Chapter 1651: Game Love (11)

Chapter 1651 Game Love (11)

Xinghe noticed that there were more people beside him, and looked at him indifferently.

Being stared at is not unfamiliar.

Since he appeared at this party, he has been stared at by many people.

I feel a little more irritable inexplicably.

In the bottom of my heart, I was a little more tired of the camellia I had never seen before.

If it wasn't for the camellia, he wouldn't be at the party at all.

Xinghe raised his head and looked at the person beside him.

The little girl was wearing a dress, tall and tall, with a face as white as jade.

His eyes are clear and translucent that he rarely sees.

A little nervousness appeared on her pretty little face.

Immediately afterwards, the little girl slowly sat beside him in his sight.

Galaxy retracted his sight.

still looked indifferent.

He was waiting, waiting for the camellia to come to him.

He spent so much money for him, and the person in charge gave him another hint.

That camellia will definitely come over.

What he has to do is to make it clear to the person that he will not accept whatever the person's purpose is.


Xinghe found that there was a line of sight staring at him.

He turned his head and looked at the little girl beside him.

under her unblinking gaze.

Xinghe opened his mouth expressionlessly.


Cha Cha smiled and looked innocent.

"Hello, my name is Xiao Cha, I like your live broadcast very much."

The sentence    almost made Xinghe misunderstood.

He hummed lightly, looked away, and continued to look ahead.

Galaxy's attitude did not persuade Cha Cha.

After a few minutes.

Xinghe tilted his head to look at her again, "Don't stare at me all the time, okay?"

Chacha oh.

She blinked and asked him in a low voice, "I said no, can I?"

Xinghe seemed to be a little unhappy between his brows.

"Would you be happy if I kept staring at you, watching you like a thing?"

The voice was vaguely impatient.

Chacha listened to him.

nodded subconsciously, "I'm glad, you can treat me like a baby and keep staring at me, I don't mind."

Even, Chacha's eyes welled up a little eager to try.

seems to be saying: Come on!

Galaxy, "..."

He snorted coldly and didn't look at her again.

If you can’t say it, then don’t say it.

In order to prevent Xinghe from being unhappy, Chacha restrained a lot.

He used his peripheral vision to look at Xinghe quietly, and he was very careful all the way. In the end, he was not discovered by him.

Chacha heaved a sigh of relief.

I knew it earlier, so I secretly watched it.

However, the male protagonist of this plane looks very difficult to approach.


The    party soon entered the process of awarding awards.

As the first place in this event, Xinghe is naturally the finale.

From 10th to 4th.

is the third and second place.

until the number one Galaxy.

When the host recited the name above, many people talked curiously.

You must know that Galaxy has never attended the company's party.

This time, it actually appeared?

Some people even took out their mobile phones out of curiosity and wanted to take pictures.

After all, many people want to see what Xinghe, the most mysterious anchor of the live broadcast platform, looks like.

Is he a handsome little brother as rumored?

Furthermore, there are many anchors who came to the party.

These anchors often discuss together in private.

If he is really a handsome little brother, why never show his face?

Compared to rumors.

More people think that the galaxy looks ordinary.

Otherwise, it will not be too late to show up.

These discussions soon stopped abruptly.

There was a moment of silence throughout the party, eerily quiet.

Everyone's eyes were drawn to the man who slowly walked up to the stage.

The man is tall and slender, with a noble and cold air all over his body, and his face is even more rare, even the top streamers in the entertainment industry can't compare with it.

He is... Galaxy?

It wasn't until the host gave a brief introduction to Xinghe that everyone's thoughts were pulled back.

The anchors looked at the man silently.

Live broadcast with this face, even if he does nothing, there will be a bunch of people throwing money at him...

Obviously you can rely on your face to eat, but you have to rely on strength.

is really enviable!

Galaxy is the first place in this event, there is a crystal trophy, and a certificate.

Xinghe stood on the podium, and his emotions did not fluctuate.

It's just, slightly puzzled.

That camellia didn't come to him?

Are you planning to let the person in charge of the company take him there?

At this moment, his thoughts were disrupted.

Just listen to the host say, "Next, we will invite Camellia, a newcomer from our live broadcast platform, to present an award to the host of Galaxy. Let us welcome her with the warmest applause!"

After the words fell, the whole party scene was silent again.

streamers, "???"

Camellia gave Xinghe an award. This operation... seems to be no problem.

However, thinking of Xinghe has a face that is indignant.

And that camellia is probably a middle-aged greasy uncle or a middle-aged woman...

They suddenly began to sympathize with Xinghe.

How could Camellia be so embarrassed to attack Xinghe?

Until a girl in a small dress walked slowly to the stage, and the lights moved with her footsteps.

Under the light, the dress had a shimmering light, which made the already delicate little face even more perfect.

this moment.

The anchors who attended the party felt that their young minds seemed to be hurt.

"???" Is this horse riding a camellia?

This horse is a krypton gold boss?

Looks better than one!

Even if she stood beside Xinghe, she was not robbed in the slightest.

The two of them stood together, it was absolutely amazing.

is like a visual feast.

Cha Cha held the crystal trophy in both hands and sent it to Xinghe.

Xinghe's expressionless face finally changed.

She is Camellia? ? ?

That camellia who gave himself a lot of money?

Galaxy, "..."

The calm state of mind was stirred up.

It turned out that she had been by his side since he was seated.

It's just that he didn't think about it. He didn't expect that this young girl would be a kryptonite.

If I had prepared it in my heart, I suddenly couldn’t say it.

He silently took the trophy.

The host is very good at rounding up the field. He knows that Xinghe is reluctant to talk too much, and he controls the field all the way.

Cha Cha and Xing He left the stage together.


Cha Cha followed behind the galaxy.

Xinghe took a step, she followed a step.

is like a small tail.

Galaxy stopped suddenly.

Chacha didn't have time to take back his steps, and slammed into his back with a plop.


Galaxy was stiff.

He turned his head slowly, his expression returning to his previous indifference, "Why are you following me?"

Cha Cha retorted with a guilty conscience, "I-I didn't follow you, just this way, don't go this way, where do you go?"

Xinghe's voice was cold, "Don't give me gifts in the future, no matter what your purpose is."

Hearing this, Cha Cha was obviously stunned.

"I gave you a gift, are you not happy?"

Xinghe hesitated for a moment, and became a little more euphemistic when he wanted to say that sentence.

"It will trouble me."

Originally, he wanted to say: You are annoying.

But he couldn't bear to say it.

(end of this chapter)