Chapter 1650: Game Love (10)

Chapter 1650 Game Love (10)

The deputy manager quickly realized that the person in front of him was not something he could offend.

Xiao Hang of Xiao Group.

The Xiao family is not an ordinary wealthy family.

Among the giants in City A, the Xiao family is at the forefront.

If this is Xiao Hang's daughter...

I am afraid that the entire live broadcast platform is not enough for her to play.

Mr. Fu, who was just lifted up next to him, stumbled under his feet and almost fell to the ground.

Mr. Hu, who was with him, looked Chacha up and down.

asked unwillingly, "You said your father is Xiao Hang, is that really Xiao Hang? Who knows if you deliberately changed Xiao Hang's name to scare us?"

Cha Cha smiled at Mr. Hu.

"If I were you, I would quickly leave with my tail tucked in at times like this, instead of making myself uncomfortable.

What happened today has nothing to do with you, you have to get together.

I didn't expect that you have such a good relationship with this Mr. Fu. Probably this is called gathering of similar things, and people are divided into groups. "

Mr. Hu turned blue with anger.

I can't wait to fight on the spot.


Chacha is surrounded by eight tall bodyguards.

Mr. Hu is not physically fit, the bodyguard can punch twice.

For this time.

Chacha also doesn't want to hold on to it.

She came here just to see Xinghe.

I haven't seen Xinghe yet, but the result is a bunch of bad things.

She waved at the deputy manager beside her, "Throw the two of them out."

The deputy manager hesitated for a moment.

In just a split second, two bodyguards brought by Chacha stood up, each carrying one.

What Mr. Hu paid for Mr. Hu directly took out here.

Didn't you just drive her out?

Tsk, you can't be too low-key.

The deputy manager stood there, bewildered, "..." What kind of luck he is.

He has already had the general manager notified.

is just not knowing how things will turn out.

The daughter of the Xiao Group, they don't dare to offend!


The general manager of the company hurried over.

Compared with this, the general manager is much more stable.

It's just that they can't confirm Cha Cha's identity yet. After all, they have never met the daughter of the Xiao family.

Chacha opened a video call to Xiao Hang in front of the general manager.

Although the general manager didn't say it, she knew that these people still had doubts about her identity.

Xiao Hang answered the phone and glanced at the scene behind his daughter in the video.

The first sentence is a very straightforward question.

"Didn't you go to the party? Why did you remember to start a video with me?"

"This general manager wants to have a word with you." Cha Cha replied with a smile.

She moved her mobile phone slightly, just in time, turned the general manager's face to the mobile phone, and had a video call with Xiao Hang.

The general manager's legs were weak on the spot.

Although I haven't really seen Xiao Hang.

However, Xiao Hang’s photos or interviews are often seen on the phone.

recognized it at a glance.

"Mr. Xiao, Miss Xiao came to the party, and the people under her were not well entertained. I hope you don't blame me."

Xiao Hang's face sank.

Does this mean that he neglected his daughter?

Xiao Hang, "What company are you from?"

General manager,"…………"

Cha Cha immediately moved back to the phone and took the lead, "I'm here to play, you don't want to buy other companies, can you manage so many companies?"

Xiao Hang touched his nose.

"It's okay, and your brother.

I bought this company, can you use it to practice your hands? Doesn't the school arrange internships? You don't have a job right now, so take this time to learn how to run a company.

You think, you have spent a lot of money on this live streaming platform recently.

If you become a boss in the future, won’t the money still be in your hands?

Daughter, are you excited? happy? Think about it, isn't it cool? "

General Manager + Deputy Manager, "..."

and the remaining kryptonite bigwigs standing beside them, "..."

Oh, sorry, we don't deserve to be in this position.

The real krypton gold boss is here, we dare not make a mistake.

This kind of thing about buying a company on a horse is like drinking water and eating.

They were wrong.

Cha Cha looked at Xiao Hang's smiling face and had to say that she was really moved.

Acquired this company, and she became the boss of Xinghe directly.

By the way, he also became Lu Huai's boss! ! !

Isn't that how you want to abuse him, just abuse him?

It’s cool to think about it.

Moreover, she really has nothing to do in this plane.

There is a company in hand, and you can also make money to buy and buy.

Money is not too much for anyone.

Chacha nodded earnestly, "Okay! Then listen to you!"

Xiao Hang laughed very happily.

My daughter finally knows that she is busy with her career.

"Dad, don't worry, when I make money, I will return the acquisition funds to you~"

"Hey, my dear daughter, I will ask someone to draw up an acquisition plan." Xiao Hang said he would do it.

Since the daughter nodded in agreement.

The owner of this live broadcast platform must be his daughter!

Cha Cha hung up the video call and looked at the phone happily.

It's good that my father has money!

The general manager and the deputy manager stood there with smiles on their faces.

Time to get closer to your future boss.

No one thought that things would develop to this point.

Cha Cha looked around.

It's getting late.

The matter on her side has been delayed for so long, and I don't know if it will affect the progress of the party.

The general manager and the deputy manager were going to ask the few krypton gold bosses who didn't leave to change their positions, but they didn't want to, Chacha stopped them.

wrote lightly, "Don't be like this, the two of you. If I become your boss in the future, then these few are the financiers who have created profits for our company. Treat them well. How can we offend the financiers?"

General Manager, "Miss Xiao is really broad-minded!"

The deputy manager sang along with them.

This scene is almost invisible.

Having experienced this, no one dares to offend this big guy again.

When she was unhappy, she rushed to spend money to buy a company. Who would dare to provoke her?

They are all petty people, they can’t afford to offend…

This episode was quickly turned over.

Fortunately, except for the few 'Krypton Gold Bosses', no one else has been seated.

And then a few staff members or something, and beyond that, no one knows exactly what happened.

The general manager explained a few words not to talk nonsense, and naturally it passed.

As for the people outside the venue, they are still watching the show, wondering why the two big guys were thrown out?

They all had a good look on their faces, as if they wanted to know what happened.

Unfortunately, none of the staff dared to open their mouths.

Just kidding, unless you don't want to work anymore.

Even such a big company can be bought at will, not to mention the little shrimp like them?

No one dares to offend anyone.

Ten minutes later.

Everyone took their seats.

Enter the opening remarks of the party.

Chacha uses small privileges.

Got the seating chart from the assistant manager.

Then found the location of the galaxy.

There is no one next to the galaxy.

So, Cha Cha slowly came to the location of Xinghe.

At that time, Xinghe had just taken his seat.

With just one glance, Cha Cha recognized it.

No wonder that the live broadcast of Xinghe did not show his face. If he did, he would be screamed by fans in the live broadcast room to the point of collapse.

(end of this chapter)