-internship period, the school is not good, and she can't go back.

If you take the salary in your hand to rent a house, you will have a hard life.

But now that she was asked to apologize, she couldn't open her mouth, Qin Manli silently returned to the bedroom, her tears couldn't stop falling.

She was right.

Xiao Cha does everything based on mood!

has no respect for anyone at all.

Not long.

Lu Huaizhi sent Qin Manli a message and asked how she was doing.

Qin Manli recounted her quarrel with Xiao Cha aggrievedly, and she said a few more words, saying that she was kicked out of the apartment by Xiao Cha and would have no place to live tomorrow.

Lu Huaizhi was silent for a while.

Qin Manli stared at the phone, her little heart slowly cooling down.

Suddenly, the phone rang again.

Lu Huaizhi: I'm sorry, because of my affairs, I made you and Xiao Cha have a bad relationship. So, do me a favor tomorrow, let me meet and talk with Xiao Cha, and I will explain it to her. After all, Anyway, I can't take my anger on you about my affairs with her. If it doesn't work, I will solve your accommodation problem.

Qin Manli was very moved when she saw these words.

Xiao Cha actually said bad things about Lu Huaizhi, obviously Lu Huaizhi was the best person, gentle and considerate, and offered a helping hand when she was in danger...

Immediately afterwards, Qin Manli and Lu Huaizhi agreed on a meeting time.

Then, Qin Manli fell asleep holding the phone.

Master bedroom on the other side.

Chacha entered the live broadcast room of Galaxy again.

Qiqi asked in a low voice, [Why don't Qin Manli move out tonight? A person like her is not worth your kindness to her, she is just an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. 】

Cha Cha, "It's getting late, and she will delay my sleep by moving out now."

Seventy-seven, "..." makes sense.

(end of this chapter)