Chapter 1652: Game Love (12)

Chapter 1652 Game Love (12)

Chacha obviously doesn't understand the meaning of Xinghe.

She tilted her head and asked suspiciously.

"Will it bother you if I send you money?"

Xinghe's expressionless face is a bit more complicated.

"Do you really understand or pretend you don't understand?"

The indifferent voice sounded emotionless.

Chacha thought about it seriously.

suddenly realized.

"Don't you think I want you to sleep with me?"

Chacha looked at Xinghe, how could he have such an impure idea! ! !

Xinghe's eyes flashed.

He only felt embarrassed that this kind of thing was said so bluntly by her.

Fortunately, there is no one here.

Oh, that's not right, it seems that this corridor is blocked by several bodyguards in black.

He didn't care about this little detail.

It doesn't hurt him that the conversation is not overheard.

Cha Cha looked innocently at the galaxy.

"You think too much, I just like watching you play games, and I haven't graduated yet. I'm a decent daughter, so I wouldn't do anything like finding someone to sleep with."

Xinghe silently looked at the little girl in front of him.

This is a serious statement, but something is not quite right.

Daughter of a serious family, will the word accompany sleep be on his lips?

But, the little girl in front of me looks too innocent.

He reluctantly believed her words.

"Since you don't have that idea, I'll go first."

Cha Cha raised his hand and grabbed the corner of his clothes.

"But, the party isn't over yet? Next, we'll have a meal together."

The soft and waxy voice was full of confusion.

Xinghe felt a little upset for some reason.

"Not interested in."

The voice uttered three words in an extremely indifferent voice.

Having dinner with the group of unfamiliar people, he could guess what would happen.

is nothing more than all kinds of hypocrisy, temptation, or unpleasant words...

Xinghe crossed Chacha and left without looking back.

Chacha's reaction was a tad slower, but after he had reacted, he hurriedly followed.

Xinghe is gone, so she doesn't need to stay here any longer.

When    left, he was stopped by the deputy manager.

"Miss Xiao, next..."

Cha Cha, "Not interested."

Deputy Manager, "..." I haven't finished yet! Hey.

Chacha is really not interested in people or things that he doesn't care about.

out of the hotel.

Xinghe stood indifferently at the door.

Cha Cha took small steps and slowly moved to the side of the galaxy.

"Why are you standing here?"

Galaxy, "Wait for you."

Cha Cha was stunned for a while, those beautiful eyes lit up, "? Wait for me? Why are you waiting for me?"

Galaxy looked away from her face.

"Wait for you to go first, there are so many roads, you can't take the same one by coincidence."

Cha Cha's expression darkened instantly.

Oh, I dislike her following him.

So let her go first, she can't follow him.

is really ruthless!

At this moment, a car stopped in front of Xinghe.

The car window slowly fell, and a head stuck out from the car.


Cha Cha heaved a sigh of relief after seeing that the man was a man.

Fortunately, it's not a girl.

The man's gaze fell from Xinghe to Chacha, as if he had discovered a new continent.

The man looked at Chacha with a smile.

"Such a beautiful girl, does she have a boyfriend?"

Chacha looked at him, "Not yet, but it will be soon."

"That's not it yet." Zeng Lin glanced at Xinghe.

"Why don't I introduce you to one? What do you think the man around you looks like? He doesn't have a girlfriend and he is single for ten thousand years. I think you are a good fit." very suitable.

The two stood together, without violating the harmony.

is just enough to form a visual feast.

Cha Cha followed his gaze to the galaxy beside him.

"Shut up." Xinghe glared at Zeng Lin with a cold face, took a few steps forward and got into the car.

Zeng Lin didn't think there was any problem at all.

Even, continue to strike up a conversation.

"Little sister, how did you meet my cousin? Where are you going? Will my cousin send you?"

Chacha, "!!!" Galaxy's cousin?

That is relatives.

Chacha nodded without hesitation.

"Then I'll trouble my cousin."

Chacha was afraid that Xinghe would not let her in the car, so she quickly climbed up.

Just right, both of them were sitting in the back seat.

Zeng Lin sighed with a look of resentment, "Is my co-pilot so empty?"

Cha Cha replied with a smile, "Cousin's co-pilot, of course, has to match a beauty."

Zeng Lin turned his head in shock, "...My younger brother and sister are very discerning."

Chacha, "Cousin is also very discerning."

The first time we met, I had to match her with Xinghe, and I called her younger brother and sister. I couldn't find anyone with more vision than him.

Xinghe looked at the two people indifferently and praised each other in business.

"Are you finished talking?"

"No wonder you've been single." Zeng Lin shook his head speechlessly.

Fortunately, he was witty and picked up a younger brother and sister here.

"Brother and sister, tell me the address."


Cha Cha suddenly fell into thought.

The apartment next to the school, she doesn't plan to go back to live again.

As soon as I go back, I will think of that dog thing Lu Huaizhi.

"Find any hotel and take me there." She said, a bit of displeasure in her voice.

"Hotel? Aren't you going home?" Zeng Lin asked subconsciously.

After asking, I felt that my question was overstepped.

Speaking of this.

Cha Cha immediately looked unhappy.

"I originally had an apartment near the school, but an uneasy and well-meaning dog hid my door card and elevator card in secret!!! They even installed surveillance equipment in my living room!"

Zeng Lin was a little shocked, "???Have you called the police?"

"No... I forgot."

Cha Cha looked at Zeng Lin blankly, she was really angry and forgot.

Forgot to call the police.

Zeng Lin quickly warned him a few words.

The little girl looks innocent, cute and deceiving.

was easily abducted, and I don’t know which dog man will be cheaper in the future.

As for Galaxy?


For ten thousand years, he has no hope for Xinghe.

Soon, the two of them started talking.

Zeng Lin is very good at finding topics. From beginning to end, Xinghe sat in the back, silently listening.

Until Cha Cha said, "I'm not an anchor, I'm here to present an award to Xinghe as a krypton gold boss."

Zeng Lin, "Krypton gold boss??? Which boss are you?"

Chacha, "Camellia."

Zeng Lin was suddenly silent.

He frequently looked at Xinghe, and then at the camellia boss.

looks like…

The little girl is not very sad. Could it be that Xinghe hasn't told her those few words yet?

Zeng Lin fell into a state of daze.

I don't quite understand what happened at this party.

Speaking of krypton gold, Zeng Lin is also a melon eater.

accidentally mentioned Lu Huaizhi.

To mention Lu Huaizhi is like stepping on Chacha's little tail.

Lu Huai knew that dog thing, and she directly told about the apartment angrily.

Zeng Lin was greatly shocked, "Lu Huaizhi is the dog who hides your door card?"

Cha Cha, "Yeah, he knew the classmate who lived with me, that female classmate, and it's hard to say anything, forget it, let's not talk about it, anyway, now that I kicked people out, it's just the thought of Lu Huaizhi entering my apartment. , I'm sick."

Zeng Lin did not expect that Lu Huaizhi could actually do such a thing.

is really disgusting.

(end of this chapter)